Dragon Ball Super

Reminder that Kefla's power was shown to be similar to Jiren's (albeit weaker). All she needs is one more power up beyond LSSJ1 to be on par with him.

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Damn, if Kefla is more powerful than SSB Goku, just imagine how powerful Buu saga Vegito was. Probably would've murdered Beerus back in the BoG arc.

Not really. Kale and Caulifla are much stronger than Goku and Vegeta back then.

Nah. SSJ2 Caulifla got wrecked by base Goku.

>caulifla stronger than goku in buu saga

Not as strong as Vegito

do not open

Before her fighting instincts improved. That's why they fought Goku in the first place, because he would bring out their saiyan instinct. Afterwards she was clearly on par with SS2 Goku which is many times above anything in the Buu saga (other than Vegitto).


And they would both lose to Gohan what's your point?

If she's equal to base Goku, she should've been at least a hundred times more powerful than Goku back there. It doesn't matter how shit her fighting skills were - that power gap nullifies it completely.

Base goku training under the gods is SSJ1 goku fighting cell level



Will there ever be peace on these threads?

>perfectly choreographed shots from scene to scene
>you can literally feel the blows just watching. it's not just the same punch animation repeated several times with random grunts. Characters move fast but with weight and purpose.
>eye catching and iconic character design. Instantly cooler and more appealing then anything from DB shit.
>multiple shots from different angles to give the scene dramatic impact and energy.

We were so fucking spoiled holy shit. Compared to 99% of anime. DBZ is pure kino. This isn't even in the top five best fights of the series and it still looks incredible!

Not until Super is cancelled.



People are just tired of this arc. It's 99% filler with no plot progression and no interesting fights.



When will Yamchafriends get ours? All these ungrateful assholes whining about their characters doing jack in the ToP...At least theirs got in. Every episode of this arc will be tainted until Yamchad finally gets his.

>completely unrelated webm
dumb U6fag

oh damn she lost to SSG what a Mary Sue amirite

>Kale has to save her
>They get knocked out of the ring
Fuck, Joblifla is so useless.

Don't forget to vote, kids!

>spicposting about gohan and not expecting a meme response
fucking neck yourself

DBZ is the 20 the century equivalent of beowulf or the epic of gilgamesh.

>classical "heroic" characters
>epic battles of good vs evil
>timeless lessons on the value of hard work, accepting your faults and the importance of friendship

What does DB Shit have for it? All I've learned from it is that senile hacks will piss over their legacy for a quick buck.

Reminder for retarded power scalers that Gohan's "Ultimate" form having been confirmed stronger than SS2 Goku, plus the fact that SSB Goku catched up to Golden Freeza over the course of 3 arcs when it hadn't been THAT big a gap to begin with, means that ridiculous power scaling is not canon to the anime.
Gohan's Ultimate thing was literally stated by Piccolo to be him attaining his Buu saga power once again, which by now isn't anything special. A match up between him and SS3 Goku could have been interesting in all honesty, it really is a pity that it didn't happen most likely because Toei.
Ultimate Gohan being anywhere near SSB level is absolutely retarded Toei bait easily disproven by fact that Hit didn't get knocked unconscious by a single ssbkk punch when he had been (slightly) weaker than ssb goku to begin. Don't fall for the bait.
17 being anywhere near Blue level also is another Toei bait moment that should be disregarded ever since Goku and Freeza flooring Ribrianne in their base forms.
And at last, SSG being absorbed into SS1 and making it stronger has been retconned for a long time now. Deal with it you fucks, not only did SSG return as astandalone form but there also is the fact that Goku SS2 still is weaker than Buu era Ultimate Gohan. This means that Goku did NOT receive any such massive permanent boost to his base power to be multiplied by SS transformations.

is caulifla a goblin?

Autismus maximus

When will falseflagging spics leave?


She's worse: trash.

Are we posting CHODEhan BTFO by Jiren webms? Awesome!

Will 115 be as good animation wise Sup Forums?


>caulishitter so butthurt he has to bring jiren into this

Another win, this is too fucking easy.

>mfw goku's wife's son is totally lame jobber who got moved out of the way for kale and caulifla and the obese slobs who identify with goawayhan because they think he's an underachiever with massive potential just like them (minus the fact that they don't actually have potential nor do they achieve anything in their lives) are BTFO

Everyone who posts on a mexican beat boxing forum is a turbo autist virgin wizard by default you newfag redditor scum.

W-What a Mary Sue, am I right?

So concession accepted?



Honestly, why would one even want to be a member of Earth's special forces? Goku is a literal autist who only wants to fight. Vegeta used to be an autist too but he's finally beginning to appreciate other things in life. Krillin quit fighting and he now lives an easy family man life. Tien keeps training even though he can't do shit at this point. He's wasting his life doing something totally pointless.

Yamcha is powerful enough to be invulnerable to conventional threats like guns, explosions and natural calamities. He's a rich and famous baseball player and he can easily score top tier pussy whenever he wants to. He's one of the luckier characters in the franchise.

You tell 'em, CHADbro! It's not like we randomly spicposted with Jiren first!

Fact, if Yamcha had been in the tournament he would have done better than Tien

>shit he's on to me
>I know I'll just call him a newfag redditor
Top kek m8


You're right except about base and SS forms not getting power ups (webm related).

>killed cell
>saved earth
>scholar and married

the only obese neet is waifufags whose only attraction to a character is the though of one day getting fucked by her on VR.


Hi I'm a dbshill where I get to sit and enjoy db and it's casts cause lucky enough to get any non gt dragon ball action is great and also I don't soon at a show that's still meant top for jap nip kids anyways trunks cell arc was best boi

If Yamcha had been in, he'd have lost in some joking manner very early on.

Not sure about animation but it is being written by based Toshio. 116 looks like it will be better animation wise and then 118 has Tate for the first time in 8 episodes.

At least then the gag would have been fitting.

Shut up

Stop being sexist goawayhanfag
Females are taking over dragon ball and anime in general and there is nothing you can do about it.

Whats toshio written?

Eh, nearly all of the jokes in DB fail to actually be funny.

Shit wrong webm. Imagine I posted Ginyu getting blown up by Vegeta.

>tfw this threads have devolved into nothing but Caulifla vs Gohan fanboy wars

When will the time come for Best GoD to show what he can do?

He wrote the episode where Goku and Hit teamed up.

Yamcha's roles in tournaments are to job to the big bad, so he would have taken out the sniper guy that Tien just ran toward, probably a spirit ball or something that'd reference his baseball career, and then would immediately ego trip that he's hot shit and attack Jiren and get knocked out

Isn't Belmoud supposed to be an old geezer? JIren beating him isn't a big deal.

>albeit weaker

104 (Hit/Goku), 107(Roshi vs Frost, and 112(Vegeta/Cabba).

Official tournament themes ranking
1. Master and Pupil
The rest

They're both going to get eliminated soon don't worry

Holy shit, this is embarrassing. Just call him "Jobhan" or something like everyone else does, you fucking underage.


Best god?

>falling for the sjw falseflagger bait


>this kills the gokufag

No, Vegetto is best god!

>random jobber God
>best shit
Chose one and only one

How pathetic does your life have to be a waifufag?

This. And Jiren is > Belmond which means he is stronger than all Gods of Destruction.

Hello there, beautiful friends from around the world I am...

Suck my cock, underage waifufag. You're both cancer.

I want Sup Forums to fuck off

t. falseflagger kun

Hey fuck you I'm a waifufag, although my waifu is from a Kyoani series.

t. bitter incel
Why do you hate women?


Too late, Gohan's old style wich Bojack was unfortunate enough to face involved him busting peoples guts open.


stop making fun of her, please.

Truly there is no hope for you. May the gods of CHADness have pity on your soul.

It's because I'm very much not new that I know of the pathetic state of your existence and posters of your kind.

Another example of why toyofags are delusional.

Manga is the the only canon.
How come there is no interview between toriyama and any of the animation staff talking about their work relations? How come toyo and tori can present so many proves of their collaborations while animefags have to delude themselves based on one vague statement from some dude who uses google translator.
How come even tori himself acknlowedged that he has not checked the final script of one of the arc in the anime while he constantly checks each of Toyo's chapters?
Stop living in denial anime fag.
Even toyo's recommendation ended up in tori outline (vegetto return)

She is worse than useless. Her overall worth for her team is in the negatives.

>corpulent, stupid, smelly goawayhan shitters living in the past

holy shit dude


That is a crazy amount of projection you have going there.

>dumb frogposter
>not a corpulent, stupid and smelly
holy shit dude