Tuesday: Alt-hype vs boomer faggot in Alt-hype stream channel 7pm-EST
JF vs Andy about porn (no date) JF vs Jay Dyer about religion (No date) April 1st Flat_earther vs JF about flat earth Lowtax vs Anglin (no date) Alt-Hype vs Spino on race realism (no date) Ryan Dawson vs Halsey (no date) After every major stream ancap user will host a /bybs/ stream
He talks about how the Alt-Right keeps doxing and attacing Sargon like SJWs. It turns out the Alt-Right are even worse bullies than the SJWs ..
Samuel Martinez
Wait a minute, these people suck without Jim. Later.
Jeremiah Turner
yes, I'm that guy, with the terrible contrarian smuggies
Aaron Price
>alt right is destroying any semblance of legitimacy It was done when people started saying TonkaSaw was BASED for just hosting them.
Adam Anderson
alt right are the real SJW's
Dylan Rodriguez
This. Jim being in every stream for the last week has made the show seem better than it is.
Kevin Turner
Does anyone really watch these guys without jim? I just search for clips of him on streams
Cameron James
>It turns out the Alt-Right are even worse bullies than the SJWs >people who worship genocidal dictators are mean who woulda thunk
Gavin Ortiz
Nigga you woke af.
Jacob Ward
yup. the Alt Right are the real SJWs.
genocide is racist so that makes it even worse. it's not just violent.. it's violent based on being white or not which makes it more serious. when you realize that you realize that's why the Alt Right is worse than any other group. Peterson goes into that too
Matthew James
Hi /reddit/
Xavier Rivera
Down from 1.5k to 490 viewers huh guys?
Aiden Roberts
>it's violent based on being white too bad the alt-right can't even define white
Nathaniel Davis
Reddit is a great website. Can we stop this meme please?
Bentley Reed
what stream?
Cooper Cruz
Damn you're really making me think right now
Jayden Butler
see second link in the op
Xavier Lee
ok, so do you work for someone?
Do you wake up and start posting or work as a team?
The youtubers are paid, but you don't get paid yea, is that correct? I'm covering a number of articles on the alt right with my newest assignment?
Xavier Gutierrez
Huh. Guess most people don't respond well to bigotry. BIG shocker.
Whiteness is a construct. Literally everyone knows this. But the Alt Right doesn't.
Easton Roberts
Reddit sucks even on a technical level. Reading through anything there is a mess.
Leo Smith
>larping Go back to /reddit/
James Anderson
it's it so hard to believe that I'm addicted to these threads?
Anthony Jackson
Waiting for based grug poster.
Landon King
genuine questions guys
i get the feeling you guys are hiding a little something
Josiah Taylor
I'm not surprised. They just had to follow the suggestions people gave them but instead the creator was adamant about making this into his own little podcast
the thing is, the SJWs ARE right about one thing. Whiteness IS a social construct. this proves horseshoe theory too, because skeptics and SJWs are the same thing since they agree that race is a social construct.
Checkmate, Alt Right.
Adam Price
is it really hard to answer because its true?
Dylan Nelson
Its been like 2 weeks since I last checked this thread out and it seems like its gone to shit. Now all we have now are shills and bad larpers
Andy and JF can be entertaining sometimes but for the most part yeah
Joshua Perez
Pretty much. And now with his new videos coming out he won't have time to pop in on streams like he used to.
Ethan Martinez
Just woke up, Im in my bed phone posting
Isaac Young
guys, the write up title will be something like
alt right recruiters
look out for it, at 6pm cst, bye now
Grayson Hill
Hasnt he said that he pops into streams while editing and shit
Grayson Kelly
He's the only one who's been having entertaining matches. I'm glad Kraut fucked up with RAS so I could see how shitty him, his group, and Sargon were. I came back because JF's response videos were getting shilled on here and I love what IBS has become. Kumite is fun as hell, as long as you stay away from the extra shit like the whole joy sparkle shit. Andy is having a lot of success, it's funny to see someone like Baked Alaska, who should have a lot of success on his own, imitate him.
Colton Sanders
Baked alaska has been trying way too hard to stay relevant ever since hwndu
Caleb Collins
how do you wake up so late? do you work nights?
Christian Rogers
>alt right recruiters Kek, more like potential lol cow herders
Matthew Peterson
Yes. These threads are made better too because of that voice cracking t_D reddit incarnate trying to shit on Jim constantly.
Charles Kelly
Can we add to the OP that it got shoahed. We get asked that at least once per thread
Kevin Perry
But why
Lucas Reyes
somebody who lurked for a bit, mistaked the chans for a monolithic entity, will make some vague references to other platforms and probably came to the conclusion that some big conspiracy is happening to radicalise weak minded poor internet users.
If that Bing goes through with it, I'll watch it, sounds hilarious desu
Noah Mitchell
Attain hardware friend
Kevin Russell
This is what i got today from CRP for shilling alt right content