I am liking it so far but there are mixed reviews, I was just wondering what /a thinks
What do you guys think of Girl's last tour?
Sup Forums seems to like it just because of the contrast between potato faced moeblobs and post apocalyptic setting. It's getting mixed reviews because it has very little substance.
Fuck off, newfag.
It's getting mixed reviews because people looking for substance in a SoL show are plebs.
Maybe I'm just so used to shows without substance that I just don't care anymore. The art style, characters, and soundtrack are what make it good for me
Maidragon aired this year and it was a SoL with substance.
The blonde's voice is beyond annoying. Couldn't stand to watch more than two episodes.
>not pleb
Why is this place so normal?
Maidragon is literal AOTY material, though.
facebook meme
It's not really doing anything in general however I do like the animation and setting. Worth watching for me. Not going to go overboard about it like I've seen others do though.
Who gives a shit? Most of them are even dumber than Sup Forums.
Might want to get that shit taste checked out by your GP.
>it's popular so I don't like it
>other sites like it so I can't
>if I don't like it then I'll fit in with you guys on 4cahn right?
No, all you idiots ever show is how often you visit and are influenced by normalfag websites and social media so stop being a desperate sheep trying to fit in, watch some anime and form your own objective unbiased opinions or alternatively fuck off.
It definitely didn't have substance.
>projecting this hard
Okay, and if you dig that hard then Shuumatsu is about how people wandering about in postapoc still find comfort in each other or some shit.
>dig hard
Watch Maidragon, you don't have to dig to get the clear themes the show is presenting. To say it has no substance is simply not true.
I did watch it, the themes I got presented amounted to "shit, dragon strong" and "damn, Kanna cute".
Maid Dragon is literally just a "Magical girlfriend falls from the sky" show, but the MC is an adult woman instead of a teenage boy. She even has That One Otaku Friend.
>itt: guy makes a fool of himself saying a show he blatantly hasn't even watched lacks substance
That's part of the premise, but not the meat of the show.
Yes, sure you did.
This isn't some obscure fucking anime from 1970, this aired literally this year. How is it so unbelievable that I watched the fucking show and didn't enjoy it as much as you did? Obviously you're not enjoying Shuumatsu as much as I am.
I don't believe you watched it because you clearly didn't, since you believe the show is just about "shit, dragon strong" and "damn, Kanna cute".
Please don't reply to facebook dragon posters.
Maybe that's actually my perception, since the bits that I remember most clearly and left the most impression on me were the ones where Kanna / Touru decided to go apeshit on humans, or the one scene were she serves her tail. Guess what, your masterpiece isn't appreciated by everyone.
>Maid dragon has substance
It's the whole of the show. It's the same sort of gag comedy that premise usually has, namely more wacky magical girlfriends turning up and running their one joke into the ground. There's just less focus on everyone else wanting to fuck the MC and more on just hanging around.
>Says the fan of a show that dabs unironically in its OP.
>It's the whole of the show.
Wrong, watch the anime before looking like a fool with these moronic claims.
>Anyone that doesn't like the show hasn't seen it
You're allowed to not like it, but to say it has no substance and that the show boils down to gag comedy is objectively wrong.
Absolutely love it.
The kind of work that makes me continue enjoying the medium.
Oh come off it, anime is a medium like any other
There's literally no reason anime can't have substance.
Oh please. Your paragraphs on its "substance" are basically, "Families are nice, and not necessarily blood relations." Fucking wow. At least some of the gags were fun.
Pretty good and your life will be much better if you don't take others taste seriously.
Many cinematic masterpieces' themes boil down to just a few words as well. "carpe diem" and "family is the people in your life who want you in theirs" are Maidragon themes.
I watched the 1st ep
It doesn't look bad but I didn't see anything to make me come back for more
I havent written it off compleatly and i may pick it back at the end of the season but I'll probably only watch the 1st 3 eps out of austic obligation and then drop it
Who exactly is giving it mixed reviews? And why should I care what they think?
You shouldn't
Which is exactly why I don't understand the obsession with "depth" when it has the same content as a fortune cookie.
Anime of the season.
Never said depth, Maidragon is not deep; it presents its themes very clearly. It does have substance, that's what I'm arguing.
>family is the people in your life who want you in theirs
If that's enough substance so is "how do we live on even in full realization of meaninglessness" for SSR.
If you define "substance" this broadly then there's literally nothing without "substance" in the first place.
I really like it, but it feels hard to take the setting seriously. It's more like a dreamscape than an actual post-apocalypse. It's impossible to come up with a logical explanation of what happened. It's not a bad thing, but I generally enjoy that sort of speculah and went into this expecting it.
That's a pointless debate. Substance isn't some independent existence attached to a show. Substance is something within author and viewer and show is only a mediator. And there is no guarantee that all viewers have any substance inside them. Just like babies have underdeveloped vision and underdeveloped taste you can't expect someone to watch and understand a show just because they can recognize shapes and colors.
Never trust reviews. In our age anyone can do review. And everyone and their grandma and their dog are doing reviews and offer their opinions. There is no value in review if a person doing it has zero qualification aside from watching anime. SSR is an incredibly good anime if you have empathy for themes author touches. The only thing to criticize about this anime is some budget CGI usage in certain scenes, but it's a minor complaint.
Zetsubou, zetsubou
I don't define substance arbitrarily. Substance is not depth. Depth is subtext, something more that you catch between the lines. Maidragon is very forward with its themes and has no place left for interpretation. Meaning, motives and reasons behind character actions are substance.
The feeling of true hopelessness is trying to convince memedragon posters their show isn't anything special.
The blond one exists to have her eyes looked at, not her voice heard.
As they say, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, why is yours special?
>The feeling of true hopelessness is trying to convince anti-maidragon posters our show isn't just a a facebook meme
It's bleached.
>trying to convince people of a subjective thing
>Chi and Yuu are friends
>not imouto
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it’s all on a ringworld or something, but I’m not really sure it’s important.
There was a civilization that built the cities, which fell, and it’s been falling ever since, and this is now the end—worked for Vance.
I like how it conveys its emotions and ideas. I felt isolated and doomed along with the main characters. I've enjoyed the world building and imagination. I want to explore that world.
They're not isolated and doomed! They'll be fine!
You'd die in that world.
They're about to die almost every episode, they won't be fine forever
Next episode will have my favorite chapter. I can't wait to see it animated
Hopelessness is all that awaits.
>but there are mixed reviews
Where do you come from
Kado and Shuumatsu Ryokou are the only worth watching this year.
>Meaning, motives and reasons behind character actions are substance
>what is modernism
substance ------------->
It's nice gives you an appreciation for the current world.
Volume 3 download where?
This. That shit about Maidragon is the most pretentious and desperate attempt at 2deep4u that I've seen in a long while.
I could bang on for a dozen paragraphs about Shuumatsu Shoujo Ryouko's themes: ephemerality, especially of modern technology and infrastructure; human desire to explore their world and record it; the bonds between people in need; how people adapt to their environment and make the best of what they can; the familiar made unfamiliar; the whole 'seeds sprouting in the wilderness' thing that a lot of post-apoc does; blah blah blah. I could get at least two paragraphs out of each of those. But I'm not a tryhard.
Maiddragon is the Naruto of SoL
What do u consider substance?
Love it, but i'm more than sure I will forget I ever watched it just a week after it ends.
I'm genuinely curious.
Lonely people finding one another and having happy times is substance.
>it's popular so I don't like it
MaidDragon is popular? How the fuck did that happen?
It wasn't bad but it was pretty mediocre, I can't really see the mass appeal apart from Kana thighs.
What does substance even mean anymore.
The two shows both fall under SoL, but they're so far apart that judging them by the same criteria makes no sense. You may as well criticise a documentary for its lack of action scenes.
Who the fuck cares whether there's substance as long as it was a good anime and it was 10/10 would watch again
AOTS for me. It's been a long time since a show has made me care so much about so little.
To be fair that's the entire premise of the show
There's really shit-all left to care about in their world but they somehow still manage
Is the potato's manga worth reading?
Don't be a fag.