What did he mean by this?

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Aliens (E.T.s)

Trump did 9/11


he is scared to death right now. all of his misdeeds are coming back to bite him in the ass.

screw off shill

oh no he didn't

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Justice for all traitors and pedos

He means that it'll take a major event to kill all the unsaveable retarded Democrat voters.

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it means buckle the fuck up

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Nuke being used

Day of the rope with digits

guess its neither of us

He plans a false flag to blame Israel.

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Summer is going to be awesome

I can't wait Mr. President

>Trump impeached
>Stocks crash
>Trump blames Dems
>Dems destroyed
>Trump unites country and makes glorious comeback

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Zombies. Fast ones. Virus made in a lab. Major cities fall mostly due to everyone fighting over food. New York and California wiped out for good.
Check em.

Coonabomber in Austin is working his way up to a Oklahoma style bombings. Cap it.

Day of the Rake

deep state outed
major officials executed for treason
happy days

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Declassified 9/11 footage broadcast to the public on the EAS.


night of the long knives when

large scale semite removal

Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot traitor.

oh boy

What is the US bound together by?

Racial homogeneity?


A shared culture and history?

A political ideal?

A set of morals and values?

Bring the fire, bring the rain.

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ASSad gets nuked if get

So who will we blame?
Probably not Saudi Arabia since we have /our guy/ in place

Video clip?
Audio clip?
Written tweet?

Of course not.... Fuck off OP, you faggot.


He’s hinting at the coming economic collapse, which will lead to harsh and crazy times. USA will either pull together or Balkanize. Given the extreme ethnic diversity, I bet that there will be Balkanization and genocide will ensue

Marshall law


Opening the 6 million sealed indictments

Trump tower 18/08/18


8/18/18, fucking heathen.

Personally saves a school from a shooter

so close

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Civil war 2.

another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor another pearl harbor

Reichstag fire when

>another pearl harbor
What 9/11?

Digits confirm.

Making Anime Real

I'd love to see leftist retards with parts of their brains deactivated try and solve a false flag

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Yeah, it worked so well with Vietnam

Is he gonna go full Senator Armstrong on us

The las vagas shooting was my final straw. There will be no unification. Leftists can rot in a shallow ditch for all I care.
They were silent as a dark night, and the ones that spoke out praised the shooter for killing "trump voters".

Fuck them. Fuck every single one of them.

9/11 like catastrophe

it be like rightwingers trying to deal social issues

You know exactly what he means.
Buy a rifle.
War is coming.

I'm a semite tho... But I'm of Palestinian descent so even if I get caught in the cross fire that's cool as long as the Jews get theirs. Can you guys kill me after I become Catholic tho? Thanks.

Agreed, I don't want unification with those fucking low T incel pansies, let them suffer when the coming coup happens

Deep state corruptions exposed


Social issues aren't even real. Made up leftist gotcha bullshit. You either have morality and principles or you fucking don't.

free giant music festival in dc

We had the train incident...


CUE THE KIKEWAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


check'em if nuke within a year

hahaha. It will be in Venezuela or Korea or some other nation. The USA is the kikes favourite playtoy; they will never let it have a war.

He's been planning this for months.
Some sneaky EOs have been about increasing recall for retired soldiers. The last time those laws were modified was on 9/12/01.
He had a dinner with his military leaders and said "This is the calm before the storm, gentlemen"
Obama even said that the North Korea crisis will define Trump's presidency.

All the pieces are there. NK has said they are committed to denuclearization. But that's just a pretence. They'll say it. Trump will say he brought be peace.
Then the Norks will betray the peace by not fully disarming. Then Trump will have 100% honest and good Casus Beli.

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W. predicted this

You're gay


But they did kikewar middle east edition too many times. My money is on Venezuela.

I know what you mean. Today I found out I was out of lube and had to dildo my prostate dry. Fucking DRUMPF.

He's going to sacrifice himself to save mankind

gassing the jews?

finally the will reveal michelle's gender?

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Special virus that only kills niggers and spics made from ebola

Sounds like Bush...shit.

Nothing will happen, there are twenty 'ITS HAPPENING" threAds a day on pol and nothing comes to fruition.

The concept of being America, loving your country, doing the pledge and respecting our nation. Thats it. We are too different to be bound together by antthing else, we have no other identity other than that. But its been stable for a long time, its so dead simple that the U.S can manage being so massively diverse and not fall apart at the seams.

God I hope so.

He's right you know?

>washington state gets nuked
>national pride renewed
>gigantic memorials and statues of washington and his founding achievements
i love you pnw but this would be good for the country

You are a traitor to the burger

Nothing after Kaepernick and the NFL made it vogue to hate America and the American flag.

More like Israel plans a false flag to blame Iran/ Russia/NK.

Indictments unsealed and the raging mob lynches both rep and dem politicians, 2nd amendment showing its beauty in full glory.

That is a dog tier reason for unity, "just because"

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9/11 2.0

We world war now

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He’s probably going to jail for a long time


That's why it's even scarier.
What congress would impeach the Commander in Chief during wartime?

As the noose tightens around his neck, the need for war becomes all the greater.

there's still hope