
it is our duty to report any brit on this far right racist site to Her Majesties Royal Sharia Court. brits, you are no longer allowed here. it is illegal to post or assist with any far right propaganda. if you are still on this site, please report immediately to your closest police station or mosque and surrender your internet license and daughter(s).

Attached: image.jpg (768x1024, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The paki flag is green with muhammad's semen and pig's vaginal juice stain on it.
You're using the wrong flag to post your already debunked meme paki.

oi don't be a sot, bin that thawt

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Did we find the perfect final solution to the Bong question?

thats quite offensive

were comin for ya , mate

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Attached: blackedUK.png (1534x536, 925K)

>same memes
>same threads
>wrong flag

Attached: 1521461878240.png (450x664, 65K)

she's cute.

Probably fake, wouldn't be surprising if it were true though

Attached: image.jpg (700x525, 80K)

>he bought it
Dumb goblin.

Attached: image.jpg (735x1024, 100K)

oi whud id you sai m8? You hi'in on a good bri'ish girl?

Seriously, the bullying against British members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Brits are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only British man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? Even the Irish get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in all of Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an British man a "Muslim"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth British man that they are a "Filthy Anglo"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

post debunking link.

Tripfags BTFO


Attached: britbongmongrel.png (417x480, 43K)

This shit has been debunked countless times.


Niggers are inferor
Report me faggots

I wonder if British shills who come here to defend their Orwellian shithole are immune to this law.

They view far-right propaganda too when they aren't sucking brown muslim cock or telling how their tranny army is going to invade Russia.

post real flag
stop raping children

Use archive
but really take your dick out of that 4 year old.

So why didn't they sign the letter?

Sup Forums under username? Wut?

>in regards


You're just the idiots on the left blaming everything on Russia, the irony.

KYS please


have fun in the slammer ol' chap

Attached: lemmeseedatlisencewhiteboy.png (640x480, 497K)

>ctrl+f "here's the link that proves me right, my friend"
>"mad" found
also that's my flag.

>same meme
>same 1 post ids
>same smell

Spot the paki and use catalog to see what they're trying to slide. Make sure sage

fake letter, debunked years ago

Attached: image.jpg (835x622, 132K)

I wish this was real

Don't be a minion! Bin that opinion! Forums/comments/5dva7k/uk_user_goes_to_court/?st=jeybl4l4&sh=8929b03f

Have you taken you dick out of that child yet? While you're wasting time with debunked meme threads there's probably someone shit posting your muslim threads with pig fucking memes again.

Delete this it isn't funny I didn't choose to be born in this dystopian hellstate.

Oi whats goin on ‘ere?
You gents bett not be supporten them far righters

Attached: 2A7C7F13-741C-4ED6-B995-E9A6855E971A.jpg (546x960, 90K)

there's an email address, you know what to do.

Attached: hawkingpepe.jpg (480x377, 27K)

This meme is getting really old now.
Get creative faggots

amazing link, faggot.
now I'm finally convinced that britain is, in fact, a 1984 shithole.

Attached: 1451366454228[1].png (358x310, 182K)

Report here NIGGER

I agree. it's only funny because people like go schizo over it and can't handle a little banter

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At least the German police kick down doors and arrest terrorists. There is a reason uk had a mother ducking SUICIDE BOMBER and Germany hasn't

>posted under username _____ on Sup Forums
>please bring ID, even so, its not required

if you dont need to provide ID, just pay a marganilized minority to take your place in court, im sure they wont do anything to it

no, im giving you a courage medal now...get over it

You joke, but i've had a police officer looking like that telling me that the far right are the most dangerous threat to the UK, without a hint of irony.
This was after he gave a talk about how to stay safe during a terrorist attack like with examples of Mumbai attacks, the tube bombings, and the more recent terrorist attacks like the one manchester bombing.

I have no idea what kind of training the police get these days to be able to cope with that kind of double think.

So they call em bobby for a reason then

schizo over same meme published several times to slide other threads?

Schizo over pig fucking memes time to open up the brit hate meme folder again.


Attached: image.jpg (591x422, 66K)

Oh boy the English are getting pissed off again quick give them a soccer ball and a muslim

Attached: image.jpg (1024x688, 314K)

there is no free speech in the UK.
pic would probably get you raped by some nigger cop.

Attached: israel.jpg (1024x1024, 175K)

don't be a prick, bin that pic!

There are so many things wrong with this letter. The most obvious clue is the lack of letter headed paper. The wording is all wrong too.

Attached: yegorletov.jpg (854x480, 43K)

you must be 18 to post here
honestly, kys

oi mate I bettah nawt catch ya running yer gabber abawt our wrioting skills

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This is why we put bullets into the British government.

Attached: download (1).jpg (460x259, 23K)

>Sup Forums


Huge Fuck you to the British government.
I don't get the hate for /our/brits
It's not like any of them want this shit, and we need them to rise up and fight.
Look in the mirror, 45mil niggers and 60million spics say what?
So many fucking leftest here now, cheering for the end of our race.... b-but it's just bants.

I love this pasta.

Attached: Londonistanis0.jpg (1904x1086, 533K)


>he doesn't have a Sup Forums Gold Account with over 6,000,000 karma

Attached: image.jpg (821x693, 85K)


I DONT HAVE A T[connection terminated]

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Show up to court with a bomb.
Isn't that what the British do when facing tyranny? Blow up government buildings?

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The Gaystopo


Attached: chav.jpg (476x483, 31K)

You made this thread a day or 2 ago


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