They're the fall guys. That is their purpose. Most of you fags on Sup Forums are micro-brainlets who could never figure out who's truly in power even if the answer stared you in the face.
Did it ever occur to you fags that jews are the scapegoats
ok senpai guess I'll just ignore this
Every argument, 'gotcha' and straw man you think you have against us has already been wrecked by Culture Of Critique. Sorry sweetie.
Does it ever occur to you that "Le MAGA" faggots or Boomer class "Conservatives" types ALWAYS ignore the Jewish question?
No, its the jew.
Just lols@ reptiles, illuminati, etc etc
who created the term scapegoat you moronic shit eater
Jews are so evil that they are basically all the proof I need of the non-existence of God.
Are you saying jews are forced by non-jews to circumcise their children? I honestly think it's worth the death sentence just for that part of their culture alone, even without mentioning all the money lending and mercantilism.
Tim Wise deserves to be flayed alive, but that's a botched quote.
"In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around who actually remember that Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Opie-Taylor-Down-at-the-Fishing Hole cornpone bullshit that you hold so near and dear to your heart.
There won’t be any more white folks around who think the 1950s were the good old days, because there won’t be any more white folks around who actually remember them, and so therefore, we’ll be able to teach about them accurately and honestly, without hurting your precious feelings, or those of the so-called “greatest generation” — a bunch whose white contingent was top-heavy with ethical miscreants who helped save the world from fascism only to return home and oppose the ending of it here, by doing nothing to lift a finger on behalf of the civil rights struggle."
Scapegoats from what?
Jewish crimes?
Do they not lend money, start central banks and cut babydicks?
Desu you and I both know these people, normies and shills won’t do well with this idea
Give em a little taste
Khazars are the real issue Jews are the ones that took the bait though
Yes and no. Jews are very heavily propagandised into their antiwhite hatred because muh holocaust. Does the fact that they are socially engineered into working towards our total annihiliation somehow exempt them from culpability? I don't think so.
But if jews are infinetely evil there must exist something infitely good (God), right? Else the world would've already been destroyed by them.
>escape goats
really activates the ol' almonds
>ok senpai guess I'll just ignore this
Fucker, if the Jews did really want to control all media, why the fuck would they put Jews in power? They would use puppets. Moron, the whole point of putting Jews in visible positions of power is to make them vulnerable.
>Every argument, 'gotcha' and straw man you think you have against us has already been wrecked by Culture Of Critique.
Look man, culture of critique has some good points on how the Jews evolved and how their practices allowed them to breed a certain kind of people, but seriously, it doesn't encompass the entire Jewish story.
I realize that. The top percent of the kikes who are untouchable use Jewish tribalism to use some percentage of the common Jews for their schemes and make them into a target so they can get away with it.
Still doesn't mean they should be trusted.
Wow user, you're really on fire today.
A infinitely good supreme being would have not let things get this bad.
>the world would've already been destroyed by them.
They're working on it
nice boomerpost faggot, when did you ever see one of these media kikes on TV?
>Are you saying jews are forced by non-jews to circumcise their children?
What's your problem with circumcision?
>I honestly think it's worth the death sentence just for that part of their culture alone,
Dude, circumcision has its benefits. My brother had phimosis and had to get a circumcision.
>who's truly in power
who's truly in power user then?
>Do they not lend money, start central banks and cut babydicks?
Jews did not invent the banking system as much as they coopted it. Besides, modern economic markets are not possible without a credit market. Fucker, you think car companies only make cars after they get money from their customers? Many companies operate on credit and produce goods and services for which they receive payment at a later date. Credit systems are the reason why economic markets can expand - you produce goods and services using credit.
Who let you out of the oven, rabbi?
lol. In this delusion of grandeur, he actually makes it into bubba's home instead of being riddled with 30-06 a few steps from the threshold.
>Jews are very heavily propagandised into their antiwhite hatred because muh holocaust.
Yeah, I know they're being set up.
>Does the fact that they are socially engineered into working towards our total annihiliation somehow exempt them from culpability? I don't think so.
Us realizing that they're being socially engineered is at least better than being intellectually lazy and blaming them for everything.
Doing good work, user.
>I realize that. The top percent of the kikes who are untouchable use Jewish tribalism to use some percentage of the common Jews for their schemes and make them into a target so they can get away with it.
>Still doesn't mean they should be trusted.
But at least you realize who's the puppet and the puppeteer. That is still better than just dumping all the blame on the Jews.
>nice boomerpost faggot,
Fuck off wannabe Germany.
>Who let you out of the oven, rabbi?
Same people who let you out you drunk bastard.
>Kicked Out of literally every country they’ve ever inhabited
>They’re just the fall guys tho
These are the ones behind the scenes you dumb faggot... and behind them is George Soros, another Jew.
But why would so many independent countries scapegoat them? Makes no sense.
not enough noses. needs more noses. Because the nose knows.
You know this is interesting
If someone was to say
>It’s not the jews man they died in the hall of cost
Minimal resistance
But If i say that
>the jews are nothing more then foot soilders, whose only purpose is to take the blow back so when we kill all the jews we think they’re gone
You fucking idiots
You lose if you can’t pry open your head just a little bit
Fuck off kike. Hey the goyim know the truth now you can’t stop what’s coming
>These are the ones behind the scenes you dumb faggot... and behind them is George Soros, another Jew.
And who's behind George Soros?
you know what would be more interesting?
Literally the most jewish comparison of false ideals and arguments I’ve ever seen on /pol. You have no power here leave
The Rothschilds. More Jews.
Don't post fake shit. It's counterproductive.
you disgust me
>But why would so many independent countries scapegoat them? Makes no sense.
Various communities have been ejected, killed, eradicated at various times across the world. Genociding a people is not a new tactic you stupid fuck. The only reason Jews keep popping up in the list is because they survive and emigrate to other places. Other races are not good at surviving like the Jews and they get wiped out.
Your argument is invalid like your brain.
The great enemy does not have a fucking label
No name
Nothing to point out
They are liquid ever changing
The longer one tries to name or find them
The more you serve them
You have clearly not read Culture of Critique. And Kevin MacDonald has written more than just Culture of Critique. Check out his website
>The Rothschilds. More Jews.
Who's behind the Rothschilds?
Well, who's in control then?
>Yeah, I know they're being set up.
Who sets them up?
>who's behind George Soros
The Rothschild
And those who do not have phimosis and were circumcised without their consent, what happens to them?
No one. Richest family in the world. Stop beating around the bush kike, get to the point. Who do you think is behind them and is scapegoating the poor christkillers?
So you admit its the jews but only want us to be mad at specific jews??? No. Just like Islam, Judaism is a parasitic mind virus and must be eliminated and never left dormant for risk of further infection.
>you disgust me
I say circumcision has its benefits because my brother had to get his dick circumcised due to phimosis and equate that to the circumcision of baby boys? Are you even conscious anymore?
Stop pissing about and ante up with the info
>You have clearly not read Culture of Critique.
What did I miss out?
>who's behind George Soros
>The Rothschild
Who's behind the Rothschilds?