Net-juu no Susume

It can't be helped.

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this made me wanna choke myself



I wanna demolish Lily's boipucci



You will never

She looks 45 years old in that image.
Short hair is a mistake.

I would a 45 year old though.

Have you ever seen a 45 yeats old?


Japan seems to have noticed that we switched our moe target from Morimori to Lily right after the haircut.




>tfw Lilyfag from the start

>we switched
Lily was best right from the start though?

Is Koiwai a sociopath?

Cake of the year

Mole makes everything so much more sexy.

No, worse. He works in sales.

>slut of the year

Yes. Next episode Lily gets into ERPing and it turns out the person he's doing it with is actually Koiwai's character. His only enjoyment in life is found through kouhai bullying.

That can't be true

More likely explanation is that some of the Moriko bandwagoners fell off, while Lily's contingent picked up a few of them while maintaining their overall core base.

I wanted to forget.

Search your feelings.

I'm older than her like Koiwai, so it's all good to me.

But, Lily already has a partner with Hayate

Koiwai will save this show.

When did morimori become worst girl?

>They posted the image I made

But Lily isn't real

You wouldn't take advantage of her, would you?


I totally would, I would get her to log into her MMO account and gift me her rarest items

I wish this was true. Seeing Sakurai suffering will be what gets me through the rest of this show.

>there are people that genuinely believe this
Oh god

Is Koiwai really that bad? What's wrong with a bit of playful banter instead of muttering "s-sumimasen" all the time?

Japs can't handle the bantz, just look at how much of a pussy Sakurai is.

>friendzoned already
i'm going to be pissed at the ending and/or manga, aren't i

I've always preferred Lily though.

I'm guessing it's one of those "My wife Lily is so cute" posts?

Koiwai is being a bit a a dick.
>Stealing your best friends crush
Not that bad sakurai was to timid to take inintitave.
>rubbing it in his face that you stole his crush
That's being a dick


that is exactly what that says

People are just overreacting, but its kinda fun to spam the word "NTR" at the minimal sign of cheating, it stops being funny when shit gets real tho

To be fair that's the only way the faggot might feel motivated to do something since, as we've seen, if he's left alone he wont get anything done and words have proven to be useless.

I see Hanabi changed her name to Moriko and cuck another blonde dude.

He did manage to come up with one bit of initiative.

Is this Scum's Wish 2.0?


>then he steps aside
>after that he literally runs at full speed to cockblock the other dude
Sakurai is a faggot.

Erm, user, none of the girls are real

Lilac episode when

you're older than 30 and still browse Sup Forums?

Is there a gif version of this?

I gotchu, boy.

Don't forget, you're here forever

Did he just ask her on a date?

What would happen if Mr Koiwai replaces Koiwai ?

Final episode spoiler: Moriko and Sakurai have sex.

>anons getting pissy at Sakurai's betaness
Realistically, what would you guys have done in his shoes? I can't imagine myself doing any better.

Asked if she plays any MMOs. He already knows she's a huge fuckin' nerd.

The times were only nerds would touch computers are long over

I wouldn't even do that. What's the point if Sakurai (you) thinks that he's going to get NTR-ed in the end anyway? It's almost like asking for more suffering.

>heart ache
>but somehow she feels empty


>Part ways with her
>"I wouldn't mind being in your company again, should you ever want to go for drinks again."
Or some equally cheesy romantic line.


bullshit he's just denying the evidence

Stop bullying the miko.

>1.55MB for 48 frames


I-Is file size an issue for you?

Where else am I going to go? Reddit?

Erm no sweety, Mori Mori is real.

Reality: "Umm... I wouldn't mind being in your company again, should you ever want to..." said at an incredibly fast speed then your voice fades to inaudible volumes and she goes "sorry, what was that?" and you say "oh, nothing".

>less than 10TB storage

>~85% smaller

I would choose Koiwai.


So many anons pretending they are not just like Sakurai in real life.

Most anons from what I've seen, ever since back in 06, are angry and bitter and mean.

Sakura-chan is polite and nice and considerate.

I suppose that's true. They are probably worse than Sakurai around women.

And you think they'd act the same way in real life?

Surely you don't believe the meme of "I'm only mean on the internet I'm actually nice irl woah what do you mean no girl loves me even though I'm a supreme gentleman?"

Anons are more honest when they're posting on the internet with the guise of anonymity because the social conventions that require them to act in a certain way aren't there. Does it really matter what they are like on the outside when they're told to be a certain way? Sakura-chan is nice and polite on the inside whereas most anons are not.

Exactly the point I was getting at Even I know just how much of an insecure dick I am. I'd be far worse.


He probably would end up as a womanising shit though.

you dumb virgins need to stop projecting onto this character, he's not just some beta like you fags. You kids cuck yourself from going after the girl because you're too insecure and socially awkward to go for it and then jerk off alone in bitterness. Sakura-chan acts the way he does because he genuinely cares for others and their feelings. You are the virgin beta while he's the beta chad.

>What's the point if Sakurai (you) thinks that he's going to get NTR-ed in the end anyway?
What's the point of asking what we'd do in his shoes if you throw in Sakurai's insecurities anyway? It's pretty obvious she only brought up Koiwai because he's the only thing she knows you have in common. Sakurai should have better social skills than a hikki NEET, especially when he has the advantage of having been conversing with her for so long already.

At least we're not tripfags whoring for attention from "dumb virgins" on a Slovenian mountain-hiking board.

>What's the point of asking what we'd do in his shoes if you throw in Sakurai's insecurities anyway?
I assumed the average user would at least have the same insecurity.
>Sakurai should have better social skills than a hikki NEET
Fair point. It's just kind of weird to see all these anons acting up when they wouldn't do any better themselves.

tell me she goes back to long hair again somehow

No. Short hair is sexy.

Human anatomy dictates that her hair will eventually grow back.

she does i think

she just ends up braiding/tying it up when she leaves house

them fighting words nigga you fuck with my trip cred you fuck with all of us. if only you knew what you're were messing with you dumb motherfucker maybe you'd held back from fucking with the attention goblin. Attention deficit disorder won't begin to describe you once I'm through with you. ALL EYES ON ME, NIGGER. woop woop, solar flare yo ass with my internet clown attire. What you gonna do about it? Give me more replies? though so bruv.
BIG HORSE DONGPUSSY. what was that? Sorry, just casted a motherfucking level 3 spell on you nigger. Now every time you're about to get raunchy with some broad all you can think about is big horse dongpussy. Shouldn't have messed with the Attention Bender. Just wave my arms around, do a little dance and BAM, pussydong in your mind. BAM BAM BAM.

Try not to be too mad.