How do you mean 'at least'? It's a damn shame the federal government isn't lacing marijuana, heroin, crack etc. with lethal doses of fentanyl or any other drug to kill off drug users.
Jacob Garcia
california has a long way left to fall. >when I was a kid california was like the cool state.
I actually read an article one time where Millenials are unnecessarily financing EVERYTHING. Fancy exercise bikes, sheets, etc. Read this, at least the first couple of paragraphs:
They are you fucking idiot. But only rural Whitey. Mad NYC Jews and Urban Non Whites have a heroin problem. I’d say the majority of junkies actually aren’t white. You just find these idiots overdosing in the streets and you save them, you normally don’t find these rural retards until after they are dead
Nah but by April 2050 81% of American Urbanites won’t be White. And Metro America will be 55% Non White. Rural America will probably still be more then 85% White just not more then 10% of the country.
Christian Evans
I care because I want to put an end to this retarded meme/ btfo of nigger fetishists
This shit needs to be sent Trump, Hannity, James Woods, etc. It needs to go viral. So much of the country has no idea it's like this in Commiefornia.
Leo Powell
Hmmm, this post sounds quite boomerish
Benjamin Ross
But isn't this part of a larger problem, It doesn't seem to be rooted in millenials over spending, but rather millenials trying to pay for them living, and then then not being able to afford that by any other way than taking out loans
Evan Stewart
Scotland wants its fishing territory rights back. EU is absolutely killing that industry in Scotland.
Luis Rodriguez
You're not far behind finfag. Do don't celebrate to hard.
Let's assume an unrealistic scenario: universal basic income ACTUALLY WORKS GREAT. They won't be comfortable within that limit; the new basics would be heightened
Gabriel Nelson
Because you're a liberal faggot smearing anything conservative
are you jerking your tiny dick to that fantasy right now?
Jason Young
>This principle can be most succinctly understood to mean that "the Führer's word is above all written law" and that governmental policies, decisions, and offices ought to work toward the realization of this end. >it's literally God-Emperorism
Exactly, the boomers price everything out and are forcing the majority into squalor like conditions or having to move back in or get their parents to finance them It's a problem they created and will continue to pay for as well
Jayden Peterson
Police are asking Google to provide user data for all people near crime scenes
Police in Raleigh, North Carolina, have presented Google with warrants to obtain data from mobile phones from not just specific suspects who were in a crime scene area, but from the mobile phones of all people in the area, reports Raleigh television affiliate WRAL. The request will trouble Fourth Amendment advocates as it could be seen that police are carrying out unreasonable searches on people who just happened to be in the area at the time the crimes were committed. And the area sizes the police requesting the data on are not small. In one instance, police requested user data from Google for anyone within a 17-acre area. For its part, Google has not revealed whether it has complied with the police request.
t.occupyfaggot >i-it's not my fault I'm bad with money and sign up for every credit card offer I get in the mail! >SOMEONE has to pay for my college, and it's not gonna be me!
Jayden Evans
>Show me proof >"She probably does"
Finland, they arent sending their best
Jeremiah Davis
Its actually kinda sad when you read mein kampf. Hitler was like all of us. He didnt want to hate jews. He thought people who hated jews were stupid bigots. Then he actually went into the city, interacted with them, noticed they were the chief architects of the destruction of society and GRADUALLY happened.
When im redpilling others i often use the line of "you think anyone wants to hate jews? You think we just wake up one morning and say "gee, i sure do wish to be despised by my society"? No one hates the jews just for no reason. Its after you follow all the forces poisoning our society and at the end of every trail is a Jew. After awhile you realize they are a problem"
Jason Hernandez
Streets and sidewalk literally scattered with heroin needles, empty pill bottles, garbage, feces, and other trash
Zachary Reyes
Not my fault that I didn't get a phone made in glorious Fingolia.
Joseph Cooper
Nice find, thx. I wish I had twitter though.
Nathaniel Russell
Fuck em, let it rot. If people are so lazy, weak willed and unwilling to protect and fight for their future. Then let them rot in the gutter.
While some people are legitimately bad with their money, there is some legitimacy to what he is saying. If you live in a society to expensive to live in what do you then do?
Yes and no. I would argue that a Peloton exercise bike is overspending, especially when the basics are "unaffordable". There is nothing wrong with financing per se, and I do so for larger purchases if there's a 0% APR within the timeframe (such as a fridge). The accrued interest they hammer you with if unpaid in full within the term limit is ungodly.
Wyatt Baker
>occupyfaggot I know you like to lump everything into a group that you don't like/doesn't agree with you but the fact still remains They're on Fios