*sips tea*

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Are leftists telling me I won’t go to jail for my crimes if I have a kid or does that only extend to Mexicans?

Tea is a great path to fluoridosis

The only good thing is a lot of these liberals are the victims of terrorism and immigrants. Look how Sweden has hugouts the day AFTER a trucks runs them over and kills their children. All liberals

When they tweet about anchor babymamas getting das boot they are also doing so with glee

Beaners deserve nothing.

I don't support tearing apart families. Illegal aliens' dependents and families should be deported alongside them, in the interests of humanitarianism

>”B-b-but they’ve been here a long t-time, they’re b-b-basically citizens...”
By that logic, if I killed hundreds of people over many years I should be let go because I didn’t get caught after so long.

P. sure most of those "assholes" would gladly support deporting entire families of border bunnies.

i support tearing those "peoples" families apart. I dont regard them as persons so I could give a fuck if they're ground into organic fertilizer.

You know that's a real thing right?

There is no statute of limitations for murder

Depends on the country. But if you go by international law only genocide and war crimes have no statute of limitations.

>literally tearing immigrant families apart
You know...KT might be onto something here.

KT seems to have misspelled 'Illegal'

why did she hire a criminal lawyer for her divorce? aren't there lawyers specializing in divorces? what's going on.

You know, I AM against breaking up "immigrant" families.

We should send their spawn back with them.

Why do these fucking faggots insist on using the word *literally* all the time? Are they trying to look smart? What did I miss? It's not new, but it's so common now; I do not understand...
This is a serious question: what happened that there are now roving bands of retards wandering the earth misusing the word "literally" in every other sentence?

Pretty sure kids in America without their parents being happier than living with their parents in Mexico is the best argument for enforcing immigration laws.

>if you go by international law
>haha if you follow these rules nobody follows I’m right

>But if you go by (((international law))) only genocide and war crimes have no statute of limitations.
Oi vey, this 97 year old man who hasn't had even so much as a traffic ticket in the last 70 years used to be a NAHTZE goyim! We have to teach him a lesson about the six gorrilion!

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>I AM against breaking up "immigrant" families.
>We should send their spawn back with them.
This should be stock answer. Arguing with a liberal is pointless. Mock and amplify.

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I do support tearing immigrant families apart. Literally.

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