He has a point you know, its really a gamble, how do we know which one is correct?
He has a point you know, its really a gamble, how do we know which one is correct?
Atheistism is a religion.
>how do we know which one is correct?
All gods are based on the Jew god
This. The man is a walking meme. Isn’t it a bit arrogant to think your perspective (atheism) is the only right one? He’s literally doing what he’s criticizing in this quote.
The red pill is religion. The black pill is spirituality. The truth is it doesn’t matter what your religion is as long as it pushes you to adhere to core tenets like do as little harm as possible, make the world a slightly better place, and reach your potential for achievement as a person.
Gervais is a faggot and a shit tier comedian who is simply not funny.
>for there are many lords and gods but we serve the creator of all
Saying "my god is the real one" is as bit as arrogant mate, is thinking your perspective is the one that is true.
This. The atheists are all just miserable fucks who get kicks out of trying to demolish people’s confidence. If atheists ruled the world it would be empty and devoid of meaning. They seem to have no problem killing unborn children so why should we take cues from child killers? They are simply a parasite that try to bring about better conditions for their survival
This is not political, this is a baiting shitpost.
Do not reply, report.
The point isn't being factually correct, it is connecting with the unknown through a belief system and narrative in order to enrich your life. I am not religious but I can at least respect its civilizing qualities and impact on history. These guys sound like children, seems to be a very pervasive argument in the U.K.
>"There have been nearly 6,000,000 ways for a narcissist to claim enlightened rationalism so far but only yours is actually true. The others are silly made up nonsense. But not yours. Yours is truth."
vote hillary
how dare they point out your delusions amirite
What if all the different Gods have just been different people's and different culture's interpretations of the same thing?
The only reason atheists are atheists is because they don't want to feel bad about masturbation.
Notice how atheists are obsessed with it.
Religion is more than God... it's culture, traditions, values, ancestors, history.
You bastard atheists dish all that because you want to play with your dick.
Atheists are filth.
The Jews don't have a god. Their "religion" is desolate.
That isn't an argument for there not being one.
Actually we only got a few major religions , if god is real he would be in the major ones
Yet they claim to be god chosen and meanwhile they are the most rich and powerfull people on earth , oh and Israel is restored from nothing
I only care what someone has to say if they're neither fat nor British
>Atheistism is a religion.
It's the absence of a god or religion. Only smart people know this, tho. Not people like you.
Why is this guy wearing a blouse?
I always laugh when you theists do that. When you try to insult atheism by calling it a religion, you are insulting yourself as well.
Reich, is that you?
religion gave humans an evolutionary advantage. that is all we need to know
>and you believe them?
Straw man
“I don’t follow organized religion but believe in spirituality or some type of guiding spirit”
Here's the deal: all religion have some truth to them. They all posit a higher power. It's not that you have to pick one. Just simple recognize the higher power. I don't care what you call it or in what culture it developed: it's there.
>Hey, Ricky Gervais and you other atheists; can you prove, from first principles, that you exist?
Let me punch you in the face. If I don't exist, then you have nothing to worry about.
If you believe, without evidence, that there is some spiritual, or extra dimensional, or holy entity, or whatever you want to call it - that requires your belief or devotion and is responsible for your existence, then the rest of your post is trash.
He becomes more like David Brent every day.
Yes i am starting to , the bible claims the jews will be the enemies of the Christians and until this day it is still a fact .
The ancient Sumerian tablets have been translated from cuneiform for some years now. People can go and read exactly what happened in the beginning. Yet millions of us are stil basing our religious lives on erroneous fairy tales that were written thousands of years later ?
The ancient people pre-deluge, were much more technologically advanced than us, an interplanetary civilisation, yet they still claimed to know only as much of god as we do. A faceless unknowable "creator of all". They simply understood God as being Destiny and man as Fate, one unalterable, one malleable by choice, but only within Destinys framework.
>Israel is restored from nothing
Where is the Temple? Why have more than half of the Jews NOT returned to Israel? Why is Israel so dependent on the charity of every other nation on earth because of their holocaust?
>That may prove your existence to me, but, does that prove your existence to you?
Great. Another amateur philosopher on the internet.
Forget your foolish idols and worship Kek
I am writing this post, and you are reading this post. There, I have just created more evidence for both of our existences than god has ever had since cavemen had their almonds activated by the sun.
Yep. Fortunately, these same people rarely breed, because they're all about living in the moment and think children would be "a waste of time and resources".
Retarded level of reasoning. Any first year theologist or philosopher or even a Sup Forumsack can beat this argument.
people replaced science with the God. but its the same shit different name.
people say the earth is not flat, there are planets and big bang and what not. and if you ask them how they know that? ' NASA or this other random person told me so' .
they believe in something which they personally have no proof of. all of their ' proof' is from random sources of other peoples writing or propaganda.
thats the say as it is with any other religion.
if you want me to believe in god, show me god. i wanna talk with them. if you cant, then fuck off with your magic shit.
if you want me to bleieve there are other planets, then fly me there. i wanna see them with my own eyes. if you cant then fuck off.
>Interplanetary civilization level tech
>Wiped out by one big flood
Here's your (you)
>Notice how atheists are obsessed with it
WTF? Stop lying. You are the only one that is talking about it.
You don't know. You have to take Pascal's wager. The universe will make you choose and will hold you to your choice.
>what is deism
>what is apatheism
lmao saged
>even a Sup Forumsack can beat this argument
You couldn't.
The most useless people in the entire world. Even more useless than women studies majors. At least women exist.
>that doesn't prove your existence to you. You are being asked to prove to yourself that you exist. Not to me or anyone else. If you can't do that, then you have no right to demand that anyone else or God proves His existence to you.
God has demonstrated His existence to His creation to His satisfaction and if you can't see that, then tough shit.
Literally no one cares what ricky gervais says.
Atheism is the correct belief however it will lose as long as it neglects to provide the things that religion have typically provided to the people.
The problem with modern atheists is that they were naive and ignorant of human nature and foolishly believed that religion was wholly vestigial. Nurturing the void in peoples' hearts only accelerates the end.
I think 99% of posts on /pol are bots they all say the same they make the same threads.
Its good that i have memory problems otherwise Sup Forums would be boring as fuck...
>Muh russia bot: the religious edition
The fact that on at least 3000 separate occasions entire civilisations were entirely convinced such an entity existed even if unsure of that entity's details can't be dismissed as mere superstition and stubbornness.
It goes right back to aftermath of the "Apple" incident in Genesis. The devil gets to have his own people and a seed, too.
The search for scientific knowledge is the original sin that mankind is guilty of.
>can't be dismissed
There is nothing a euphoric mind can't dismiss as non-rational and worthless.
Sadly atheism doesn't rely on breeding.
In fact it does the opposite, it takes average people stripes them away of a healthy life and turn them into non-breeders.
Atheism grows by making the population shrink.
>*austistically screeches*
alright. Then how do you call not having a religion, dear enlightened man?
kek I like how ignorant you are and how it confirms cliches while relying on cliches. oh, and,
>miserable fucks who get kicks out of trying to demolish people’s confidence
you do realise it applies to you?
>ReAllY MaKes YoU THiNk?!/ don't it?
>mfw christian frequently talk about masturbation just as muslim claim to hate gays and alcohol but every muslim county has tons of it
>The black pill is spirituality.
As someone who lived the last 3 months as a litteral hermit and lost 23 kg reading hermetic gnostic texts I can confirm that.
>if you don't belive, then fuck you
is that an argument?
Religionfags don't get it, you can't stop atheism because it's not a belief, it's a lack thereof and in the information era it's invincible. So you damn well better learn how to coexist and fix it so it's not ruining society.
The atheists you hate are the decadent amoral types and the ones too stupid and irresponsible to handle ideological freedom. Organized religion also has similar types and they ruin everything as you well know so stop trying to pretend that its atheism itself that is the problem. The problem is and always has been shitty people and they find a way to warp any belief system because they're inherently terrible.
story time
If I looked like him, I'd be an atheist too.
samefagging this much... must be hard being me.
christfags cant answer that
pathetic that a 'redpilled' board is christian when it's actually the most bluepilled thing on the planet
Yo, Frenchdude, do you know who Rene Descartes is?
Yeah, you choose not to believe, and if you're wrong, then, yeah fuck you.
besides the fedora atheism he's surprisingly based. his netflilx special was basically just shitting on leftist bullshit
>Corpus hermeticum
>Holy shit dude duality everywhere I'm gonna alchemy my nous to great goodness
They had a God, and then their God dumped them.
Europe is suffering from a crisis of confidence and athiesm doesn't have the resilience to withstand the social forces confronting European Civilisation.
You never know. That's what Faith is. You go through life as a generally decent person, keep your Faith in whatever deity, and you build something to be remembered by those around you.
He worships Evolution, not atheism
Diablo pana tu si ere pendejo. Por eso es que tu pais es el unico con la biblia en la bandera y mira en la condicion que esta.
Abre tus ojos manin. La religion es una trampa no seas tan pendejo.
>athiesm doesn't have the resilience to withstand the social forces confronting European Civilisation
Says the Irish papist. When will you christians take responsibility for your own christian degeneracy?
Atheists are more degenerate than Christians everywhere, regardless of the cuckery of protestants and catholics.
Thanks for catching up to the rest of the class, not surprised it's the abo cunt falling behind.
Here's the thing you theists cunts can't seem to wrap your head around. You can't prove god doesn't exist just like you can't prove he exists. The only only thing you can do is apply the scientific method and weigh the evidence for and against. In this example he's pointing out the fact that despite there being no proof of the existence of your god the only evidence you're able to provide is the same evidence theist retards have been presenting for millennia for the existence of the 3000+ other gods that have been said to exist.
You're welcome. :)
You have to be a brainlet to find that quip meaningful enough to post it unironically, never mind turning the quip into a pic in fhe first place. The absolute state of atheists.
>1 post by this ID
of course.
I think therefore I am.
HAHAHAHAHA no wonder you're religious. You're literally retarded!
Leave it to the 3rd world retard to defend religion. Keep believing Pablo that's all the evidence you'll ever need. :/
>"Crazy christfag said my 72 genders and white/male/straight/thin privilege is bullshit so that means I am right about 72 genders and straight white male thin privilege."
>there is no god lmao stay buttmad christfags
How do you know you are? The circular logic of it presupposes existence, it doesn't prove it.
That's not how circular logic works you moron. Me being able to think is proof of my existence. If I didn't exist I wouldn't be able to think.
Descartes failed in his attempt to prove his own existence.
Wow you convinced me. I'm going to church next Saturday. :^)
>3000 gods in history
absolute kek
This. Religion is more than just retarded belief. There's a sense of community that can't be matched by anything else currently. This is the biggest hurdle to overcoming superstition.
Also do you have a source for that painting? It's pretty cool.
>regardless of the cuckery of protestants and catholics
You are damning with faint praise. Who is left? Orthodox? What are they? 20% of christians? 10%?
You are the ones saying christianity is cuckery incarnate, but atheism is worse. No group is doing well right now in case you haven't noticed.
>He has a point you know, its really a gamble, how do we know which one is correct?
I dont care what Gervais says; he's a dickbag so whatever his opinion is....its on the wrong end of good.
What an enlightened opinion. Goes well with that cuck flag.
>it doesn’t matter what your religion is as long as it pushes you to adhere to core tenets like do as little harm as possible
So basically you're saying that there is a religion that isn't (a) trying to push ignorance into the education program through political influence, and (b) make a lot of money from idiots while covering up incredibly corrupt acts that happen inside the organization? There is no such thing. I pity you if your life philosophy is to turn a blind eye just because it gives you comfort.
>my confidence depends on what other people say to me
>on top of that it's built around things that are demonstrably false
How dare the atheist complain that religions are trying to take sexual education and evolution out of the schools? Evil!
This shit is some next level bait. Triggers soooooooo many people.