La Atrocidad
You could not Meme this if you tried
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Dios mio...
yeah that's the problem
>white mum
>baby looks black AND asian
> my genes weren't strong enough
You know daddy is already permanently out of the picture.
Definately got her mom’s mustache
This is why we get called Mutts
plz no
Apparently women absorb the genes of every man they've fucked through their semen. That's some of Tyrone coming through in that baby
>baby already has mustache
El goblino
>kid is like 1 and already has a mustache
Beaner genes are strong with this one
Who cares?
she seems pretty cute
Already fatherless. Sad
Shes a fucking Australian, retards.
Thats an abbo babby.
Pig nose face ass baby ass nigga
went through her instagram before(had to go back a long while to find a picture of her bf/husband, I wonder why) and the guy was definitely not 100% nig. he looked 56% from a nig standpoint
Tengo miedo ahora... el ogro de las americas...
So where does it rank on the chart? I'm not 100% sure. Help me lads.
nice one leaf
Lmao the baby has a mustache, nice. Easily the ugliest mixed race baby i'e seen in a while.
>the mom is actually a 10/10
>wasted her genes and created this abomination
>meanwhile I’m /fit/
>have a good career in my mid-twenties
>ready to start a family
>asked out almost 20 girls in the past 6 months and only one of them agreed
>turned out to be a single mother who used to be a swinger
Would things be the same if hitler won?
Oh shit
Comments are open her kikebook
that kid is in for a rough time
shades of Picasso m8
El crimen biologico.
La venganza de deos...
She’s Australian.
>Implying OP's whore is any better than your swinger girl
Really? Baby doesn't even look white. looks like half Filipino half black with a Mexican mustache
>has a mustache
We could meme the shit out of her comments with mutt images.
Did she fuck an abbo or something?
Imho she fucked a dirtbag 56% due to wanting him out of the picture. This bitch wanted to be a single mom for virtue signal points. Her whole life is social media.
La Creatura..
Dad probably saw the babies face and disappeared kek
She's Australian but her child is an honorary american.
All these poor half breed kids growing up with a single mom only to realize she was just a teenage slut.
This. Let her have it. Roastie shaming is the new normal
Please do. Post screencaps.
el niño abominable...
You mean she doesn't try to stay fit just for her health?
Los Diablos
What a disgusting piece of shit. Fished right outta the bog.
Men, please raise your daughters correctly.
Checked. About as much much as she authentically loves that child.
get the rope
Read Corey Wayne's book dummy
Baby and already ugly as sin
Holy fucking beanstache
.....the mutt meme is.... real
shit on her life till she offs herself
La creatura estadounidense
la creatura....
cant wait for the this baby to be an antifa white hating slut lmao
This baby going to grow up to look like Manny pacquiao
Madre celeste...
it's a she?
>sorry baby my genes weren't strong enough
>#lookslikedaddy #istillloveyou
Yeah it's totally not killing her inside.
good, her defective genes need to be erased.
Is The Young Pope any good?
Note the pink headband. Scary, lads.
>sorry genes weren't strong enough
le 23% cunt
what kind of horrid mix not only produces an ugly mutt but also a girl with a mustache?
someones been on the anavar that explains the muscles and the moustache on her and the baby
It's a pretty solid show, drops off a bit toward the end but the first few episodes are god-tier
Just goes to show how incredibly narcissistic these whores really are. They don't give a fuck about anyone or anything but themselves. They live for no greater purpose
but the baby is an amerimutt, the golem of israel
Are you a fan of kino?
Everyday we are reaping the fruit of feminism...
I'm "white" (blue eyes, ruddy complexion, nordic features) but tracing my family tree, I'm pretty obviously a mutt. Italian, Irish, Scottish, and I don't even know what else, Scandi probably, I blend in pretty decently on visits to Estonia, Finland, Norway. How is a white* person any better than another mutt who was simply BLACKED?
Yikes, does that thing have a moustache?
Microchimerism. Supposedly it only works if he came inside (didn't have to impregnate her though). So if a woman is one the pill and fucks without a condom then her brain tissue gets messed up with different faggots' genes and they develop schizo tendencies and such on top of being a genetic dumpster.
Nigger genes. Do the math fuck wit
This looks better than the actual kid
Right. I mean I do get it, I realize most anything mixed with black is doomed, but what about lost souls who were mixed between like 5 white cultures?
If you're all European you're not really the type of mutt being made fun of here. I'm half beaner, they are making fun of my type of mutt.
Meh social skills are just like any other skills, you'll get better and attract better women if you keep at it.
i noticed the hash tags now
Its less frowned upon if you are all European
I don’t even know. That shit does not go away though. I knew one kid who had the perma stache (male). White mother and Hispanic/nigger mixed father
Which one?
A mutt is a mutt though, you're not supposed to mix things up like that. I'd argue that my kind of mutt is worse since I could feasibly fit myself into any "white" homogeneous society and bring in stealth genes to fuck everything up. Very disheartening.
i noticed the hash tags now
i legit thought it was a mechican
Holy shit. It honestly sad how needy for attention this bitch is
This Roastie is definitely on Anavar -its a popular steroid with women. Women cant build muscles the same as men and she gave her baby a mustache because of it!!!!!!!