Based DC Councilman

Based black DC Councilman gets a whippin' from the massahs. Tweeted a nose conspiracy theory (albeit a goofy one). Don't discount our woke black brothers.

He was forced to suck the cock.

"We spoke with @trayonwhite tonight about how his comments played into the long history of antisemitism. We look forward to working with him toward deeper understanding of antisemitism and toward our collective liberation."

Attached: councilman.jpg (860x482, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nigga got too woke and revealed his power level

>Share conspiracy theory about the richest fucking family in the world, no mention of ethnicity
>Oy vey you Anti-Semite! How dare you suspect rich people of having power!


Just shows that if this no name negro from DC knows whats going on everyone does.

>black ani semite

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Indirectly, his" conspiracy theory" is not wrong. We know weather has been altered/created by our own military and other NATO country's military's...and we all know who those organizations like the US Armed Forces, CIA, FBI, KGB, Mossad, etc etc, answers to.

Watch "defamation" on YouTube, there's a scene with random blacks on the street and they are all surprisingly well aware of the nature of the game. Not sure if it's due to them having lived side by side with jews in cities for so long, or having dealt with jewish slumlords all there lives, but whatever it is they are all woke as fuck on the JQ.

>(((conspiracy theory)))

Weather manipulation is no theory. It's a fact. Geoengineering is real.

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Wow, good find.

Are there any alternate theories of what the structure is for? Could his "admission" be a misdirect? (I.e. counterintel)

Holy shit these are good

"collective liberation"

New leftist term for me. What's it mean?

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Weather manipulation is pretty neat. I fully support it.

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These are water ballasts to test weight shifting in flight

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Attached: contrailscience.com_skitch_Inside_Boeing__Building_the_777_20120720_164530.jpg (616x751, 168K)

Mr. White woke af desu

Here's a recent one in the testing of the 747-8

Attached: Cabin_nose_section_of_7478I_prototype2.jpg (1280x960, 189K)

Means overthrow whitie

>collective liberation.
no hiding it any more
all against whites

So top secret, that it was on display in public at the Paris air show

Attached: 1970519.jpg (1280x865, 478K)

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Upper-ionospheric chaffing is done to help amplify the rf waves for the haarp-style experiments that take place world wide, among other things, weather modification being another. Pretty neat desu

Attached: 1518099994376.jpg (2136x3216, 952K)

Attached: Boeing_7478_N6067E_Paris_Air_Show_Beltyukov.jpg_1280852_20140209_094419.jpg (885x589, 146K)

Actually this is not a secret. U of A posts extensively about HAARP on their own website. Now, its possible they dont post the real data, or that there's a synergy with another secret tech. But i dont know of what that would be, if any.

You use to be able to visit the HAARP site in AK before they shut it down - it was partial funded by University

I genuinely like these rare based black men you get in USA. Here we dont have any. Shame the overwhelming majority will always think its whitey n sheeit, but thats to be expected.

On the link i post nearby, the public data shows that haarp effects are strictly local. By what means would they be extended? And if extended, wouldnt expopentially more power be required?

Though in the data it actually states they can increase the ionosphere temperature by 30% in the area if effect, which i find incredible.

Some of these photos may also be fire retardant systems. See this fire retardant system in a 747

Attached: contrailscience.com_skitch_skitched_20120721_091728.jpg (575x317, 53K)

Jews United for (((Justice))) (Jewish Justice being their ancient enemy the White man being killed)

This is the outlet for the retardant.

Attached: contrailscience.com_skitch_skitched_20120721_092039.jpg (575x467, 85K)

There's even other types of ballast systems

Attached: contrailscience.com_skitch_1251730_20120720_175335.jpg (1024x684, 295K)

The first step is to acknowledge the problem. In this case naming the Jew.

This is from a DC4 used for bug spraying

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>On the link i post nearby, the public data shows that haarp effects are strictly local. By what means would they be extended? And if extended, wouldnt expopentially more power be required?
I mean that there are more HAARP-style arrays all over the globe, that type of site for testing there are many more like it everywhere

Basically like massive multimillion kilowat microwaves, pretty impressive crazy shit

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Another commonly used image in the chemtrail crowd is seen here, this is actually a ferry fuel tank.

Attached: 92c56e9b56195acf8a4fa3313b91d67a.jpg (800x600, 77K)

Anti semetic
This is comical
Its all so tiresome