Uh, G- guise?

I thought you were just shitposting satire about a civil War in the U.S.

Attached: INSURRECTION.jpg (638x522, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:


At least he understand the reason we have it in the first place

Good thing we have FEMA Camps for them.

The left always resorts to violence on a grander scale. Yeah we have some blood on our hands from Charlottesville and whatnot but that's rare. If some leftist tried anything the secret service would stop then because there is no way they could resist posting their plan to Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, tinder, CNN comments and YouTube

I can’t stop laughing imaging a pro-Trump Army.

The average weight would be 300 lbs, average IQ 74. A regiment of incels, one of racist grandmas, and one of white guys on welfare who hate welfare queens.

They start marching and make it 500 feet before completely falling apart. Trump drives a golf cart around and eats burgers from a big greasy bag while Pence fucks the horse he rides around on.

you are fucking retarded

I suppose that is unforunately true about Leftist Democrats being violent on a far grander scale than Conservatives.
Maoist Leftist Democratic Classicide 1947 - 1951;
The idea of a violent campaign against the landlord class was already drawn up by 1947 by Kang Sheng an expert on terror tactics.[1] Ren Bishi, a member of the party's Central Committee, likewise stated in a 1948 speech that "30,000,000 landlords and rich peasants would have to be destroyed."[7] Shortly after the founding of the PRC, land reform, according to Mao biographer Philip Short, "lurched violently to the left" with Mao laying down new guidelines for "not correcting excesses prematurely."[2] Beatings, while not officially promoted by the party, were not prohibited either. While landlords had no protection, those branded as "rich peasants" received moderate protections from violence and those on the lower end were fully protected.[10]
Mao in this vein insisted that the people themselves, not the security organs, should become involved in killing landlords who had oppressed them.[2] This was quite different from the Soviet practice, in which the NKVD would arrest counterrevolutionaries and then have them secretly executed and often buried before sunrise. Mao thought that peasants who killed landlords with their bare hands would become permanently linked to the revolutionary process in a way that passive spectators could not be.[2] Those condemned as landlords were buried alive, dismembered, strangled and shot.[10] The killing eventually gave rise to the saying "dou di zhu", or "fight the landlord" which was used by Mao to build support for the party.[8]

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>the left is starting to oppose gun control
Another victory for Trump

Adolf Hitler and the Six Gorillion dims in comparison to Democratic Leftist. They make Hitler look like a kind and benevolent Mother Mary.
Who was the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world? Most people probably assume that the answer is Adolf Hitler, architect of the Holocaust. Others might guess Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, who may indeed have managed to kill even more innocent people than Hitler did, many of them as part of a terror famine that likely took more lives than the Holocaust. But both Hitler and Stalin were outdone by Mao Zedong. From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people – easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder ever recorded.

You have a world of hurt and disappointment in your future weak minded one

YES ive been waiting for something like this im ready lets go already

Lol, wow so tough and organized I can't imagine any force being able to withstand groups like these.

>post thread asking if Civil War is coming.
Kek responds with

Attached: OK.jpg (1600x900, 67K)

I didn't shut down an anti-gunner's argument, but I dinged the fuck out of them by countering with this premise;
>listen to "On Point" via NPR
>comment section "trump/guns bad" etc
>state sourced info on why they're fucked
>don't care don't want to "look at that drivel" (despite being Obama's own commissioned report on the Clinton AWB efficacy)
>finally counter with
"Well you're all so unbelievably frightened of Trump & what he's going to do next...what if he goes.full-on Tyranical? I thought you all are part of 'the resistance ' you really want his henchmen to be the only one armed?"

>no replies
>no replies>no replies
Minutes later, I got the
>"you really think you can overthrow the government with your AR15?"
"I'd rather have that than signs that read "impeach" meathead..."
>no replies

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And now we see the ultimate 5*10^43D chess move revealed. Trump successfully forcing his own opponents to become supporters of the 2nd Amendment.

Conservatives have far more guns than Liberals. In a civil war, conservatives will win.

wtf i love the second amendment now

Let's see you do it, cowards. You haven't got the guts. Go on, start the fire. See what happens. It will finally be the catalyst needed to end you all.

this post 100% pure satire for entertainment purpose only

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Good for you, Jerry.

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1776 was not a Civil War. What did Kek mean by this? Is he telling us Soros is going to have other Countries fund and supply weapons to Democrats to overthrow the U.S. Military

Oh, by the way...
At 11 EST (like 5 mins) the topic of the show (On Point, wbur) is going to be "Are black men doomed?"
The comment section is always a great place for making lefty's heads spin..the reaction to "redpills" is always hilarious...

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>no way they could resist posting their plan

Not necessarily. This micro penis piece of shit shot up a bunch of Republicans. Bernie bro, talked some shit online, but never posted any plans or ever stated he even had a gun. That asshole congressman should be jailed. Spewing shit like that gets people like James Hodgkinson trigger happy.

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Holy shit my fellow Americans are retarded.
>1776 wasn't a Civil war!
>Laughing in British intensifies

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I mean, that is what it exists for, to fight against a government you feel is not properly representing the will of the people.

That said I'd like to see the leftists try.

You only need one gun per person though.
You guys each have over 4 of them, we’ll just kill you and take your shit.
We will also take your women and emergency supplies of hot pockets and Mountain Dew.
Thanks for not having abortions and hoarding for us!


Leftist are obsessed with Racism, becaue they are the most Racist of all;
>entire Nationalities.
According to official Soviet estimates, more than 14 million people passed through the Gulag from 1929 to 1953, with a further 7 to 8 million being deported and exiled to remote areas of the Soviet Union (including entire nationalities in several cases).[13] According to a 1993 study of archival Soviet data, a total of 1,053,829 people died in the Gulag from 1934 to 1953 (there is no archival data for the period 1919–1934).[2] However, taking into account the likelihood of unreliable record keeping, and the fact that it was common practice to release prisoners who were either suffering from incurable diseases or near death,[14] non-state estimates of the actual Gulag death toll are usually higher. Golfo Alexopoulos, history professor at the University of South Florida, believes that at least 6 million people died as a result of their detention in the gulags[15] and Russian writer Vadim Erlikman stated that 5 million were killed in gulags.[5] John G. Heidenrich, citing materials pre-1991, sets the number of 12 million[16] Such high estimates are controversial, and are largely based on Solzhenitsyn's political and literary work, The Gulag Archipelago.[17] According to estimates based on data from Soviet archives post-1991, there were around 1.6 million deaths during the whole period from 1929 to 1953.[18]

the idea of any group of people carrying out a successful armed revolt in america is laugable. we are too comfy and lazy even if mildly discontent.
the #resist fags are both of those things with the addition of being violence averse, trans-gender fluid, body-positive, pussies.

2/10 bait made me respond

>be leftist
>try to arm yourself in civil war
>your female comrades tell you to check your privilege
>say only women can handle guns
>be forced to do all the field dangerous field work
>women staff cozy "central command" office jobs
>tell you to focus on gathering essential oils and magic crystals over food and ammo
>go into battle
>women immediately surrender
>sell you out in hopes of mercy for women
>get castrated and become a eunuch AT BEST
t. soyboy beta bucks

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We don't have any blood on our hands from Charlottesville. It was a fucking car accident after a leftist mob attacked the car and threatened the driver with a rifle.

Everything else at Charlottesville was also instigated by the Left.

Take your shilling elsewhere.

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>Yeah we have some blood on our hands from Charlottesville

Aren't these Great Leaps Foward the main objective of all U.S. Democrats?

Slow down, Kek. We gotta let everyone know first

>You only need one gun per person though.
>You guys each have over 4 of them, we’ll just kill you and take your shit.

Uh huh. Let me tell you exactly how that would work out
>brings gigantic black dildo to a gun fight
>gets shot

I know this post isn't serious, but
>we’ll just kill you
made me laugh

Charlottesville was legal Self Defense. The driver was being attacked with Lethal force, and was in fear for his life. He was attempting to escape. The attackers should be charged with felonies for Felony assault,and Murder for any resulting fatalities.

>We'll kill you and take your shit
Effective range of AR10: 900 meters
Maximum range of protest sign: 1 meter
>Thinking you can win

Quads Of Truth.

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i like your posts so i wont be mean but those aren't quads

everything on 4channel and especially Sup Forums, is FAKE AND GAY, user...
it's all satire.....

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I dont think I've ever seen an AR10 make it through more than a few magazine without jamming. Owners always blame ammo or mag.
Total shit compared to FN SCAR or even FAL.

Yeah. Thanks for checking me up. I'm going to hold of posting a bit, until my second pot of coffee. I have to work long hours at my business in order to pay my bills after Democrats have skimmed most of my profits for gibs.


what is it with liberals and violence?
they claim they're against guns and violence, and yet constantly go on mass shootings, assassinations of presidents, etc.
>conservatives are just as violent!
and yet, Obama was never assassinated, and 75%+ of prison inmates are liberals.

>ubderstand why we need it
>wants to take it away anyway
oh man my head, what is this, im having a THOUUUUGHT

Attached: democrat_gun_violence.jpg (564x500, 71K)

I had some teething issues with mine because I was using the wrong buffer, but it's worked like a dream after I remedied that. Jamming issues come from treating it like an AR15 where everything is compatible with everything else. Its not, the standardization just isn't there. Once you understand that, you're set.


100% this.


Shut the fuck up nogunz retard.
I've shot 3k thru my AR10 with No jams or issues. Use Good ammo and don't buy garbage it's as simple as that ....FAL meme battle rifle at this point , a good tier AR10 blows the FAL away , faggot

this is funny.

though (((they))) would come together and fund an elite army of soldiers for hire. they would also buy some pretty heavy duty shit like tanks and jets to bomb the shit out of us I'm sure.

The levels of projection in this post. Kek.

Kill yourself fatty.

I’m looking for a good .308 upper. Any you can suggest? Just looking for something reliable.

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next thing you know they'll be suggesting shipping people off in train cars to work camps

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>Obama in office
>"States have to listen to the federal government!"
>"Opposing the President is treason!"
>"Hate speech is not free speech!"
>"Turn in your guns!"

>Trump in office
>"States can defy immigration laws!"
>"Not my President!"
>"I want to assassinate Drumpf!"
>"We need guns to oppose Drumpf!"

>we’ll just kill you and take your shit.

Literally how? Let’s see your guns with a timestamp.

Clinton can't even walk 10 feet, pls.

The Internet is you friend and has lots of reviews and info Also try /k/
LWRC,aero, Daniels defense, etc depends what you want to spend. Buy an upper already complete with BCG and you are better off with compatibility to your lower. Enjoy


Choose up sides, faggots! And stay out of Utah!

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He cant do that.
Second Amendment is only for republicans, clearly.

Attached: cantdodge.jpg (624x544, 94K)

Fuck off

Lol good finally they see the light!

Nice stuff you got there nu male, can I have some of that stuff you are on?

Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot traitor.

thanks obama

This actually building little 2in drone with night vision camera fpv for scouting