Another thing Millennials killed

Another thing Millennials killed.

Attached: Toys-R-Us.jpg (1000x627, 562K)

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They sold overpriced merch and basicalky had a monopoly on toys, until Amazon came along. They killed themselves, and free market won. Fuck them.

This. Just be thankful a bunch of soyboy man-children aren't campaigning to have Toys R Us bailed out.

This one was killed by Wall Street. Toys R Us was bought in a leveraged buyout, something that basically means that someone on wallstreet (a firm in this case) bought Toys R Us similar to a way that you and I would buy a house. We put debt on it to buy it.
Toys R Us was actually doing extremely well before this buyout, they had a healthy online presence including a partnership with Amazon. Additionally, toys are like groceries, many parents don't want to buy online even if it is easier because they want to browse.
>This one isn't millennials. It is the Jews
For more information I suggest this 12 min video on jewtube.

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we had 5 different small independent toy shops in my town before toys'r'us came in
they're the wallmart of toys and I'm glad to see the beast die
now if only people were smart enough to not feed the amazon beast

forgot pic

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if they had started selling those cancerous Funco Pops I bet they would be doing OK

No fucking way they would be that stupid.

>until Amazon came along
Nah, they were bleeding due to Walmart long before Amazon came along. I worked for a TRU area office in 1990-1992 and they were always bitching about Walmart.

>people dont want overpriced shit toys from shit employees but rather buy from the comfort of their homes for half the price while saving time they can spend with their loved ones
wow who could've ever prepared for this future, man this comes so sudden, we certainly didn't see this coming since 1990. man that darn internet

they donated to planned parenthood often. maybe theyd still have customers if they made better decisions?

Again, they were doing fine until the leveraged buyout. They had a healthy online presence and toy sales online make up a fraction of in person sales. Generally, people use the internet to buy gift toys but go into stores to buy gifts for their own children.

Isn't vast majority of abortions in USA done by poor black ghettogirls? They killed future shoplifters if something.

Bain Capital took out 5 billion in debt at 20% interest

Good riddance. In addition to this to me they will always be just another one of those companies that forced their tech and accounting workers to train their Pajeet replacements before firing them.

Kek. I'm white and I replaced 3 niggers in their accounting department.

cheap plastic shit, a bunch of excuses for my parents not to teach me how to cook, fish or drive a car.

>trump is a millennial
>toys r us is run by millennials
>they killed themselves because millennials
>millennials invented fiat money and this fucking economy

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>Millennials fault it died
Grown ass men aren't supposed to buy toys. If we had you'd be bitching that we're still children. Now donate to my patreon so I can make more funko Pop videos

Millennials didn't kill TRU, it was poor decisions by the leadership and having billions in debt for over a decade.

I guess one factor is that millennial aren't having as many kids.

More like kid's of millenials don't care about consumerist toy collecting that much anymore, they have tablets, mobilephones, laptops and video games to play with. My 7 years old nephew got a PS4 couple of years back, and hasn't really wanted anything but new games since then when I ask what he'd like for birthday.

Millennials aren't killing all these industries, the fake fiat monetary system is. If you bail out banks, you ruin the currency so no one can afford anything. Thats whats happening

Millennials didn't kill my boner, so it's all good senpaitachi :)

Good. Big box stores are Jews in building form

>Toys R Us
ToysRUs was already a sign of the decline. Those weren't real toy shops, but huge stores for soulless plastic merchandise. With the charm of a Walmart.

I remember real toy shops with a love for the business, decorated shop windows with toy trains, stuffed animals and dolls and generally a new window layout once a month.

Sad kids these days will grow up to be smartphone drones.

As stated by this guy here ,
Toys R Us is doing fine revenue-wise. Its sales have lagged but not the point where all stores should have closed.

The problem was that a group of investors led by Bain Capital a.k.a. Mitt Romney's company, bought Toys R Us a few years back in a leverage buyout (LBO). A LBO is where the buyers uses the 'new' debt it used to buy the company as the collateral. So right out of the gate, under this new management, Toys R Us had a tremendous load debt. So it needed to maintain a certain level of revenue growth to offset this tremendous interest & debt it had to pay.

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>tfw we still have them in Canada and they're doing fine

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