Rape muslims women

Every day I keep hearing young white girls being raped by muslims and blacks 'at this point I'm getting sick of hearing about it and it's an embarrassment to all white men making us look like Cucks who don't do anything about it in fear of being called racist'

The only way to send the message back to them that we will no longer tolerate this is to rape there women. In Islamic culture women are property therefore we will not be raping them we are only raping there property.

In Islamic cultural once a women is raped she is classified as worthless and not worthy marriage. Too them it is a bigger loss than it is to us.

I know a lot of white nationalists here don't ever want to think about fucking an Arab or black but in order to send a message back to them that they will no longer rape our white children 'which aren't even capable to consent to sex' we have to suck it up and get the job done.

I'm not advocating for the rape of Muslim children but the rape of growing Muslim women.

Even try to impregnate them with you white gens that with drive them mad.

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rape them with pig snouts and pig feet?

Right. Instead of shooting the rapist or punishing the rapist you punish the person who didn't rape. That seems totally logical /s.

Get out newfag.

I understand what you are saying. Though OP also has a point. All is fair in love and war. Sending a message this way is also engaging in psychological warfare against the muzzies to let them know that they aren't welcome and we don't appreciate what they are doing.

nice try patatonigger, but only wh*te whores deserved to be raped, muslim girls are pure

How is this logically punishing them? They don't hurt their daughters and wives they don't care about get hurt.

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muslim women are fucking hideous. we should just exterminate them instead


Careful not to slip on your own shit only to end up getting crushed by a truck!

>not posting the webm

>muslims and blacks
No muslims stop trying to unite with the right paki.

No one wants to fuck a muslim, that's why their men resort to rape. Repulsed by their on women; repulsive to other women.

>rape their women
Or you know... automatic banishing from the country if you are proven to have raped someone. Why become the very same parasite that you wish to destroy?
In all this time this is your best solution? Pathetic.
If you really felt so strongly as you claim then skip the rape and go for the murder.

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we need to rape both white and muslim women en masse

people only respect rapists

Go for it, I'd rather this shit spark war in Europe first

Rape is about hate not about sex.


If you want to go apeshit, then why not just overthrow the government?

I'm against that way of thinking. You can't punish innocents.
But I agree with you. The fact that most whites dont even talk to muslim women makes you look like cucks

btw. raping the rapists daughter is a muslim style of punishing. Read about that in Afghanistan. A man raped a girl and the judge allowed her father to rape the rapists 11 year old virgin daughter. such is life when women are property

Shooting the rapists would work or vigilante justice.

It's difficult to retaliate directly when Muslims are under the protection of the government you can only use gorilla warfare Style raping against them

I would rather just kill muslim men. You don't fight immorality with immorality. You fight it with copious amounts of justifiable violence.

I grew up in Dearborn, United States. Sat behind many Muslim girls. At around age 12, they develop extremely hairy ass cracks and lower backs. Just from glimpses from their pants riding low/shirts riding high in front of me.

I wouldn't fuck such a disgustingly hairy woman with your dick.

Like hairy than any Irish guy you'll ever find.

Checkled, heckled, and kekled!

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Tbf it’s more specifically pakis that are hideous.

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Neither would I but it's not about the sex it's about the hate.

Just do pogroms like normal people do. Get 2000 people to do so and when the police arrives tell them to call the army because that's what they're facing. It is too costly so they'll let you home.

It's about power. Islam is the most pussy of all religions, they need to force others to submit just so they can feel powerful.

I hate to say it also, but most of the Native brits are all degenerate cucks. Just like he rest of the west. You can get rid of as much muzzies as you want but you'll still fall thanks to the ''progressive'' society you live in. You'll just get more shitskins pouring in again years later.

Sort your birthrates out, sort out your women, and stop being radical consumers who're easily manipulated by capitalists.

Britfags don’t have guns. Oops.


I don't think it's a coincidence that Blair set us on the path was also the same PM who took away the guns.

They can just get their kitchen knif... Oops

Alright white trasher. Place your address here and I will personally come to your house in broad daylight, drag you into the street in front of your mother, and beat you with my fists into permanent retardation

Since you want to get tough online here's your chance to fight a man. I want your full address posted in the next ten minutes and I'll be boarding a flight out to pay you a visit

Post your address. I'll come pay you a visit

>is to rape there women. In Islamic culture women are property therefore we will not be raping them we are only raping there property.
urg, disgusting.

Is this pasta or new pasta?

Pathetic post, Schools back tomorrow, better study for the junior cert

Ah, the Great White Cope. The idea that their women are beint "raped" rather than willingly throwing themselves to be impregnated by superior brown and blacks. Hahaha