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Go go bongistan
if anyone can rape kids

Poor bastards, having to settle with the ugliest white girls.

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>Not posted from Pakistan
Son, i am terribly disapointed

fuck ALL britfags. no exceptions.

to all brits: kys

at least they take it in every whole and drink piss


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Line em up......ol Jimmy is ready to play.. stuff the mum in the mental hospital if she complains....

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>Rape Island

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britfags are gullible enough to believe they're our allies.

they have no clue all we do is laugh at them and mock their accent. we spit on their culture and think of them as subhuman waste that needs to be disposed of with fire.

their teeth are disgusting, they tolerate backwards islamic values, and they are ALL cucks. literally. all brits are frail little cucks.

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This place getting turned into attention seeking whores. So simple to counter argue but whats the point. Pol used to have valuable info. Shit show now... have all the white people left?

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Its part of islam so I dont see a problem, muslims are the new brits so play nice.

Seriously, the bullying against British members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Brits are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only British man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? Even the Irish get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in all of Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an British man a "Muslim"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth British man that they are a "Filthy Anglo"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

They are fringe benefits for the unassimilable desert people.
Native white Brits are ineligible for that benefit. Only for the aforementioned unassimilable imports.

They need it. I would have started shooting already if I lived there. I have no idea how Sadiq Khan is still alive.

>tfw don't give a fuck

This is what happens when parents don't take care of their kids. They're either going to end up drugged up in some park or sucking some Paki cock in the back of a greasy takeaway.

Not my problem.

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Another ShareBlue campaign. You guys never give up do you?

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And this is why. Faggot liberalists like this.

Atleast we didnt vote khan to president. Look at your own country fool, we started yours.

>To qualify for your complimentary immanent rape license you must have over x% of melanin and consider children a sex toy

haha immigrant*

Aj Maj Bi Ďrũnk, Ẽnglænd

Bʌt Yn Ðhe Morńĩng Aj Wyl Bi Sowber

Ænd Yu Wyl Styl Bi Flʌded ШYdh Tœrdшœrld Šhitskinz

Mʌh Dêstini

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Yes I would, considering that you brits are the first mocking the "continentals"
I'll never set foot on your wicked island with Congo-level hospitals, Brazil violence, Saudi Arabia freedom of speech and third world corrupt police that close an eyes on thousands of rapes to don't anger a minority
You became a third world country

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>this copy and paste again
>at the same time

Brit return bant is at an all time low, its embarrassing. you can tell the reality of their situation is really, unironically, hurting them.

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>memeflag implying it's not an important political discussion

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Can’t wait for this to make a headline

Same with americans. The le 56% meme is old and tired but it gets spammed in every thread.

Well O.P.'s statement can't be disproven.

Do you guys even read what your saying and think about it? You brits you jews you bla bla bla... seperation read the post above you are all following there plan...So many think there red pilled and dont even have any methldical thinking. I mean first thing came to my mind was well maybe if the italians didnt let them all in... but its not the italians its not the brits nor the americans. Its them who are they they control all the above and they dont care about your religeon nor your country. Just that they turn you into neds with no knowledge of history or crytical thinking.


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>n't say I'm the only British man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? Even the

No way anyone is retarded enough to fall for this bait. *waits for it*

Fuck them.

This is what they get for betraying Germany in WWII.

Let them be raped out of existence, all of them.

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good, reparations NEED to happen because COLONIALISM

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Ok tell me what's being discussed here?
nothing but the same shills replying to each other over and over again with the same content as in the last thread

Sup Forums what a place to be

make her look more satanic

This is why your countrymen are alright with not having free speech. Get tough. At least pretend like you used to rule the known world, you pussy.
>Too much banter

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Yeah think b must be quiet.

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If you want to see your argument destroyed look what they're doing to Tommy Robinson. Why are the spineless Darwinists who turn their country over to a very dysfunctional islam allowing him to be silenced? The British have serious values problem that their way of thinking won't get them out of. It's tough love, for their own good.

After the Macerata girl killing, an italian shot niggers in the street, and in the elections some weeks after the right wing party jumped +20%
After Telford, a much worse case with far more victims, deaths, and complicity by institutions... has somebody taken the street? The only protest that I see is YOU protesting against US on Sup Forums.
You know that every fucking time that something like Rochdale or Telford get in the light, and the muslims sees your reaction (nothing), 3 more sex rings will start, because they understand that they can do ANYTHING with you? Fucking your child to death should be your last straw, if it's the ordinary you already lost.

Sup Forums? you do realise that board is called random right?
nothing is meant to be discussed there thats why it's called random

Some americans are so dillusioned that they live in a democracy and the greatest nation on earth lol so much the boast and bring down others without looking into there own country.they believe it too. Scary programming. Dude feck off fix your own country then start on others... were all in the same boat ya fool.

so predictable

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this ought to be plastered on every street in the UK

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Fuck my child to death. Jings i didnt know the degeneracy is so low. Dude touch my child i will fuck you up so bad for a long long time. Trust me.

what's funny is this pathetic yank cunts can't handle the same threads being made about their disgusting mutt country, and the aids-ridden cuck mods delete them like little bithces

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You obviously didnt get the point dont worry about it.

Good goy!

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>this ought to be plastered on every street in the UK

>What OP wants
>OP is preaching Ma malakat aymanukum
>OP is a paki
>OP wants "evidence" of evil brits posting mean posters

Save your sons and daughters.

>fix your own country then start on others
We are, m8. We elected chaos and you elected to replace your native English with desert speech and ban silverware.
We're taking down the Zog.

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This is a good propaganda poster to put up around English cities

My favourite kind of pasta

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So much russian bots

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When did everything go so wrong?

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Wow dude. Elections have been rigged from the start. There is no deocracy ya fool. Go watch a punch and judy show on the beech. If ya wait and hide you will see one guy leave when it shuts.

Only the purest Normanoceltic Angloviking Saxon is allowed to proclaim its Englishness.


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Granted, it's a pain in the ass, but at the end of the day we sort of need the wake up call. The government over here has taken far, far too many liberties in their suppression of free speech and their ignorance towards the crimes committed by the Islamic community (see Telford) is nothing short of disgusting.
The fact that the police actually stopped and arrested fathers trying to save their daughters from vile packs of rapists makes me sick to my stomach.
I like to think people are finally waking up, what with the rise in hate crimes in the country, but the sheer amount of ignorance of the arseholes who adopt the "keep calm and carry on" mentality and pretend that our free speech-hating government and violent Pakistani immigrants aren't a problem is truly staggering.

poor British lolis :( I would take them as refugees if I had the $$$

anyone wants
>the folder

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Serious question (don't expect serious answer) but why are Pakistani Muslims Hiding behind the US flag?
Why not do it under your own flag? Of have you forgotten to change it from your teachings of Islam thread?

You have to ask why they are being let in in the first place.

>arrested fathers trying to save their daughters from vile packs of rapists makes me sick to my stomach.

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>now hold on those kids consented legally you mutts just have weird views about sex and morality and your american education wouldn't understand the love of a paki and a 10 year old girl. 56%

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Yes please!

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