Can I get a quick rundown on this guy? Was he always a mess...

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy? Was he always a mess? I remember watching him on fox after Obama was elected and he seemed pretty redpilled? What happened???

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Anyone wearing a bowtie in this millenia is a faggot in my books.

he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded

He's a Mormon. That means he's no different than a kike. Preaches about God 25% of the time, stabs God in the back the other 75%. Then thinks you should follow him

Idiot and piece of shit who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Youngfags (not that I’m old) don’t realize that this guy was one of the first to openly call out soros years ago, and on top of it it was on MSM Fox News, beck is where a lot of people first heard the name and equated it with globalist scheming. Soros even responded to it.
He’s a straight up broken clock though that one shining moment is overshadowed by the rest of his utter stupidity

Man OP, I used to listen to him when he was a morning zoo host way back in the day. Here is what happened....

Beck converted to Mormonism and the Mormons give him significant power and $$$. He started to become crippling unfunny around this time.

Beck has overall, never been redpilled. He copies others work. That is all he ever did was copy others work and tried to be as "shocking" as possible.

He also started to see the trend radio was going with the rise of Alex Jones. He basically copied Jones's format and watered it down. That is why his show is always doom and gloom and overdramtic, then shills gold and food supplies.

tl;dr Beck is basically a puppet for the Mormons, a huckster, and anti-Trump goon.

It was always an act.

A business contact of mine worked with him on a radio station years ago well before his fame and said he talked about how he was going to create this character.

but especially this.

>mormon agendist
>anglo zionist slave to the jews
>the nwo is falling apart and with that him also
>circling the drain with his masters

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Remember when Glenn Beck was the left's bogeyman?