Keep pretending that you're not some kind of white supremacist...

Keep pretending that you're not some kind of white supremacist, bigoted asshole who takes positive glee in dehumanising others for that very terrible crime of how they were born, who take great exception to someone else standing up for basic human decency, compassion and empathy.

Keep doing that. Let us see how far you will get with that, in a society that will forever move towards greater acceptance, understanding and humanity.

That was my rant. Stick it up your jumper.

Now go away, would you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Keep pretending that we actually give a fuck about your feelings while you wait in line at the crematory, phaggot.

Show flag you western liberal trash

lol mr edgy is here

Racism isn't going away. So long as they continue to flood every decent place in the world with low-IQ, violent, brown, ugly, leches, racism among whites is only going to increase exponentially!!!!!!

Especially since their diversity agenda spares no one. No area in the Western world is safe from the brown hordes, if the government happens to find your solidly white area, it will be made "vibrant" whether you like it or not. Remember lefties, this is what you WANTED. No release valve, no break from the minority fatigue, no escape. You must be constantly surrounded by brown people who hate you and be lectured by shabbos goyim and jews that you're evil and need to be replaced. Either whites push back or become hated minorities, and I can't think of a single point in history where an entire racial or ethnic group literally suicideed itself because they were convinced it was their moral obligation.

This scares the lefties. You either choose between national socialism in a homogeneous society or 3rd worldist capitalism with a white wealth redistribution service.
The left has been non-stop brainwashing Westerns for the past 50 years and more, and only half of the population actually believes in their bullshit. The solution to rising white racism and populism won't be solved with more lectures, more op-eds, and more finger waving from lefties. Either you let whites have their sovereignty back or face war and death. It is impossible to go back, lefties. Now start damage controlling, reversing your policies, or book a flight to pissreal and never come back.

>keep pretending that you're not a white supremacist
im not pretending
im a national socialist
and i hate niggers and jews like you


I wouldnt mind what a bunch of losers say on a jewish psyop board user. Its just children jumping up and down in a shallow puddle crying. It has no meaning whatsoever. The moment they leave their basements they are normal human beings. What people say on (((pol))) does not represent real life in the slightest

I'm a racist.
You're a racist.
EVERYONE is a racist.


I just don't agree with deracination in pursuit of misguided universalism. In many ways I'm a racist because I value diversity. Nothing good comes of trying to deny people who they are; people would far more easily respect and live alongside one another if we all had a positive conception of our respective people and culture than if we try, despite all contradiction, to keep up the illusion that we're fundamentally the same.

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user... you must be confused
I can only speak for myself, but I have spent the last decade+ waiting for the day that you faggot communists try violent action
I spent high school and college listening to failed loser teachers and professors, my hopelessly brainwashed peers, the media, hollywood, and all normies shit on Christianity, shit on America, shit on the Right wing and conservatives
I used to try to win lefties over, to reason with you, I used to want everyone to live happily together and not bother anyone
but after the last few years, what I really want goes so far beyond being "willing to kill"
if you faggot retards ever actually manage to pull something big and dangerous enough to bring people like me out to risk everything I have, you will wish that we are only willing to kill
I am willing and frothing at the mouth to not just kill you traitors and faggot crybullies but to make sure future generations for hundreds of years will tell horror stories of what happened to the brave antifascist activists when the white man finally stood up
if you aren't afraid of being made a celebrity, you truly don't understand what you're up against
do you know why white pride and white identity are so discouraged?
because the world knows what happens when the benevolent white man is backed into a corner facing his own destruction
we will literally eat you alive
go watch some vids on bestgore from the cartels or brazilian prisons, because when shtf, I promise you user, my goal is to make those videos seem like child's play for what faggots like you have done to this country, to the world, to innocent children
you are so naive and unprepared it's almost tragic

Oh you wish right wing thoughts came about because we're just mean and nasty and pick on dem poor wickle innocent brown peepul. You're evil for pushing that bullshit and anyone who believes that's all it boils down to is a fucking imbecile. As you're racist towards white people you should fuck off out of every single nation we created, because guaranteed, your meme flag is hiding one of ours.

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But I'm not pretending. I'm pretty open about it.

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I do think that way and we are getting far. That's why you're scared and trying to censor us. You can't stop what we've become. And ironically you created us. You'll hang first meme flag kike

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Go away faggot

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I'm racist because it's in my interest and not supremacist. None of the things in op is bad except this idea that whites should stop doing what all the other races are doing. I see racism from various races all the time but it never gets the same amount of attention. None of the so called "hate speech" bans laws,etc are used against dangerous isis shit or blacks calling for the death of whites. Nope just them evil "nazis" which in liberal left land means anyone to the right of Marx. Their is obviously a well funded and organized attempt at attacking whites, males especially. White men have no choice but to group up into larger and larger groups and support our own interests more directly. White identity politics is coming eventually.

have this (you) and remove your memeflag.

This Charlottesville bullshit is controlled opposition and is bad optics for us.

It gives Jews the justification to be even more heavy handed in the media with us. Then stricter laws are justified to further strip our freedoms and arrest us and import more 3rd worlders.

You need to start outsmarting these globalists and not playing into their hands that make you stupid and ineffectual.

Charlottesville was a blight on our movement and has set us back.

Jews feed on persecution like it's ether for them and you fed it to them just the way they want it. Low class and nonsensical.

> someone else standing up for basic human decency, compassion and empathy.
Why isn't there compassion and empathy towards whites amongst liberals? Why are they so racist?
Why do they exclude other races from their group if these people disagree with liberal opinions?
Why do liberals give a pass to feral niggerish morals of Islam?
Why do liberals treat other races as their pets that can't be criticised?

I see no reason to believe it significantly harmed anything.

Doxxing is a bannable offense on Twitter, so why isn't that kike's anti-white account banned?

If Greece was so tolerant of homosexuality and Rome as well, then Octavio arrived and prohibited it under pain of death. Why do you think everything is linear?

>flat earther flag

Oh yeah
We need to protest MORE
But we do it like fucking hippies
We do it like fucking Gandhi
We do it like MLK JR
Get out there and just fucking pray
Let ANTIFA beat you silly
So they get all the bad press
Soon ANTIFA will be the fucking evil bastards with the dogs and the fire hoses
And we will be the peaceful praying God worshipping good people being oppressed for speaking our minds

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They had to cancel cancer treatments at the college because they wanted to make sure violence would happen, but one cancer patient getting their face smashed in for having no hair wouldve ruined the whole propaganda operation.

Our entire movements been railroaded since Charlottesville. We've been reeling. The propaganda they were able to use afterwards crippled us.

We could of kept this an intellectual movement and one middle of the road people over. Now we look like low class skin head retards.

I call on you people to stop the low class violence that is giving us bad optics. Keep fighting the intellectual battle and outsmart them with argument and debate. Weaponize your mind.

I told you who we are
Jesus loves you

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>stop the low class violence
>But we do it like fucking hippies
>We do it like fucking Gandhi
>We do it like MLK JR
>Get out there and just fucking pray

No it hasn't, nothing has changed other there being more active media interest.

That's what they want
We're going to use their hippie bullshit against them
They want you to be ugly violent Nazis
What will they do when you are beautiful peaceful Christians?

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You are citing two incredibly influential figures. If we had a white nationalist figure like Ghandi or MILK Jr right now I would be thrilled.

Good luck with your Richard Spencer types. I'm sure you are going places with him.

>1 post by this ID


When Jesus criticized the Jews, they fired back at him and Jesus said, what sin do you accuse me of? And they had no answer.

You people need to start doing the same.

Ohh it's this kike again,

Just fuck off back to lereddit.

Have these fags never heard of balaclavas?

I'm just pointing out the obvious
[antifa antagonizes you into violence]
The Romans and the Pharisees would have loved it if Jesus hit them back

>Keep pretending that you're not some kind of white supremacist
i am a white supremacist

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Target Slave Master Democucks and watch the Darkies lose their supposed superiority overnight. Who has the most need for the Darkies? Those who work them for Cheap Labor. Who works them cheaply? The Slave Master Democucks.

You want the earth to shake with hate pol? Target the Slave Master Democucks and watch their screaming cause an earthquake. There won't be enough Darkie Apologists left after the Slave Master Democucks are out of the picture.

>all white people are racist and should take a back seat to blacks and hispanics that enter their countey illegally to the detriment of their countrymen
>oh vey why are you so mad white man! Dont be a biggot
Fuck off kike.

yeah we're totally normal on the outside... but on the inside im a damented fuckin physcopath

>ugly violent nazi
Its not a binary between being grovelling victims and neo-nazi untermensch. Where do you go after you 'defeat' antifa by making them an identified oppressor? You've done nothing to change the fundamental deficit in the western spirit, you still have a population afraid of who and what they are... they just imprison a few more communists.

You contradicted yourself in the very first line. No wonder white people are justified in gunning us niggers down because of your false flagging.

>in a society that will forever move towards greater acceptance, understanding and humanity
I am a White Christian American and I am proud of who I am and they way I was born
Are you able to accept and understand that?
If not

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Who's pretending?

shut the fuck up snownigger
no one is going to read that

Antifa is horrible optics for the left. It's a weak point for them.

Why do you want to copy their horrible strategy?

We need less brainlets like this in this movement.

The bots are nuts today.
stop replying to 1-post meme-flags.

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I'm talking optics
Antifa wants you to be in the streets hating people and being violent so they can fight you and label you as violent racists
So do the fucking opposite of what your enemy wants
Go out in the streets with love and peace and prayer
>confusing the shit out of the enemy
>by using their own tactics against them
Basic fucking warfare ffs

keep pretending you are white, mutt

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This guy gets it.

Globalist Jews want everyone fighting in the streets.

Do the opposite. Find a way to intellectually attack them directly.

>Antifa is horrible optics for the left. It's a weak point for them.
How do we exploit this weak point?
By making them the evil racist violent ones
It would not be that hard
>peaceful white christians praying
>while being attacked by masked atifa thugs

Nobody actually talks like that.

It's like pulling a Jew except we actually are persecuted.

We need to start learning in this movement, this is how you get actual results, not acting like a low IQ retard.

I'm so glad I work in an industry that couldn't give 2 fucks if I'm a white nationalist or not.

OP you and your ilk push identity politics for years and then cry when the other side finally agrees to play your little game. The more you push the more people will come over to our side.
SAGE faggot

desu i think larp nazis and commies both should be doxxed and thrown from planes so keep setting the precedents and setting the stage for the true jew radical centrism we are gonna gas every single non neutral human who doesnt share MY extremely centered beliefs

U2 taught me that at a concert. I was high as a kite.

Keep pretending that you're fighting some holy fight.

Jokes on you faggot! Im pretending to be a white supremacist.

Yes. So what's your point?

You're going to have people fighting in the streets on occasion. Its inevitable. You can whine about it as much as you want but there will always be people with more dignity than to embrace victimhood. I'm not defending the idiots who just look for any excuse for a punchup - they're irrelevant. I don't need to because there's a fundamental disconnect between them and the spiritual and intellectual heart of any movement. Your obsession with "muh optics" leads you down the path of forgetting what exactly it is you're fighting (or not fighting) for in the first place.

If all you want is for "whites" to become some legally protected minority class then so be it but that's not my interest at all.

didnt that yes you are racist faggot get doxxed, wasnt he a jew a a bunch o people sent pork pizzas to his place, fun times

>this is how we get actual results
What results?

You're too interested in the symptoms of a deeper struggle. Student protests aren't the vanguard of anything, they're just expressions of the underlying conflict.

stop pretending not to be a faggot

I'm racist and bigoted

I'm not a white supremacist, as I think Asians are just as good, if different.

I'm not going away.

It's inevitable only in multi cultural jewish led societies.

You think it's inevitable all over because that's all you know.

Look at how Germany did immediately after expelling zionist during Hitler's rise.

Can we all agree that UN means straight up Jew at this point? Seriously it might as well just say JIDF.


No I'm not interested in the symptoms. That's what youre doing when you're acting like a retard in the streets.

When you fight this battle on an intellectual level, like we did with the 2016 election, you can do great things.

Get out of the streets warring with other ghetto trash. You realize that's what you are right? The ghetto trash of america that makes our movement look bad.

What relevance is this? Yes, maybe so, but we are very much situated within that context.

Next time there's a tiki torch march I'm going as the masked magician.

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Have you bothered reading any of my posts? I thought I made it quite clear I'm not interested in pointless scraps.

What even is your "movement" if you're willing to degrade yourself in any way to "win"?

1 post by this ID

>Let us see how far you will get with that, in a society that will forever move towards greater acceptance, understanding and humanity

>The gene microcephalin (MCPH1) regulates brain size during development and has experienced positive selection in the lineage leading to Homo sapiens
>Instead, our data are consistent with a model of population subdivision followed by introgression to account for the origin of the D allele
>the lineage leading to modern humans was split from another Homo lineage, and the two lineages remained in reproductive isolation for ≈1,100,000 years
>These two alleles are differentiated by a large number of sequence differences accumulated during the prolonged isolation of the two populations
>At or sometime before ≈37,000 years ago, a (possibly rare) interbreeding event occurred between the two lineages, bringing a copy of the D allele into anatomically modern humans
>Furthermore, the worldwide frequency distribution of the D allele, exceptionally high outside of Africa but low in sub-Saharan Africa (29), suggests, but does not necessitate, admixture with an archaic Eurasian population

Go ahead and try to present evidence that MCPH1 doesn't effect intelligence - which is this link;

>Investigation of MCPH1 G37995C and ASPM A44871G polymorphisms and brain size in a healthy cohort

I read it and found it to be completely true my jewish friend. Did you think all whites would just roll over and die?

Analyizing the effect of ASPM-A44871G-rev/T-rs41310927 and MCPH1-G37995C-rs930557, at first we find evidence of G being positively associated with cranial volume. This association collapses when GG and GC are divided;

>Total brain volume =
>Highest = GG/AA(1559.5ml,) CC/GG(1562ml, GG/GG(1565.5ml)
>Average = GG/AA(1542ml,) CC/GG(1541ml,) GG/GG(1541.5ml)
>Lowest = GG/AA(1524.5ml,) CC/GG(1520ml,) GG/GG(1517.5ml)
>Meta-Average = GG/AA(1,542ml,) CC/GG(1,541ml,) GG/GG(1541.5ml)
>Cerebral cortical volume =
>Highest = GG/AA(732ml,) CC/GG(736.5ml,) GG/GG(734ml)
>Average = GG/AA(723ml,) CC/GG(725.5ml,) GG/GG(721.5ml)
>Lowest = GG/AA(714ml,) CC/GG(714.5ml,) GG/GG(709ml)
>Meta-Average = GG/AA(723ml,) CC/GG(725.5ml,) GG/GG(721.5ml)
>VI score =
>Highest = GG/AA(56.4,) CC/GG(55,) GG/GG(56.45)
>Average = GG/AA(50.35,) CC/GG(50.7,) GG/GG(50.95)
>Lowest = GG/AA(43.5,) CC/GG(46.4,) GG/GG(45.45)
>Meta-Average = GG/AA(50.083,) CC/GG(50.7,) GG/GG(50.95)

With GG and GC seperated and with GG assumed to be the microcephaly allele;

Cerebral cortical volume =
GG = 718.75mm-/+8.75, GC = 732.5ml-/+1.25, CC = 728ml-/+7,
Highest = GG/AA(726.75ml,) GC/GG(735.875ml,) CC/GG(736.6ml,) GG/GG(732.75ml)
Average = GG/AA(722.375ml,) GC/GG(727.75ml,) CC/GG(727.75ml,) GG/GG(720.875ml)
Lowest = GG/AA(714ml,) GC/GG(719.625ml,) CC/GG(714.5ml,) GG/GG(709ml)

Total brain volume =
GG = 1529.25 -/+5.25, GC = 1543-/+13.75, CC = 1542-/+13,
Highest = GG/AA(1545.75ml,) GC/GG(1562.875ml,) CC/GG(1562ml, GG/GG(1551.75ml)
Average = GG/AA(1535.125ml,) GC/GG(1541.5ml,) CC/GG(1541ml,) GG/GG(1534.625ml)
Lowest = GG/AA(1524.5ml,) GC/GG(1520.125ml,) CC/GG(1520ml,) GG/GG(1517.5ml)
Meta-average = GG/AA(1535.125ml,) GC/GG(1541.5ml,) CC/GG(1541ml,) GG/GG(1534.625ml)

Logic for assuming G as the microcephaly allele;

If G was not the microcephaly allele as suggested in 'Investigation of MCPH1 G37995C and ASPM A44871G polymorphisms and brain size in a healthy cohort,' we would not expect to see a significant difference in brain volume between blacks and Asians/whites. Moreover, since the G allele is supposedly associated with greater cranial volume, on average but especially in the middle and lower end, we should expect to see a larger number of low-end skulls in Europe and Asia than in Africa.

But this is not what we see. If C was the microcephaly allele, than rs930557-C is associated with an insignificant meta-average difference of -1ml. On the other hand, if rs930557-G is associated with +6.38ml meta-average difference, than rs930557-G explains 7.975% of the 80ml difference in black-white cranial volume;

>African-descended people (Blacks) average cranial capacities of 1267 cm3, European-descended people (Whites) 1347 cm3 [...] It must be concluded that the race differences in average brain size are securely established [...] Blacks average an IQ of 85, Whites 100

15 points of IQ divided over 80ml = 0.1875IQpts/ml. 6.38(1535.125ml - 1541.5ml = n)ml * 0.1875 = 1.1953125IQpt. This would leave us with only 14 (1.1953125 - 15 = −13.8046875) IQpts left to explain, while also being small enough to not contradict the observed larger cranial volume of neanderthals - who were homozygotes for the G allele. More significant is the difference between the largest brains - 17.125ml * 0.1875 = 3.2109375IQpts.

So we have evidence that a population with large brains interbred with a small-brained hominid in Africa 37,000 years ago - this is right around the time macrocephalic Boskops man appears in south Africa. Why do the San bushmen display an R1b haplogroup at a rate of 10%, if not because they carry the imprint of the Eurasian Homo species that admixed into so-called modern humans? Why do the macrocephalic alleles concentrate in areas which feature R1b and I1 haplogroups, and type A blood? And, for that matter, light skin, hair and eyes?

Why do we have evidence that this macrocephalic hominid was a separate gene pool for at least 1.1MyaYBP? If a population of white people - perhaps very feminine, gracile, steatopygic white people - had existed, the one major physical feature required to be called a modern human was there. And along with a big, modern brain were modern metacarpals and metatarsals dating back to 1.4MyaYBP and 3.2MyaYBP respectively. This is within the date of the 4.5MyaYBP chromosomal fusion which created the 46q-P91-9T hominid from a hypothetical 48q-P91-9T white ancestral hominid.

fuck white people
>reddit spacing

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god I hate meme flaggots

Eegggcelent prose

Run on sentences. -5 points.

Nigger faggot

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Nah Charlottesville brought out the anti white hate more than anything else.

>Let us see how far you will get with that

society has been running great that way for thousands of years. the uk didn't need armed police wandering around in pairs / threes with automatic rifles prior to the arrival of our 'diverse' guests.

you're a faggot OP. those numbers speak for themselves.

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If you go in the streets they will fight you, whether you fight back or not is irrelevant. Ghandi was fighting the British government, not communists so the tactics were different.

Spencer is changing strategy now anyway away from street protests and towards building a movement behind the scenes. Antifa can't stop you doing that. Its a Fabian strategy

who is pretending?
i'm intentionally starting a series of companies with fewer than 15 employees specifically so that I can discriminate as I please.

silly user, because lefties have made it "dangerous" to express myself in real life, i just do subtle things that no one can call me out on. it doesn't take much to change the world--line through some names and underline others.
the incredible thing is that i haven't always been this way; my current attitude is a response to diversity being forced on every fucking aspect of my life.
enough is enough.

hi. genuine britbong here. trying to get a sponsor. got until april to make this years H1 round. got a degree if pharmaceutical design, have worked 14 hour manual shifts + can welder / work metal. delighted to know of any opportunities even if it's just polishing bullets. particularly if they're located in the south.

Nice one.

I've unironically started an educational toy company that caters to white people. I'm keeping it privately owned so I can control everything. not hiring at the moment, but if it takes off, i'll give Sup Forums a heads up of upcoming recruiting efforts.

nice meme flag faggot

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if more mom and pop type operations actually looked into that, it could make a really big difference + you could pick up some really capable people. even though migrating seems laughably easy if you're in the US now, getting flooded, it's actually much more difficult to do it legally than it seems. the first problem is trying to find someone who will actually fill out the ppaerwork, wait to find out the result and then wait for the person to turn up. but it's definitely something more smaller businesses should do. the only option at the moment really is to try big corporations. its kind of crazy more smaller companies don't, because you'd could have some seriously talented / hard working people who'd be looking into that. that, in an of itself, could be a fun thing to work on in the US, advising smaller companies how to pick up highly skilled people from north europe looking to move. it's not actually that difficult once you know what kinds of problems are involved / how to solve them.

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>Meme flag

Saged, reported and hidden.

literally this. cant wait for the push back in all of western nations.