ITT: We make wishes

ITT: We make wishes

The better the digits, the higher the chances of them coming true will be.

> Quads or higher: Will happen.

My wish:

> This old cunt keels over and dies before the next election.With all the hubris of "WE WILL WIN, JC4PM", the shitlib tears would be fucking glorious.

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I wish you'd just die.

The revelation of alien life within the decade

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All the jew get exterminated before 2020

I wish for a qt gf who loves me

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Double have a chance

I wish something interesting happens internationally, but doesn't directly harm my personal goals or safety.

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Fine, Jeremy Corbyn does not die, but goes frail and senile, sending the Labour party in to chaos as they try and cover this up and act like everything is OK.

In this time, Diane Abbott gets power, and by the virtue of being a dimwitted commie, proceeds to fuck up British politics so badly, that proper nationalist alternatives are born from the ruins of our political establishment, fixing things at last.
