New behind the scenes video
Looks like those arrows are really shootable
Thunderbolt fantasy thread
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Cool shit OP. Thanks for the update.
So much hard work put on the details of the puppet
All the puppets are craft by hands
Who could this mysterious masked archer be?
Bane desu ka?!
I want these fucking puppets.
Sorry, wrong image. It's pretty obvious it's him
Too obvious. Why does he wear the mask then?
Hides his identity I suppose, he doing some dirty work that he doesn't want to damage his reputation
Nice photoshoot of duck
Second season needs more Cutieπ
Pili are know for crafting many cuties puppet (here is an example), so don't worry.
Iam sure we will get more than one cuties in season 2
This guy had a good them music
The buttwings look like fleece now. I'm disappointed.
Maybe he still has both eyes here, and he actually loses one in this arena?