Jim Carrey just blew Trump and his press secretary the fuck out

Jim Carrey just blew Trump and his press secretary the fuck out


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Asshole shits.
Morons eat it up.


Nah...this makes Carrey look like a whiney, cry-baby faggot.

Except... he didn't.

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>Washed-up actor impotently paints an unflattering portrait of political opponent


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>celebrity doesn't like trump

oh no!

Hes the satanic high priest at the la church.

could the shit photo be any more fucking grainy?
I'd love to push this shit on some lefty retards I know, but man the quality is crap.

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Jim Carrey is going to hell

What pisses me off is that these people go around preaching equality and fairness, and they seem to want to live in a happy-go-lucky world where everyone is nice to each other and we don't judge people...
but then as soon as they don't like someone on the other side of the political spectrum, all they do is make fun of their looks
"Drumpf is fat and orange!!!" "Sarah Sanders is a fat lazy-eyed man!!!" "Stop judging people by the way they look you racist xenophobic nazi facist!!!!"

no way god burns jim kerry. he just laugh and let him in.

He's finally down to his last brain cell I see, the fight between his last two for dominance was pretty exciting

can jim carrey become red-pilled??

he's a vaccine skeptic but then he drinks the MSM kool aid... he's been in hollywood long enough to know about the pedos??

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All these leftists act like we're under Bush era evangelical political rule when it's progressives who dictate what is considered moral or not these days.

He's cracking under the guilt of the responsibility of his ex-wife's death

Welcome to the struggle. Narcissists tend to attack others based on what they deem most valuable (looks, other superficialities) while protecting their own insecurities from attack by making it socially unacceptable. Basically you're watching insecure narcissists on a rampage. No surprise when our society values selfies and social media so highly. Image is everything and it has created an army of narcissists.

he's a canadian faggot. probably obamaleaf

It's the truth though

God: ur going to hel Jimmy
God: lmao jimmy, u crack me up, u can stay

wow how scandalous
wow really got her
wow literally satan

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Keep worshiping celebrities goy

>Bullies girl to suicide
>Does not get killed by his peers

The absolute state of Jewnited states. KääääK.

flump fans btfo

You work for Hollywood Jimmy

Didn’t he murder his girlfriend anyway?

le girlfriend killing funnyman

Yeah, except he didn't.

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I'd suggest him going back to comedy but he can't do that either

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>being paid to pretend for a huge audience
The fucking irony

jim carry has severe trump derangement syndrome.

isnt it interesting who is most susceptible to hillarys and soroses propaganda through the jew media?

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killed herself

No but he gave her all kinds of STD's then drove her to suicide

>jim carrey is now drawing caricatures of his bullies like a disgruntled impotent child whose only way of getting back at his bullies is to draw caricatures of them to soothe his massive butthurt

just lol

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Any video?

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sauce me young user

You mean the character known as Jim Carrey.
