>some people think this is fair
Some people think this is fair
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Fuck off with your slide thread.
You just want to be one of those 300, admit it.
0/10 shill harder faggot
Sage & hide
Is IQ fair?
My fellow white people should be poor because muh human nature.
>there are adults out there that still haven’t learned that life isn’t fair and never will be
wew lad
>hurdur life isn't fair
Says the privileged bourgeois.
Blame god for creating evolution, not me.
Nobody thinks that is fair, life isn't fair. Communists don't make it any better either, the elite party vanguard just replaces the old rich with themselves. The eastern block countries had various names for it, the most commonly used was roughly the "New class", with more insulting ones being "the red bourgeoisie".
It is inherent not only to human nature but all nature that human beings and living creatures even of the same species will never be equal in any one given task. To try and equalize these differences tears down the most successful, and they are the ones that do all of the innovating.
Egalitarianism is a false god.
IQ is irrelevant when it comes to justice.
Is it fair that only 2% have all the highest IQ? Should we sterilize them to equalize the world?
how’s the macaco soup?
it's fair. It maps to productivity, also tax level.
are you a net loss or a net gain for the world user?
>life is fair
Says the child
Good luck getting a phd with less than 130 IQ.
>Africans, Asians, and South Americans
>My fellow white people
Begone collectivist scum.
High I.Q. Brainostate when?
Money does not exist in real communism.
Rich people should die working in the gulag.
Its nature faggot.
IQ does not matter at all.
I love how capitalists try to say this is needed because the super rich will invest their money when it's the complete opposite which is why their wealth is so fucking stacked.
They need to be hung high and their assets seized for the good of the people.
Nature is the ultimate fascism
>economy isn't zero sum lmao a constantly growing economy is literally the best economy
Go ahead and propose your perfect plan instead of being a faggot.
Fuck nature then.
Also, I don't believe in your concept of nature.
Life isn't fair.
t. Lessons most people learn at age 4
Rob the 300 and distribute.
Except people with higher IQ have both more brainmass and more brainvolume. Also their neural synapses are thicker too. Higher IQ even gives you better reflexes.
>If I don;t believe in it, it doesn't exist
It's not the "IQ" of your brain that matters but the content of it.
L M A O!!!
bruh. There is no hope for you. If the rich parked their wealth in vaults it curbs inflation and still helps the poorest. They help them faster by reinvesting it. You could fill books with what you dont understand.
Idc if people are wealthier than I am because I don't need to bring other people down to feel like less of a loser
I didn't say that, I say I don't believe in your concept.
>implying you need high iq to follow a simple algorithm (aka the scientific method)
Someone is getting those gender studies phds
I would rather have 300 people control half the world's wealth than give my money to ungrateful browns who hate me
>Egalitarianism is a false god.
Says the guy basing his political beliefs around a few documentaries and some heavily cherrypicked and most often false infographics he saw on an anime board that does not apply critical thinking to anything ever.
National socialism was a political reaction to a series of historical events and are totally obsolete in how we are in a much different world today, you fucking bluepilled idiot.
Life isn't fair.
Suck it up.
wouldn't that make 30 year olds that have been studying for the last 12 years and changed their degrees 50 times the smartest people on the planet?
>and yet they arent
Life isnt fair
what the fuck is going on with that map?
The actual communist stage isn't the issue friendo, it's getting there. Every time Marxists gain power and try to implement a socialist state(in marxist doctrine the pre-requistite to any communist society is a successful socialist stage), you always end up with the same thing: millions of people worked to death, starved to death, frozen to death, drowned in buckets of feces, etc. Communists are the great equalizers in that everyone they oppress is equal in suffering and death. And do you want to know who almost all of those people are? The working class poor. Chinese peasants in the great leap forward, Ukrainians in the holodomor, teachers in the Cambodian killing fields. These people weren't rich, but they died by the millions for your doctrine all the same.
Good luck training a
If half the population of the planet are in debt, then you too (assuming you aren't in debt) are richer than 3 billion people combined.
Point being, stats can be played with.
>some people don't understand exponential value of currency
>NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!
>wouldn't that make 30 year olds that have been studying for the last 12 years and changed their degrees 50 times the smartest people on the planet?
Being "smart" is a capitalist concept. To you, a smart person is someone who wins inside the capitalist system.
This is a shallow perspective on human intelligence.
Cool it with the counter-semitic remarks
You serious???
Im so sorry you worship this ideology this badly.
>Says the guy basing his political beliefs around a few documentaries and some heavily cherrypicked and most often false infographics he saw on an anime board that does not apply critical thinking to anything ever.
>National socialism was a political reaction to a series of historical events and are totally obsolete in how we are in a much different world today, you fucking bluepilled idiot.
There's a proverb I like:
>he talks a lot but says nothing
You leveled no criticisms of National Socialism that were anything more than conjecture and were so vague that I couldn't even understand what you were talking about. Be more specific if you want a reasoned argument or reply from me.
how do you explain pic related
You will never change anything because there will always be the majority of people who are coping wage slaves devoid of any true happiness and so the only way the can feel any success is by shilling for, and dreaming one day, that they can be rich too.
In reality all of you will remain as goy slaves while the elites laugh at you for slaving away for a slightly above every salary slave position, while you do everything you can to maintain the system, pay your goy tax, etc
A capitalist measure for capitalist accomplishments in capitalist societies.
it's the definition of fair
>worthless, zero good for mankind, lazy, dumb, overall inferior, often malevolently will use any chance they have to fuck you over material good
>industrial, conscientious, hard working, altruistic, positively egoistic
you reap what you sow
Actually friendo I don't work for that reason specifically. I won't work hard so that some multinational can tax dodge, so their entire burden is thrown on me and working families, all the while they lobby the government to import more third worlders to drive down wages further. I refuse to be apart of that entire system.
You are brainlet, thats my point.
Stop being anti-semitic
>aLL THaT WeaLtH iS stOrED unDeR tHeiR BedS
everyone profits from the total amount of wealth you dumb idiot
>Not fascist
Is ruining everything Italian do well the final end game of the germanic barbarians ?
that's not an explanation
what is capitalism in your mind anyway?
Looks like the kike genes survived in pooland
How many of those 300 are Jews?
Maybe cockscuking Marxists should stop defending them...
Bruh!! Ex Dee!!!
Noh! IQ is real. It is S U B O R D I N A T E to character However! IQ is the greatest predictor of lifelong success. HANDS DOWN. Capitalism is a tool. It cant give you aims or what to strive for. This is what faith is for. Faith in Christ, Buddha, Being Itself, what have you. You take a leap of faith on an aim and see what happens. Capitalism is about maximizing what youre aiming towards. It has all body but no soul. That is what faith in being is for
No one says it has to be totally fair, but there is something wrong with these levels of unfairness.
>Doesn't account that making everyone poor so they can have an even nice graph is an abhorrent idea.
No you shill crypto kike it's about pure luck, family Lottery, nepotism and screwing over everyone you can in your way to get on top
Aka muh success
An evil ideology and set of values that pervert the way people see the world and human nature.
Even hiding the money decreases inflation and aids the poorest. This argument from lefties doesnt even make sense. Please remind lefties how monetary supply works, they failed econ 101!
...and yet it resulted in your monkey nigger ass surviving thanks to White medicine and getting on a White invented computer so you can spew jewish bullshit
FaiR? Kek. Who the fuck told you life was fair?!?
I mean, just look where you are living. If you haven't figured out that life isn't fair then you aren't paying attention.
Pic related is you.
You aren't entitled to anything.
You were born, and be happy about it.
The biggest red pill is considering, your own death.
So get over the self pity, it is your own self-indulgence; thinking "I'm special and relevant.".
Truth is your are not special, this realization will either lead you in despair or joy of your own existence.
Which either way is your choice, so choose wisely.
You cant maintain a system that way. It collapses on its own over time. Youre view of a sustained corrupt tyranny collapses over time because nobody can trust anybody. Not at the top or bottom.
>They need to be hung high and their assets seized for the good of the people.
whoever seizes the assets will become the new elite and the next ones to be hung high. If you think all your neighbors want to share everything equally, you are an idiot.
I'm too low IQ stupid and possess too many slave characteristics, let me slave away for life to make someone else rich, I'll take the tiny shekel coping money, thank you for my job sir, please take another vacation to Florida and buy another condo sir, you deserve it
White people and capitalist are meant to work, not to rule.
>Rob the 300 and distribute.
legallizing robbery? what's to stop me from robbing you of your fair share?
But they worked hard!
It isn't.
We need to kill those 3 billion.
what's your nigger kind meant to do?
>You aren't entitled to anything.
Don't care, not going to be a cuck for the rich.
You can never rob someone poorer than you, that's the law.
get a better job nigger.
well, the 300 richest can essentially dictate the courses of billions of lives and that's breddy abhorrent too.
Justice and fun.
how do we determine which person is poorer?
We live in a neo-liberal postmodernistic society, how you expect people to abandon the importance of their own individuality?
No my view of success has nothing to do with these man made ideas and man made systems where in which every system the greedy kikes win, while the slaves get varied levels of cope.
You are a domesticated human. You only view success (modern human happiness) through the scope of economic growth, working a job, etc.
Thanks for paying your taxes faggot
But no thanks I'll pass
Its not as if theres a finite degree of value in the world that white people altogether stole. Brown countries like Brazil suck and thats why you're so poor.
no there isn't. you've just been brainwashed to think that everything is based on fairness from an education system that will punish success in the name of fairness.
Well you obviously do care by saying
> 'not going to be a cuck for the rich'
Mate, just fucking focus on your own life and get the best of it.
Why does it matter to 'not be a cuck of the rich'.