Why can't whites in America defend themselves?
Why can't whites in America defend themselves?
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I mean to get beaten up after sucker punch is not embarassing. What is embarassing is not taking justice in your own hands and blowing this fools head of. I guess the art of revange is lost in west... Had he done that to me, I swear I would decapitate him.
the better question is how long will society tolerate this before it organizes against this plague. Artificial intelligence is already showing "racist tendencies"..just a matter of time
anyone know if the victim of the chimp is alive?
At least in America that guy's going to prison for a long time, in Europe you'd get 6 months for that.
>nigger attacks old man
they usually pick their fights well
In am going to beat up an old nigger just for watching this.
here in toronto blacks are so easy to harass. the other day I ran up to an 11 year old niglet and just kicked him in the ass as hard as I could. He literally flew up in the air screeching in pain.
Love fucking with niggers here.
Should've had a gun. Also, shouldn't have relaxed around a young black male.
The nigger got a 20-year sentence.
Stop LARPing we all know you got bullied by the Somali kids in highschool.
Im in the prime of my life. Work out 6 days a week. This is the time to harass and humiliate these animals.
I even have black roomates and yet fly a swastika on my door.
Cucking and humiliating niggers is one hell of a drug mate.
Because fighting back would be a racist hate crime. Sucker punching bystanders is an integral part of the rich, storied African culture and must be tolerated at all costs
Can you link story?
Yo so I was in rexdale the other day and the corner store was run by an old nigger. I got into an argument with him over the price of smokes so I called him a dumb nigger and gave this old man the biggest back handed slap ever. He actually started crying KEK.
Its so funny.
Somalis? You mean those scrawny, short skinny little subhumans? HHAHAHAAH
>Because fighting back would be a racist hate crime
It happened in Texas. If that dumb white guy had a gun and shot Tyrone he would be considered a local hero.
>get wallet taken
>"hey can I have my UFFFF"
Someone takes your shit you lay them the fuck out, you don't fucking stand around and talk that shit over.
Because the multicultural Jews own our society.
Our system of laws, our media, our education system and our politicians are Zionist controlled. Their wealth is too great. They’ve set up systems where we can’t get together in person and protest.
But they can’t control the whole internet. At least yet.
Our only chance is memeing and spreading ideas. Winning this war against caucasian whites on a logic pr level away from our globalist news channels. Get on nornie forums and challenge their Zionist ideals that are holding them down. We have the truth on our side but not much else. We need to use what we have...
The state has taken the right away from western man.
Theres too many laws now
Where did this happen. Texas fag here and I feel like I have been there before but most gas stations are the same desu.
>The nigger got a 20-year sentence.
Did he?
Thx. Still would off him when he gets out if I was a victim.
Not much defending against a cheap attack like that
Nigger wouldnt let him get up again
What do you mean?
He got beaten up and then the nigger fucking ran away, how do you get revenge on that?
>colonizing Africa.webm
So you post a video of an old man getting beat up by a guy who's got 30 pounds on him and half his age?
Good point you fucking Retard
Sorry didn't refresh before to see the link. I have never had a nigger try and start shit with me or hit me but then again I work out a lot and niggers are natural cowards. The dude in the video is also skinny as shit.
You are low class and you make the rest of us look like low class.
You engage in the low class behavior your divide and conquer overlord multicultural Jews have planned for you.
Next comes their heavy handed response where you’ve ruined your life with a criminal record and no one will hire or associate with you again.
I can’t tell if you’re incredibly stupid or JDIF shill.
Here's a better article about the video
Is there a fucking time limit for revange? He knows who he is...he can serve it whenever he is out.
Go back to r*ddit you dumb pussy.
I do what I want. I fucking tall, ripped and strong af. Why wouldn't I beat up niggers, muds, and other subhumans for fun?
Not everyone is a basement dwelling closet faggot like you.
The thrill of humiliating niggers is better than any drug.
Jail? hahahahahahahahahahha
Guys like me never go to jail because we understand the law and know how to fight without getting convicted.
This lol. Black men prey on the weak, because they are weak hence why weak willed white women run to them in flocks. Oh well burn the coal pay the toll. Nothing scares a black man more then a self empowered white man, just don’t let them outnumber you as I said they prey on the weak or what they identify as weak.
I wish dueling was still a thing in America like it used to be. I swear, society has kept alive too many ass holes that just need to get a bullet between the eyes. I think if people were able to protect their honor society would probably have more of it.
At least we still have a somewhat working justice system, in the UK he would have been given a hand job by the queen herself and let go.
Niggers need to learn their place. Anons like user exist to remind them of their place so that cowardly weak white people can live without Tyrone and Jamal chimping out and stealing your shit like monkeys
Get stomped in the head over $35 dollars. Some pussy as CANADIAN posts it as a way to try and demoralize Whites.
This is why nobody likes your FAGGOT country. You just made me hate Leafs more. I hope all Leafs get fucked up like the guy in the video.
Fucking worthless niggers.
Because the government keeps guilting them out of owning and carrying guns
Why can't niggers fight?
OP's probably some yellow chink. I'm convinced most of the gay leafposting is done by them.
Why are niggers so fucking inferior?
Always carry a knife, and I'm ready to grapple most anytime. I'll stay low and just fucking bring you to the ground and zip zip zip like a sewing machine in your chest. Learn to wrestle/grapple and keep your eyes and ears peeled, keep distance and stay noided. All darkies want blood always.
Keep crying and doing nothing.
I would never, EVER, get over this beating. I swear I would wait for this guy 20 years from now and exact moment he would be out of the fucking prison gates would be last. I would nevee let it go.
He's a nigger. Relax. I am going out later with my boys and we'll humiliate some niggers in your name don't worry brother.
class......CLASS!! you are in a war for your life faggot!!
Depends on where you live.
Blacks don't fuck with people in TN.
Because most whites are packing, odds of you being blasted are pretty fucking high. If not by the victim a nearby person has a high chance of being armed.
Pretty much someone within a hundred feet has a weapon.
You will be shot and killed, happens every day here.
I never felt nervous until I went to Philly. Blacks everywhere, i mean the city is like 99% black if you just walked around and didn't take into account actual statistics.
Was there on a trip and couldn't bring my sidearm.
My car has two firearms in it and i've only had to pull the revolver on one person. Came walking up to my car and talking shit, punched my window. Never seen someone run that fast.
Why do niggers lose unless they gang up?
You understand niggers so much, why is it that they fear me so much? Especially when I call them a fucking nigger right to their stupid monkey face? I thought you cant call niggers, niggers? But I ahve already done it to like 50 and non of them do anything. They're like women.
Niggers are hands down the easiest people to bully.
Whites pissed off instead of soot nog down.
Maybe against docile white people in the 1st world, Tyrone might get away with it, but he'd get literally murdered if he tried that shit with whites who didn't have the luxury of being pussies born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
Canadian OP talks shit about people getting beat up.
Funny, no Canadian of note have won any major boxing titles, UFC titles, belts, no notable victories in any war, no notable development of any combat or martial arts.
A nation of fucking PUSSIES...laughing at old men getting beat up.
Look how much smaller and weaker the white males are.
Of course, Chang. Hey is that a pic of you? I bet it is.....Eh??
Because muh guns
Gets btfo by a nig
99% of these kind of vids are burgers getting btfo
The absolute state of white american men
>burger education
Blacks, even the young tough guys, dont react when faced with overt racism. I remember seeing a little white manlet on a bus making monkey noises, hoping up and down, in front of a whole group and they just stared at him.
Imagine how red pilled they are now, and imagine how many people they red pilled after this event. One of those boys could be the next hitler
This is next level butthurt.
Those video's are the best wat to redpill people
Because whites talk a good game on the internet
>still waiting for that civil war where the soyboy libcucks finally meet their demise
>still waiting for that race war
>still waiting for stormtroopers
But IRL whites become bitchmade real fast
Why can't blacks win fights without 10 on 1 or sucker punches like a bitch?
A closeted gay French Canadian who's good at laying on top of another man for 15 to 25 minutes at a time.
May I see all nogs hanged desu?
That's not racism that's just a typical white male on meth/crack/heroine or whatever other self-destructive drugs they take. Keep LARPing as a Nazi watch what happens when you step outside.
They think they're super tough but they can't win any fair fights?
The left is just better at fighting those are the facts.
>zerging and fighting in packs instead of one-on-one
>sucker punching
skin color checks out
And remember, blacks are only tall and strong because that's how we bred you as our slaves. And that's all you'll ever be, coon. And half of you young bucks end up in jail, so who gives a fuck anyway if you "win" a couple of fights against weaker, outnumbered opponents here and there? You're perennial losers in the overarching game of life.
In even brawls they always get destroyed. It's kind of sad. They have nothing to hang onto. No history, no culture, and not even their masculinity :(
we can't fight ourselves just in order to fight you
How come big strong nignogs can't even fight off white women?
It was an army bus transporting soldiers. Try again soyboy.
Because their children and younger and the nogs once again choose to prey on easier targets
I am a coloniser baby. A superior breed.
Tyrese thought he would put a white woman down, but ended up becoming acquainted with gravity.
everytime i've ever stepped to a nigger 1-on-1, they don't do shit. they whine about "wypipo" on nog twitter but don't say shit to our faces.
based Thor
This is the future for whites in America.
You can tell that the mixed race kid who is trying to help has some sort of honor because he has white genes in him
Little nigglet children cannot even beat up a skinny white boy in a 4 on 1. Sad!
10/10 would marry
yeah dude ur lyin
if you're not then you're being just as retarded as the ape in OPs post
His white genes are the reason he stood so frozen and unable to fight while the full black male was strong and fierce throughout.
The future of all black males is cotton fields, unfortunately. They had their chance to succeed but have proven they're not equals.
White dude looks like he's in his 50s while the nigger looks like he's in his prime 20s.
this is why i beat up niggers so easily.
Even women cuck these fucking betas.
Black men are the natural beta. You almost never lose a fight against them.
That's probably her boyfriend, bro.
Any white woman that willingly associated with niggers is off the table because they will feel they are obligated to defend them to their dying breath
Is he a boer south africaner??
That white kid ain't bad for an amateur, he's got good blocks.
Where'd the "blacks can fight" meme come from?
Stab niggers first, let the cops arrest their buddies second.
You really think anybody actually gives a fuck about some chimps life compared to a human? Even in court you'll be fine because you'll be judged by humans who also hate niggers( literally EVERYONE hates brown shit skins)
Cotton fields is what started this plague in the first place.
lol. yes because it takes a strong nigger to fight a scrawny white girl
Its a cumskin learning their place in modern day society
They think they're a lot tougher and important than they really are, it's a gorilla's mindset. But then the lion appears and they become dinner.
Look at the Black bitch subservient to his master.
The Black male is natures beta.