Left or right?
Left or right?
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right and then left will rape me so i win twice
Clearly left is the best choice.
Definitely left
They are my students.
yuri ship
Miku all day every day.
>Left or right?
A sandwich will fill me better than a can of coffee, but I will be thirsty later, so left.
Left on right
left and im right
I turn around and leave.
Both of their mothers.
Right is a great choice, but left is superior in every aspect.
Author fucked up super hard.
He should have made the other love rival a gyaru as well.
That way, he would make the theme of the manga title, consistent.
But what if right turns into a faux gyaru as well?
Left seems like a pure girl so I go for her, right looks like a maximum slut, probably walk all day with cum inside of her.
what if right is a slut and left is a virgin?
But what if to become competitive she becomes a gyaru?
Where's the rest of the spoilers?
Neither, both of them are mediocre.
What if the super serious committee member also wishes to appease sensei and becomes a gyaru herself?
Miku is his future wife. But that doesn't mean Yabecchi can't get some Fujiwara before the engagement.
Left because blonde Asian bimbos that cook are like the second coming of the Christ.
How would she look like as a gyaru?
Black haired gyaru usually need long hair and earrings.
Coffee will make you more thirsty afterwards.
left fucking right
t. /u/
>you will never cook dinner with your sensei
why even be a cute gril
100 percent left
I sense NTR incoming.
>Author will not allow Miku and Yabecchi to settle down at the end
>it will be this chuckle fuck
Don't you fucking do it
What manga is this?
Gal Gohan now read it fag
Thanks faggot
it's on the fucking cover
I want left to seduce right.
>But that doesn't mean Yabecchi can't get some Fujiwara before the engagement
That doesn't mean Yabecchi can't get some Fujiwara after the engagement.
>this was a year ago
What the fuck
This manga is shitty pornless porn anyway so it doesn't matter since no gyaru gets dicked onscreen.
the most ignored message of all time
right if she can cook
>I like you, here is a quick gesture of affection that costed money, which is means something as her kind tend to come from a lower social economic class
>over steps social boundaries and puts you in an uncomfortable position to accept a lunch which will lead to misunderstanding with your peers or future love interests, psycho bitch. Your mothers lunch she labor to make will now go to waste
if people like this series try Omaera zenin mendokusai they feel similarish
Oh man that's still going? Is worst girl still in the lead?
Author fucked up the moment he introduced some fucking love triangle.
Is worst girl the science labcoat one
translations are stalled
which is frustrating since the next chapter is a glasses maid cafe chapter
labcoat is still worst girl but Tobi throws romantic scenes with everyone
as ever class rep, slut, and class-rep's sister are best girls
oppai sensei is possibly still winning.
slut does not hold back
Labcoat is still fucking trash.
I do hope she wins eventually...
probably just an embarrassed classmate
"would you be interested in this way? "
Wedding vows huh. Hopefully this means she'll finally be serious about chasing after the MC. If she stays Kunihiko sexual then I wouldn't mind her winning the sensei bowl.
Now I want this too!
terrible taste
I'm not entirely sure next pages make it seem like she was playing with him but also serious
I'm hungry so I'll take the sandwich. Black coffee is fucking nasty.
>Black coffee is fucking nasty.
get out, you're clearly not a sociopath
Those black coffee cans are always either bitter as fuck or INSTANT-DIABETUS sweetened. Sandwich is the better choice. Wash down with iced tea.
>doesn't act like an actual gyaru
Every time.
polygamy is the patricians choice
Not likely, it’s a two girl race basically between lab coat and a former student of Sensei.
Dick says left, brain says right, heart says left, stomach says right.
damn, really? is that what the later chapters mean
so Kurihara doesn't have a hope?
God lab coat brings down that series so much.
what chapter was this?
Left of course, but without the disgusting fake nails.
I was just thinking the same thing once I noticed them.
>nobody will ever say this to you
Of course not. Wives HATE being trained unless they're a hardcore M.
what's with the obsession with gyarus lately? There are literally no attractive gyaru irl
Ch-cheer up man!
You answered your own question.
Now i've lost it
>people exist who would unironically not pick the pure gyaru delinquent
>pure gyaru delinquent
Why would anyone pick the unclean filth?
>I don't even know about what the thread is about
Couldn't we have both????
>What if they consent tho?
the sticky wasn't.
what is this from
Right, but with long hair.
shindoL right to left
I have given name, it's just not on panda
She does, she's just not the slutty variant.