If you aren't going to criticize Radical Christianity as well, then stop saying that you are against terrorism and call yourselves what you really are, what you hate to be exposed as: anti-Islam
If you aren't going to criticize Radical Christianity as well...
I'm anti-Islam and proud.
Except the Westboro Baptist Church doesn't jihad and blow up people, that's systemic of radical Islam
>The modern KKK and Westboro Baptist Church are equivalent to ISIS and other forms of Islamic terrorism.
>Radical Christianity
Hi catalonia. Use your real flag, you fucking commie faggot
What does radical Christianity involve?
I criticize radical Christianity. Point me to the ones still around today and I'll criticize them.
playing with zionists
If you aren't going to criticize Islamic terrorism as well, then stop saying that you are against religious fundamentalism and call yourselves what you really are, what you hate to be exposed as: anti-White
I wouldn't mind that label, to be fair
There is no radical Christianity though, so what's your point?
What the fuck is Radical Christianity are you retarded?
defending evropa from berbers invading your lands and raping your women
holy fucking shit, sage this thread. he's just trying to slide real threads, everyone knows that meme is complete bullshit.
The ones who say there should be weekly Latin mass and the women who wear veils during mass?
That makes me a radical. You know what? I don't even mind. Perhaps if more Christians were radical, the world wouldn't be in such a mess.
So am I, everyone knows you're basically Bin Laden if you kneel for communion.
The number of "Christian radicals" like the KKKlowns and Westboro Babbbists is miniscule compared to the number, scope, reach, and determination of Islamic radicals.
The OP is like a guy in room ignoring an aggressive 800-pound gorilla and screeching "look! There's a spider on the wall! Unless you remove that hazardous creature you have no right to complain about the gorilla!"
Whats with round eyed anime girl, every lefty fag and kike is using it, i dont get it
What radical Christianity?
What radical Christianity? The most radical we have here is WBC, and they're just fags.
I am anti-Islam, and the US/Russia should band together to drop as many nukes on those towelhead goatfuckers as possible
Radical christianity should then crusade through the glassed radioactive wasteland, executing any brown "people" they find
> Radical Christian terrorism
You do know that's a meme, right?
>user fearing to be exposed as anti-islam
>on Sup Forums
This board is dead.
an user*
I pride myself in being both anti-christian and anti-islaming and anti-hindu.
And that's just 1 of L I T E R A L L Y thousands of radical Islamic sects and organisations
The KKK doesn't exist anymore and the Westboro baptist church only hurts people's feelings with their mean signs.
Fuck off, faggot.