Why is this so common?

Why is this so common?

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Because men aren't mind readers and if she has feelings she should tell him.

incel detected

I don't know. Can girls not ride their own bikes?

Why isn't this more common?

When will they lean?

It's fucking common as fuck
My oldest childhood friend confessed to me only after I was in a relationship.
Did you think everyone on 4ch was born this way? Some of us were forged out of contempt

Why did she leave him?


Reminder that all 3 of them canonically never even met each other.

Where's the part where the MC bangs his girl while the osananajimi watches on the window or under the MC's bed?

Westermarck effect. But it's usually the girl the one that goes for some random dude.

It's pretty uncommon in real life though, at least if you start being friends when you're really young.

Same reason you'd ((usually)) never have romantic attraction towards a sibling, seeing someone grow up from a young child makes it hard to look at them romantically, especially if you've seen them during the dumb shitty kid stage or the awkward ugly pre-teen stage.

because he is a loser who never confessed and she got tired of waiting and being his support. she needs someone she can lean on

Because it happens so often in real life and anime and manga are escapism and wish fulfillment?

What's an incel?


Literally happened with me IRL.

So everybody on Sup Forums, then?

Would be more accurate if the other bitch was blonde desu.

I feel like this one is far more realistic than what OP posted.

It hurts.


>makes the worst choice
Not only does he chooses a walking corpse over fucking Ako, he doesn't go for Ryuuka.

I'm sure the last pic is he delivering the corpse to graveyard.


these area the pictures that enlightened me to NTR

it is

>locate the source because it looks interesting
>it's isekai garbage


I'm glad i've never been cucked before because I could only imagine that I'd want to kill myself.

yes so it will probably be adapted into a tv series in

These paint a very romanticised view on the childhood friend desu. They imply that they were inseparable and romantically inclined towards each other their entire lives, but's lets be real famalams, that is often not the case.

Also, what this user said.

>misunderstandings the image
Typical Isekai, it doesn't change even when it's written by a woman.

Tell us more

Guys... g-guys...
... she'll win, right? R-right?

>fucking Ako
Why would you do that?

Why would I not do that?

she didn't put out soon enough

Ever heard of STDs?

huh, but that's just a meme ranking.

I do hope you're referring to the girl and not the guy that went off with another woman.

It would make even less sense if your comment referred to the user there, since westermark girl has been inadvertently working against the guy wanting her for years despite her in-some-ways-incestuous interests

And OP's pic is a meme pic.

4th image from the left would indicate you're plain wrong.

So is there any similar anime / manga?
Just asking

there's one manga by the same author which made aku no hana,

then lets spread out the search criteria for abit

something like realise their love too late?

misspelled intel?

t. incel

>want to care about it
>the MC is a sperg
>that black haired girl is actually crazy about the MC but he misunderstood since he is a tard

c. intel


well there's wife to be, which is a one-shot. It doesn't have the promise since childhood thing but it does have the same feeling, and you can read it in less than 5 min since it's a one-shot

This picture doesn't make any sense. Was Kyoutarou even in the same episode as either of these two, let alone the same scene? At least use Yuuki and Nodotits to make it slightly less stupid.

>whore ako memes makes best girl Yui look like a slut

>""""look"""" like a slut


>>""""look"""" like a slut
Canon virgin. She also has had no implied relationship in the past like Yukino.

Girls like to steal from other girls. That is why there are mistresses.

>Girls like to steal from other girls

It is IRL.

Real life is just a badly written garbage anime.

Misuzu holy shit

Only after they see you in a relationship they realie they shouldnt have waited, and taken you for granted.

Because childhood promises have no real bearing on someone's feelings in the future.



Competition for alpha males and best offsprings.

I don't get it

are you ugly and/or fat?

Came here to post this. Even when the childhood friend wins, they still lose.

>Younger one ends up taller
This will never not give me a heart-boner.

At least childhood friend always wins in hentai,excluding NTR.

An otouto is for his nee-chan.

Is it bad that i love ntr?

Do you self-insert as the girl? If not, then yes, it is very bad that you love ntr.

The fuck is a incel bitch? My kawaii CPU?

Why does she stay the same age as he grows older? What happened to the girl on his arm?

can't find sauce what anime is this from?

Boku no Osananajimi

Are you a fujoshit?

She's an immortal youkai
She went insane due to literally being too pure for the world.

So, it's okay to self-insert as a girl who ntrs everyone else and ends up embracing her moral degeneration like a sex-addict she is? Asking for a friend.

THAT makes sense.

That's not ntr, that's cheating.

ty ty

Go masturbate whore

It's ntr if a girl isn't the main character.

What if you self-insert as the netorarer?

Is this a doujin or the official manga
Those titties befuddle me

Then it is bad. Stealing another man's woman and getting off to your woman being stolen are equally terrible.

>Tenshi No Inu Mani...
It's Doujin.

Thanks, user-kun.

Growth was a mistake.

Not him, but what if I don't self-insert as one of them and only enjoys ntr because the art styles are pretty great?

I much prefer the older girl.

I'm just confused as to why she won't call him Onii anymore.

Onii is more endearing. The cute answer would be she's too embarrassed. Non-cute answer is she isn't as close to him anymore.

Well that's his fucking fault, isn't it? Wasting a cute imouto like that.

Does the dialogue make your dick harder?

Because that happens all the time in NTR stories. Females don't get cucked.

>females don't get cucked