Why does everyone hate her?
Dragon Ball Super
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Not enough porn obviously.
She's a bland character who's taken up the last two episodes already, and still gets two more.
Beta males feel intimidated by strong, independent women.
its not that i hate her i just hate the fact i will never but Kefla in her place by Ravaging her saiyan donut
>Caulifla and Kale have used the Potara to merge into Kafla. Kafla overwhelms her opponent Goku with stupendous power and speed, and is thrilled at her own strength. Goku gives up on preserving his stamina while fighting and instead unleashes his power and becomes Super Saiyan Blue, but Kafla immediately becomes Super Saiyan and powers up even further. Goku at last uses even the Kaio-Ken and battles with all his might, but...
because they aint her
no ass
Same reason everybody hates the two shit girls fusing to make one more powerful turd that will still be jobbing either way (with ine of them being personally responsible for the jobbing tendencies)
don't open this
Kale is autistic and relies on her "sis" for everything.
do not open this either
That doesn't stop Best Gohan from opening a hole in his guts.
That last one is for all weebs though
Definitely don't open this.
No, I want escapism because real life manages to make everything boring.
Unlikely. Everyone still masturbates to Android 18.
That's not Kale.
>Kamen rider dicked by Mandroid
>tfw I can beat the shit out of everybody ITT
>not delicious brown
Who are you kidding, you don't have an 8 pack.
Dumb frogposter.
>the color of shit
kek silly shitskins
What did captcha mean by this?
is U9 getting revived?
Can she beat Master Krillin?
Insecure virgin manlets hate powerful women.
Seriously though what's gonna happen to these threads if she doesn't get eliminated in 2 weeks?
dumb Sup Forumsposter
heres the exit
I don't even want to imagine this.
They'll descend to such a low of bait and shitposting mods may just have to ban these threads.
Future Zeno is not impressed by kefla
The CHADhan force will go into full effect
imagine being a nigger lmao
>fucking hates Goku
Why was his timeline so sad?
He already saw a potara fusion (Merged Zamasu).
Preview Reminder
good point
He lived with android Yamcha as his best friend so he is good.
dumb Sup Forumsposter
heres the exit
>android Yamcha
>trying so hard with 18
>being Yamcha
user please.
Thank god, we need a break from this goddamn neverending train ride.
>replying to Sup Forums
What's the point of this?
Why is she so cute?
it's only bitchy little goawayhan faggot boys who hate the fact that their little jobber isn't gonna amount to shit in DBS
Okay i give in, you're right.
>Buu "recharged" 18
Even as an android he managed to get cucked.
>beta males allow themselves to be used by "strong, independent women"
> their little jobber isn't gonna amount to shit in DBS
wow, art went back to shit so fast
they failed to follow the simple instructions to run away
they dumb as fuck
thats why they deserve to get erased
>Krillin matches an SSGSS Kamehameha
This seems perfectly fine to me.
>Android 17 (who should be weaker than Trunks/Goten) fights with SSGSS
I don't see any issues here.
>Ultimate Gohan (who should be current SSJ Goku/Vegeta level) fights with SSGSS
This is exactly what I would expect to happen
>potara fusion between an ultra-compatible LSSJ and a SS2 (Super-tier) allows them to fight with SSG
The Quitela plan would have made them last longer, true.
looks fine
Is it me or is Kefla's SS form is literally a female Trunks?
>>Krillin matches an SSGSS Kamehameha
>>Android 17 (who should be weaker than Trunks/Goten) fights with SSGSS
>>Ultimate Gohan (who should be current SSJ Goku/Vegeta level) fights with SSGSS
All of these are Toei bait to hype characters that actually aren't SSB level and that ultimately have done nothing of worth in the tournament, One already eliminated too. KEKfla's only purpose was to recharge Goku stamina back into UI.
Broly had always looked like Trunks except bulkier than even this USSJ. Of course it comes full circle with the homage train.
will she pull a sword out of her ass too?
>magical girl villain
>kamen rider villain
How does he do it?
Ask me how I know you're a crossboarder.
Androids are above tropes.
well she's the best girl
>people seriously think gohan wont win the tournament
>he didn't read the toei interview
>You are at school honing your skill in your favourite subject you are pretty good in. Timeskipp hormons kick in cant think straight anymore suddenly nancy the annoying dyke catches up to your skill and ends up being better than you duo positive enforcement and surface display of inteligence in a subject she could previously not master that she just memorized it by hearth.
>That kid that can do everything better than you just from watching you so you just give up trying for good because it stopoed being fun.
The problem is universal blizzard balancing
>Krillin matches an SSGSS Kamehameha
No he didn't, Goku was about to wreck him before 18 stepped in.
>Android 17 (who should be weaker than Trunks/Goten) fights with SSGSS
Headcanon, it's been at least a decade since the android arc.
>Ultimate Gohan (who should be current SSJ Goku/Vegeta level) fights with SSGSS
Again headcanon, we have no idea how the ultimate form since we only saw it once and Gohan was too cocky to use it.
>>potara fusion between an ultra-compatible LSSJ and a SS2 (Super-tier) allows them to fight with SSG
This is an asspull. Kale "getting stronger" than berserk made no sense and still couldn't handle ss2 Goku alone. Cauli was struggling as ss2 with base Goku in the same fight.
Potara can't make up for that difference in addition to the difference between ss2 and god.
That's a damn good edit
Dem feet. :3
this is my favorite dbz trope
I can't get enough of fast dodging. Shit always looks so fucking sick.
Controlled Super Saiyan > Super Saiyan God > Super Saiyan 4 > Regular Super Saiyan > Super Saiyan 2 > Oozaru > Golden Oozaru > Legendary Super Saiyan > Super Saiyan 3 > Buff Super Saiyan > Super Saiyan Rose > Super Saiyan Blue
She will if she defeats Jiren while in Super Saiyan form.
haha look mom i posted it again.
>and still couldn't handle ss2 Goku
Green hair Kale clearly could. She literally held him in place at one moment and was soloing him before that. It was when he went God that she could no longer keep up.
He won't.
exactly. he's gonna act like the little bitch he is, get green dad to meat shield for him and job to an actual star like jiren (at VERY best) or some random.
>living in the past
goawayhan shitters everybody.
What will Jiren wish for after he inevitably wins the tournament?
alone user, alone.
And holding someone down isn't a feat. Goku did that to Raditz who was way out of his league and someone even did that to him at the beginning of the ToP almost knocking him out.
Chikara koeta tsuyoi chikara soitsuga WILL POWER
>hurr durr you are a strawman look i proved you a hypocrite accept my shittily written waifus now
Not how it works faggot
is there a rule 34/hentai of this anywhere? just asking
I just want this in the mating press position
>can't see obvious theming
Gohan has had several episodes cementing his relationship with his family, and he saw a formidable warrior just like him get erased.
If you think he'll take that sitting down especially after his training and with his importance to db, you're sorely mistaken.
>living in the past
I bet you don't evebn realize that by pointing this out it maks your STD-ridden waifu completely absent from the good old times before the non canon sequel with the BS "god ki" Goku/Vegeta wank.
Haven't searched, but probably.
It's just that in a franchise where everyone who isn't a villain or kid trunks and goten they had to work hard to get strong and the two of them just get everything for nothing.
There is no investment in them going anywhere because of that.
OG Super Saiyan > Controlled Super Saiyan > Super Saiyan God > Super Saiyan 4 > Regular Super Saiyan > Super Saiyan 3 > Super Saiyan 2 > Oozaru > Golden Oozaru > Legendary Super Saiyan > Buff Super Saiyan > Super Saiyan Rose > Super Saiyan Blue