How much do you think the crucifixion hurt?
How much do you think the crucifixion hurt?
A lot. I love you Jesus.
This much
jesus is tops in my list, that must have hurt.
Laying flat would be better pain wise but when you go vertical it would be constant tearing feeling.
Much. The three days in hell would have been worse though.
Based on the historical evidence....a shit ton
>Worshipping a dead kike on a stick
Didn't the Romans have dozens of different torture killing devices and the crucifixion was considered the worst or one of?
Either way, I think the crucifixion itself would have been bad, but the torture he got before (whipped, tearing off flesh, etc) was just as bad if not worse.
There are worse methods of torture.
Jesus was just a cult leader who got lucky.
Supposedly the Romans gave him the worst.
Not enough for the Jew that destroyed Europe
>implying cartels don't do worse things
>bieliving that crucifications actually happened
pls kys
Why don't you try and report back?
Well there are best methods, but it is definately among the worst who doesn't completely disfigure the body.
They also used it since the executed ones could be set up visibly along highways
A Lot!
*worse, not best...
sehr gut
It would be extremely painful.
Hopefully Passion 2 : Electric Boogaloo will convey that suffering and turn it toward the Jews somehow.
you're a big kike
its retarded when you think about it, or actually extremely scary if the christian god is real
why does god need his son to suffer? think about it, god is perfectly fine with himself, but letting his
son or himself incarnated as his son suffer for what? couldnt he just turn off the pain senses? its almost
like some fetish. but if it is his son, then seeing him get tortured is very weird. it's just a giant roleplay when
you think about it and its utterly unnecessarily, proving he's nothing but a scary psychopath.
any real merciful god would put an end to this material creation of chaos long ago, we're pointless and just
bring more pain to ourselves, why keep us alive?
for you, amigo
>not replying "for jew"
fucking leafs i swear to god
Crucifiction is a doddle
Quite a bit, Romans would take a person down after 3 days on the cross, saying they had "served their punishment" (less than .01% of cruxified people survived.
Pretty shitty way to go.
Did they actually do this?
someone redpill me on the lance they used what happened to it?
also, is the holy grail real?
Christ is the literal scapegoat on which all sins of humanity (past, present and future) have been laid.
It's the only valid payment for salvation out of this wretched existence.
no lol
You know the english word excruciating has it's roots in the word crucifixion
that should clue you in on how badly that shit hurts, we have a fucking word just for that pain.
Physical pain was insignificant to that of the Father turning away from the Son.
A lot, but I think that it should be reintroduced
Just a flesh wound
Are you sure? I wouldn't mind if they did.
>get pinned on a stick
>some dick centurion poking you like a piñata
>jewish leaders nearby rubbing their hands in delight
>have powers to heal wounds and rip them a new asshole but you can't
The Jews will pay for they did to him
>gets beheaded by a Frank
Of course you wouldn't you fucking leaf
Secretly you wish they did, didn't you
Some things hurt much more.
Like "no".
>be creditor
>pay the debts of your debtor yourself
>still hold him in debt though
God confirmed for retarded creditor.
"Here is your concession speech, Hillary"
He had it coming. totally deserved it.
>The length of time required to reach death could range from hours to days depending on method, the victim's health, and the environment. A literature review by Maslen and Mitchell[45] identified scholarly support for several possible causes of death: cardiac rupture,[46] heart failure,[47] hypovolemic shock,[48] acidosis,[49] asphyxia,[50] arrhythmia,[51] and pulmonary embolism.[52] Death could result from any combination of those factors or from other causes, including sepsis following infection due to the wounds caused by the nails or by the scourging that often preceded crucifixion, eventual dehydration, or animal predation.[53][54] A theory attributed to Pierre Barbet holds that, when the whole body weight was supported by the stretched arms, the typical cause of death was asphyxiation.[55] He wrote that the condemned would have severe difficulty inhaling, due to hyper-expansion of the chest muscles and lungs. The condemned would therefore have to draw himself up by the arms, leading to exhaustion, or have his feet supported by tying or by a wood block. When no longer able to lift himself, the condemned would die within a few minutes. Some scholars, including Frederick Zugibe, posit other causes of death. Zugibe suspended test subjects with their arms at 60° to 70° from the vertical. The test subjects had no difficulty breathing during experiments, but did suffer rapidly increasing pain,[56][57] which is consistent with the Roman use of crucifixion to achieve a prolonged, agonizing death
A lot, its not the most painful way to go. But I sill wouldn't recommend it.
Yes, crucifixion was for slaves, criminals and people who didn't have roman citizenship, romans were beheaded (like St. Paul for instance)
Not a much as telling him his bank account been frozen by the Roman authorities. MUUH SHEKELS!!!!!!!!
neo-nazi edgelords should be crucified.
Wow look at you with your big boy pants on! Took a lot of thinking and decisive thought to type out the same bull shit I've heard one hundred times already. Do you feel funny or cool calling me a leaf? Yeah its on the fucking flag big fucking deal, I've been browsing this board for a week and anytime I comment all people can do is spout LEAF! I just asked a simple question whether they fucked him or not, sick and tired of this leaf crap; Canada is the best country in the world and you know it, so to defend yourself all you can do is cry LEAF. Do you ever think that you sound like a total idiot every time you say the word leaf? No you don't because you're to stupid to even realize how dumb you look, I'm done with this board and all you stupid virgins spending your whole day on here calling people stupid names.
Lots. I'm not sure it's the worst possible pain, but considering that he hadn't done anything wrong...
It hurt so much they invented a new word to describe it: excruciating
Alright so this is how it went:
They beat him up creating sharp, painful wounds and then forced him to carry the cross which put pressure on his already very weak body and his wounds. than they crucified him by nailing his feet in a very uncomfortable position and nailing him by the hands or by the wrists, both very painful. they crucified him in a position where he cant get comfortable, any position either opening his wounds, putting too much stress on his muscles or causing pain in his bones.
tldr: It was very painful.
less than that one gore video with cartel "people" torturing what barely even looked human
It would've been extremely painful
>Roman Soldier, I'm Pontius Pilate.
>He wasn't alone.
>Uh... you don't get to bring disciples.
>They are not my follows.
>Don't worry, no silver for them.
>And why would I want them?
>They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the savior. The son of God...
>Get him on a cross, I'll call it in.
>The crucifixion I just filed with the Roman Empire only includes two thieves and a false God. First one to talk doesn't have to carry their cross.
>Who paid you to spread the word of God?
>He didn't bleed water!
>Who wants to try next?
>Tell me about Jesus! Why does he claim to be the son of God? A lot of loyalty, for a hired preacher!
>Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would crucify a man, before he entered eternal salvation?
>At least you can talk. Who are you?
>doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
>No one cared who I was until I put on the crown of thorns.
>If I pull that off, would you die?
>It would be extremely painful.
>You're a big God!
>For you.
>Was getting caught part of your plan?
>Of course... Judas refused our offer in favor of yours, we had to find out what he told you.
>Nothing! I said nothing!
>Well, congratulations! You got yourself caught! Now what's the next step in your master plan?
>Resurrecting from certain death... with only survivor!
the real ruler of all worlds, belonging to samsara, is mara, the incarnation of evil. or the demiurge if you prefer. real solace and final peace cannot be found in the world of existence. Final peace is transcendental and beyond life and death, IMO.
you cannot be forever happy in paradise because happiness depends on suffering as a reference point. Get rid forever of suffering and you access nibbana, an unformed, unbecome state beyond life and death.
not being able to move. whipped so that your skin falls off. crown of thorns. carry cross. pierced side. drink vinegar. nails through hands and feet. left to fester in the sun. but at least the prophecy didnt allow them to break His legs. imagine doing it upside down too. what kind of question is this? you died when your lungs couldnt sustain gravity. are you a juden? your flag would indicate as much
Idk, you wanna try it?
Never happened
faggot flag
>Get him on a cross, I'll call it in
Fucking lost it.
>blame our kids for this
oops those were pharisees and not the romans
Of course it fucking hurt. You're hanging from your nailed ankles in the middle of the fucking desert
Jesus chainsaw massacre
17 - 17.4 tops
kill yourself you son of satan baby dick sucker serpent flag. fake ass khazarian mafioso. not even of shem. not judean. not israelite. a satanic luciferian goy
it was done on a pole. so the arms were 180 degees atop the head methinks
Try meditating it over a Bane-voice
youre duped. youre a mason. why does this board yabber about degeneracy but follows the druids down a fucking pit of forked tongue vipers? keep fucking dem vaginas
LGBT guy bitching about minorities ruling anything is a *tad* bit the oxymoron yes ?
Between sweating with blood even before being arrested (Luke 22,44), wearing crown of thorns, being whipped, bearing cross quite a long way, bearing sins of entire humanity, having hands and feet pierced by nails, I guess the answer is more than we can comprehend.
But, in the end, "the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom." (Mark 15,38), triumph. Old Law, that brought punishment died and humans could be saved in New Law. Let us remember this sacrifice, when we are on the verge of committing sin.
there is no way to know, sadly
psh they even stabbed him so that probably made it quicker
adam's dead. grabbems and frog whores arent my problem. but freud tried to make it as much. i will NOT bow to all seeing pussy eye like many will be deceived. satan rules air. the majorities are almost always wrong. ironic that most of you dont defend Christ like I do? that I might at all? this is power of faith. and of your lies to deceive the blind. the fruit wasnt knowledge. it was a corrupted seed by way of bestiality
A whole lot. Thank you Jesus for suffering for our sins.
>The three days in hell would have been worse though.
You fell for a Protestant meme. Jesus went to the Underworld but he didn't suffer there. He knocked down the ancient gates, slew Thanatos, and enchained Hades, liberating the captives and leading them to heaven. Christ's time in Hell was a victory full of joy.
>Immediately Hades cried out: We have been conquered: woe to us! But who art thou, that hast such power and might? and what art thou, who comest here without sin who art seen to be small and yet of great power, lowly and exalted, the slave and the master, the soldier and the king, who hast power over the dead and the living? Thou wast nailed on the cross, and placed in the tomb; and now thou art free, and hast destroyed all our power.
>>some dick centurion poking you like a piñata
That's Saint Longinus to you.
saint long vagina. cuts little pussies in people
>whip the shit out of son of god
>shove thorns onto his head
>crucify him
>stab him in the side
>become a saint
Damn he lucked out
Legitimately 11/10
Bretty good, first time I've seen that
No pain is greater than Gods glory
i dont believe in that stuff. some men proclaimed who were saints. bible says a roman did that. no long vagina in there. your pics of this sort of thing bug me. and they poked Him because He had nothing to do with pussies. pussies coming from the spot on Adam where the Eve pussy came from. Christ is final Adam. that's why. not your stuff. just to make fun like the rest of what they did. water is feminine. they thought maybe He had water stuff. everybody said He was a divine feminine guy. He wasnt. everybody else is. the cross was a pole. poles cant make cubes. what do poles remind you of? He defeated deaths and sins and everybody focuses on pussies. and He died on top of a giant wooden dick. just like adam and eve did. except by way of wooden serpent. his boner. the rods and serpents of moses time denoted a required faith in order to be healed. and nothing else. most say this is muh kundalini backbone. serpent did make some back bones. but we are to be as wise as him. so adam and eve werent kicked out because of knowledge. she saw the naked wizard satan and that it was good for lusts
Christ is the archetypal hero, he voluntarily takes on suffering to save humanity. The point is that you're supposed to strive towards his ideal.
Literally who
Sounds like heresy to me
if anything his ultimate sacrifice is exactly a scapegoat for his followers, a sacrifice to end all sacrifices, hardly a sacrifice to show by example as a Roman of old may have carried
>trying to be as good as possible is heresy
The crucifixion never happened. Jesus wasn't even a real person.
>inb4 all the usual retards quoting (((Wikipedia)))
Not enough
That is not what you said. Salvation is by the blood of Jesus, you are on the wrong board shilling that DJP drivel
jews have no feelings so not at all
>Salvation is by the blood of Jesus
Inaginary godmen won't provide you with salvation, dummy.