(((Pet))) hate thread

(((Pet))) hate thread.
Keep them in jungle. They have no place in house.
Only soy boy and blue pill people keep (((pets)))

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fuck off

Fuck off muslim sub shit.

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Cute dog. I normally hate terriers but this little fella seems like a good doggy.

The feline helped build the west you fucking cunt
And you better not say NOTHING about doggo

Mohammed detected. Dogs are the most redpilled companion there is. Especially if you train them to do serious tasks.
>unwavering loyalty
>can kill most things that try to hurt you
>can hunt down small game to keep you both fed
Mine is good at killing squirrels, and pheasants, I haven't let him try for anything else
>can alert you to other humans in the area while they're still a mile away.
The list goes on and on. The only people that don't like dogs are serious muzzies, and soy boys that can't handle the level of responsibility and get cats.
>pic related, my mastiff.

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>Normally hate terriers
Fucking LEAF! Day of the Rake NOW!

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You're a shit NatSoc. NatSoc appreciated and treated animals well. The Great One himself had a fondness for dogs and had a German Shepherd upon which he lavished affection.

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pets are a luxury item

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Airedales are rowdy, but are the doggo of a true rugged gentleman.

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>t. chink/muslim
Dogs are the white man's pet. Not pit bulls though, those are nigger dogs

Dogs are what our ancestors used as a deterrent against the negroids and others of similar mind.
If you hate animals, you are confirmed to be descended from a negroid-minded people and are the adversaries of the enlightened individuals who continue to build this world.

Cool dog.

Breed? Is it a stafford mix?

I don't hate pets per se, it's just that most owners are absolute cringelords who believe they're better than everyone for it. That and they always claim a load of bullshit trying to justify how spending thousands of dollars to keep a dog is worth it because they're "useful", like this guy here .

He's a Cane Corso
Pic related is with part of a pheasant he killed. He does all sorts of shit for me. It's just a matter of actually training them to do it. Most people don't put in the effort.

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*barks at literally nothing for several hours*
*attacks toddler unprovoked*
*vomits unidentifiable bile on carpet*
*farts rancid corpse gas*
*kills neighbour's cat*
*tears brand new $7000 mattress to pieces*
*consistently stinks like putrid shit*
*gets hit by a car*

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I'll keep my dog thanks

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t.confirmed non-white

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This is literally argument that PETA uses

You're low test faggot boy.

this is such bad 1 post bait... what is going on today with all this garbage, wheres the mods?


This is that "can't handle the responsibility" thing I was talking about. If you're no a weak willed bitch, none of what you said will happen. And they are man's best friend. There's evidence of us cohabiting with dogs as far back as 30,000 years ago. We've been living with dogs longer than we've had monogamous relationships. There's evidence that the evolution of humans and dogs are directly tied.

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Lol Chinese people have pets dumbass.

Dog companionship was used for warfare and hunting, nothing soy about it.
Even cats have their uses, killing off vermin in the area, less plague for all. Too bad about the toxoplasmosis that makes you gay.

>not getting a cat

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Calm, trusted 8yo family dog ripped the owner's kid apart just across my place. I don't trust anything that can rip out my fucking throat at a weak moment. I want a pet not a walking hazard. Fuck dogs.

>98 pound effeminate soyboy calling other people soyboys

i'm a homeowner who has procreated. perhaps you should concentrate on not being a flaccid little bitch?

I have both and they're frens

>its the owner not the dog!1
you sound like a shitbull sympathizer you nigger

it really is. Pitbulls are unfortunately prone to nigger tier owners who think having a pet means you a hood nigga

Come and take it.

Dog > OP

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meet my comrade

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I have a fish named adolf