Okay so I am watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and I am on Episode 10.
Does this shit get interesting or have I wasted 3 hours of my life?
Okay so I am watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and I am on Episode 10
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You wasted it, nothing happens.
movie good
better drop it and move on to superior kyoanime like K-On! and Hyouka.
Thanks for the advice
Dubs acknowledged.
The quirky meta humor is pretty much it's main thing, it's more or less an anime for people who like anime not just as a medium to tell a story but grew to love all the accumulated tropes of it.
It isn't really "interesting" in the sense like an HBO show or a dudebro anime like Fate/Zero is.
There are animes for people who just like anime, without any central story.
For instance I like "I can't Understand What My Husband is Saying." thats just random Japanese cultural jokes, no real story.
Haruhi is just not really even funny, quirky, or entertaining.
I won't turn into the whole "Your opinion is wrong" type of guy, I just fail to see the appeal.
If you are even remotely enjoying it I'd say hang in there. The movie is awesome and very tonally different from the rest of the show.
In my opinion the show bounces between being okay and good, but the movie is excellent
Dunno I think this show has a lot of charisma, maybe style over substance but that's not necessariy bad to me, also the soundtrack is ace.
The movie really is great but it's up to you whether or not you want to slog through the rest of the episodes to watch it. It doesn't really change so if you don't enjoy it just don't bother.
>Haruhi is just not really even funny, quirky, or entertaining.
for u
The second season is actually worse in so many ways.
If you want a good story and still kind of like the characters, this guy has the right idea. Watch the movie.
>that trip
...shit I forgot I had that on. Thanks.
if you dont like it dont watch it, but the movie is probably 3rd in my top 10 anime.
If she's so eccentric why is her bra so fucking boring?
her mom probably bought it
...why do we never meet her parents?
I'm sorry, OP, you're cancer, I'm afraid it's terminal ;_;7
it's a pleb filter and it seems to be working if you're asking this
parents don't exist in anime silly.
You wanna run that by me again?
Because who the fuck has time to pick out interesting underwear when there's better shit to do?
Much better point.
>triple dubs
Wartch the movie.