They just made an anime as a travel ad for their state. Why do they feel like they live in a cartoon?
What is wrong with Oregon?
Other urls found in this thread:
>racemixed couple at 0:12, another one at 0:39
>a beaner or poo in loo on a giant rabbit 0:22
>asian on a dragon 1:10
>a bunch of nigger stealing a boat 1:17
>pepe at 1:24
I thought Oregon was 75% white!
Meanwhile there's an anime Canadian tourism ad
Outside of Portland it's 90% white.
I literally have not seen a brown person in months.
Yes but that was for Japanese people not white weebs. There was also way less forced diversity
The place would be that nice if they nuked Portland and forced everyone back to California.
meanwhile, in reality
Yeah I saw this the other day. Very thinly veiled allusions to Ghibli productions, and some scenes that literally look like they ought to be set in Japan. What is it selling? Who is it selling to? It doesn't make sense.
>Oregon: The Anime
>brown people everywhere
I don't want to go to Oregon now.
Vegas master race.
Those are the cherry blossoms that we have along the wilamette river, and dragonboat racing is very popular here. Those are also exactly what the buildings look like downtown.
The only lie is it isnt raining.
Would look comfy without the ads reaching above roof levels.
Ghibli is some of the most overrated and gayest shit on the planet. Fitting for the state.
LOL i helped work on this campaign. never thought i'd see it on Sup Forums. jesus that's weird
i just moved here from nh ama
>this but unironically
Fucking Cali immigrants shitting up our roads and ruining our cities. Eugene and Salem are barely recognizable now
can't wait to see Big Lez in an aussie anime tourism ad
what made you think this would be a good idea and cause people to come to your state? it doesn't even show off any actual places in the state
Is the frog a pepe reference?
i can see the tumblr face/nose art already
>mfw I have done everything in the video
>mfw everyone in the video is brown
It hurts
You already got this
The commercial did seem to lack the trannies getting their heads crushed by niggers in front of skateboard stores. Maybe that will be in the sequel
Just got here for the first time yesterday. Portland is seriously a meme city. I thought it was over exaggerated but no. It's exactly what they described it as
pictured: Oregon tourism commercial
Not from there, but what is Oregon known for? I live in PA, we have tons of history regarding the founding of the nation.
Oregon meanwhile? Just some western state. Shown up by commiefornia and Washington.
Anyone living in North America that's not living in Oregon lost out on the lottery of life
>what is Oregon known for?
portland hipsters and thats about it
Montana is the best state
Are you sure? That ad makes it seem like Oregon is mostly populated by niggers.
fucking weebs
Jokes aside that's a really cool ad, and Oregon is by far one of the most beautiful states.
Oregon has the world's geography condensed into a single state within a few hours of driving distance
Combine that with God tier nightlife, god tier wine, beer, weed, fine gun laws, all of that.
it's like 99% white, they're virtue signalling fags who hate niggers but are more terrified of people finding that out than anything else in the world
>Why do they feel like they live in a cartoon?
Seems cool desu, if Oregon really looked like that I'd love to visit.
I was gonna garden Saturday. Then it rained so i had to garden in the rain. Feels oregon.
This doesn't look like anime at all
t. weeb
fuck it's gonna be a hot one, there's no snow anywhere & that normal mid January freeze waited until the end of February
also fuck Newberg it's just becoming another portland but with wine drunks
get out of my mcminnville
You should be trying to keep em out of Bend.
Im glad my state bans billboards.
Because neon-haired SJWs and liberals love Studio Ghibli, they just know their audience
ace advert
no desert
That aint shit, imagine that times 100. The streets of lubbock texas have crack addicts on every street corner and they have a tribe of addicts near our local walmart its actual kinda fun.
When we get bored down here we get a 20$ bill and then go to the tribes and have the bums fight each other until one yells mercy and the victor wins the money.
Its so bad that during the winter a bum froze to death out behind a 711 and on the news we just called it a bumsicle epidemic.
user it has multiple direct allusions to Miyazaki films
>Taking Oregon seriously
Please tell me you do not do this.
>“I’ve lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas … This a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas.”
>“I go to work at 5 in the morning. Not a lot of people at the gas pumps at that time in the morning. And yes, I will not feel safe pumping my own gas … Not to mention it’s freezing and rainy.”
>“Many people are not capable of knowing how to pump gas and the hazards of not doing it correctly. Besides I don’t want to go to work smelling of gas when I get it on my hands or clothes. I agree Very bad idea.”
>“Yuck! Pumping my [own] fuel in freezing temperatures and handling a nasty ole fuel nozzle that 50 other people have touched that day (and who knows what cooties are on there), no thank you. It’s nice to not have to pump your own fuel.”
This post-modern post-Christian internet sadism sure is interesting stuff
You can tell a woman pissed away money on this.
How would you rate NH to Oregon(e)? I've been debating movie to the PNW or the NE. Also how's the job market, I'm in a good career but I've never had reason to leave the south because the pay is more competitive down here.
>mutts are too lazy to refill their own cars
>creating things using imagination
If a woman made it, it would be a screaming naked fat chick with a full bush squirting period blood onto canvas until it resembled the state borders
>this is real
This ad is bullshit dont come to Oregon especially Tillamook or anywhere near there.
No one wants California filth stinking up their state. They're subhuman
Oregon's gas pump law:
>Gives people a job who would otherwise be unemployable
>Makes it so I don't have to get out of the car in the rain to pump gas so I can stay inside and be /comfy/
>Gas is still far cheaper here than California where you have to pump your own gas
>New Jersey has the same law and people don't seem to have a problem with it
I don't get why this constantly gets brought up as a negative thing on this board whenever Oregon is mentioned.
what, you think people from cali are coming in DROVES while none of your shit-lib kids are coming down here to be "actors", "writers" or whatever?
they ruined my state and now they're going to ruin yours. they've been festering here for far too long and NONE of them are locals, so it's time for the chickens to come home to roost.
besides, your state has always been garbage juice - i just can't wait until ashland hippies connect up portland and destroy everything you hold dear.
>literally socialism tier invention of jobs that don't need to exist just so people can have a job
>waaah why do people hate it
How would Orgeon folks feel if someone from Arizona moved on in?
People are jealous of the west coast states. Just because it’s the Mecca of libshits, doesn’t mean Cali, Oregon, Washington state aren’t the best states in the union. Stay jealous literally no-name states
Would you rather they be homeless drug addicts, waiting for you in back alleys to attack and bite you with herpes and rub their syphilis sores all over your face, or just pay them minimum wage to pump your gas and wipe your windscreen?
was it was white until about 15 years ago.
People from lolhio don’t understand that in 1st world states, business owners have funds available to create jobs
Yeah, this dude posts TWO homeless people aren't even that bad.
God forbid they go to an actual shitty ghetto
Bend is for rich so cal Jews
Californian is 34% white so I can only assume u are talking about our vast Hispanic population that is moving to Oregon by the hundreds of thousands.
This. The absolute free market is retarded.
Getting your gas pumped is fucking great. You just pull up.
>Hey man Good morning.
>Hey what can I get for you
>Full regular no receipt please.
>Sure thing.
You sit in your car and listen to music.
>Alright, you're good to go have a good one.
>You too!
Faggot actually complain about this.
Fine, it's really weird here though. I know it's only 75% white but I ONLY see white people. I only live around whites and white-asians, and ALL of my co-workers are white. It's fucking surrel. I work in a company of like 400 people and whenever I see a black person or mexican it's like... out of the ordinary.
Also people are really just relaxed and nice here.
Also, AMA.
Oregon's Latino population is growing faster than the national rate and is significantly younger than others in the state, a new report from the Oregon Community Foundation finds.
The numbers of Latinos here increased by 72 percent since 2000, compared to only 50 percent nationwide. Nearly 474,000 Latinos live in Oregon, up from 275,000 in 2000.
The Hispanic population in Central Oregon has continued to grow steadily in recent years, according to new U.S. Census Bureau population estimates released last week.
Many newcomers have likely moved to the region to work in construction or tourism as Central Oregon has bounced back from the Great Recession.
wha how is the couple at 0:39 racemixing?
is the man asian? he dosen't really look like it
Hello fellow Oregonian
“I think the big takeaway is that the Latino population here in Oregon is young and growing, and Latinos are increasingly a very important part of the state’s overall well-being,”
Very nice homage to Studio Ghibli
There's always nips walking around the malls and downtown in Portland
There's a flight from pdx to Japan so they come here a lot
Every one of Oregon's 36 counties became more diverse since 2010. Counties are visualized here based on how much their percent non-white population increased,
Oregon's Asian population has surpassed Hispanics as the state's fastest growing demographic, new census figures show.
Oregon looks pretty cool. Would be cool to visit Portland someday.
Locals shouldn't be surprised by recently released U.S. census data showing consistently growing Latino populations in Bend
Portland, Oregon, is actively engaging with and promoting the latino community that is investing in the region’s economy. I was brought to the city by Travel Portland to discover the different ways they are working on this objective, which shows a real interest from them to celebrate and work towards the betterment of the community. As a latina myself, I have noticed the increasing need for places where we know our work is appreciated and supported and I was delighted to learn about Portland‘s initiatives and its entrepreneurs.
Cheaper to animate than hire live actors.
Portland is friendly, welcoming, and open to diversity
I think this title explains it all. In my experience during my short visit, I noticed how friendly people are. I received helpful indications by a stranger I stopped on the street on how to get to the bus station and how to pay for the service for the first time. A person sitting next to me in the streetcar also advised me that my stop was approaching and indicated which way I should walk to get to my desired destination. Overall, I always felt welcomed and respected in my own diversity, which I think it’s a reassurance we’re seeking more of these days.
Latino Life: Living in 'Gringolandia'
>Right off the bat, sheboon with nigger kid playing with white father
Pretty neat vidya. A bit brown.
Don't come here, even to visit.
Fuck off, we're full.
Oregon’s most Latino city, Gervais, is west of the Cascades, nestled in the Willamette Valley between Portland and Salem. Woodburn and Hubbard are nearby, and Independence is not far away. Cornelius is on the western fringe of the Portland metro area, while Wood Village is on the eastern. Among Oregon’s big cities, several Portland suburbs stand out, places like Hillsboro, Gresham, and Beaverton. The majority of Oregon’s heavily Hispanic cities, however, are in eastern Oregon, particularly in the north.
In a report that has national implications, almost half of the illegal immigrants held in Oregon jails in May faced serious sex crimes including rape, abuse and sodomy.
Of 969 illegals held in jail for that one month, 461 have been charged with the three sex crimes.
A majority are being held in Portland and Salem area jails,