She lives in an extremely small town in northern norway, and this shit happens all the time.
Our elven dreamlands have been compromised, what do we do?
Niggers grope in small norwegian village
Petition your government to start killing them (the criminals).
afraid that was tried in the 40s, didn't pan out too good.
we have lost.
top fucking kek
call her a coalburning nigger lover and tell her that Breivik should lynch her when he gets out of jail
Why English?
because I'm danish and writing in 2 scandinavian languages that are slightly different is top tier autism
why are women always in the vanguard when it comes to defending migrants?
Why is it that Denmark seems less cucked than other Scandinavian countries?
>not saying "your mom should kill herself"
>not saying something about being raped by a pack of niggers
>not noticing this conversation will get nowhere and just triggering her for fun
women are generally naive
If you take an animal and introduce it to an environment where it has no natural predators it gradually loses it's fear and ceases to teach survival tactics to its young.
Because they've been spoonfed propaganda for decades from television and radio while the men have been out working. This global bluepilling started with boomers who then passed it on.
Because the party that got most votes (but chose not to take the prime ministership) is the literal alt-right party, and has ensured our borders are protected and will not accept immigrants.
Why did the chose not to take the prime ministership?
Based, I hope to visit your country one day, I've been told I would like Aarhus
one day i want to go to scandinavia and fuck myself a good qt blonde girl
watch out this nigger is coming to your town
We can do better though.
They were in an agreement with the leading party.
It was a wise move, I believe the left would go apeshit (like they do in America) if that happened, and when it's like this, they can still control a lot of legislation.
Because of their mandates they could get more of their politics implemented without taking the shit of being the front-figure party. It's actually really clever.
Not a bad place to live, but geographically uninteresting. You'll probably meet some people you get a long with those, most of the people I know are racially aware and highly xenophobic.
After we deal with the immigration problem then they're next. They see this from a mile away and that's why they call everything conservative or anachronistic sexist. I don't blame them, but at the same time I do.
I voted for this party last "kommune" (county?) election.
lmao get cucked nordfags
no aryan masterrace for you nerds cause your "pure" blonde aryan girls prefer brown cocks ahahahha
But women (white women) have natural predators and they are inviting them in and even defending them. Look at my country, i know how these things go
Ive seen mothers defend and help their daugthers rapists just because he was a migrant, ive seen girls say sorry for turning in migrants who rape them because they run the RISK of deportation (they are never deported)
it makes no sense at all
Yea, me too. I was actually in one of the first Aalborg generalforsamlinger that happened, they have some good ideas (actually, funnily enough, like 80% of the talks were about Swedens immigrant crisis, I was quite surprised) Unfortunately I didn't and don't have enough time to dedicate any to politics.
Why don't you worry about Denmark instead of writing what allegedly happens in some Northern Village in Norway?
Do they actually? I have a sneaking suspicion that they only enjoy feeling good for helping the not privileged.
Because Norway is rightfully danish clay, and we will reconquer it once we're awoken to how fucked you let the immigrant crisis get.
But they were safe for generations before that and the bad habits have proliferated
>Scandinavia has two languages
The result of the wordlist analysis shows that Danish bears the strongest similarity to the north Germanic dialects and most especially Swedish and Norwegian, at 84.4% and 87.3% similarity. According to the language assessment criteria of the international Language Assessment Conference (1992), only when a wordlist analysis shows a lexical similarity of below 70% are two speech forms considered to be different languages. An overlap of 70% and above indicates that both speech forms are the same language, although dialect intelligibility tests would need to be carried out to determine how well speakers of one dialect can understand the other speech form. Thus while the analysis shows that English, with an overlap of 60% is a completely different language, all other Germanic speech forms including Danish are merely dialects of the same language, Standard German.
>Norwegians talk about themselves as elves when they are clearly mountain trolls.
Yes do that, but you should make sure Denmark is secured before even talking about Norway.
where is this supposed to have happened?
We learn german in school. Sure a lot (like 99%) of the words have the same roots, but theres no way you can qualify Danish as standard german. I can accept Norwegian being a variant of danish, because that's literally what it is, but no fucking way we can be considered a variant of German.
Typical blue-pilled braindead slut. Let's see what she thinks after the immigrant "boyfriend" ends up killing her mother.
Get it together, Scandi's
I call bullshit
Happened in Storslett in the weekend.
Why do you talk to this whore?
>Our elven dreamlands have been compromised, what do we do?
what would vikings do???
tell me, fucktard
While its morally repulsive the sign isnt wrong
They can do whatever they want
lol what is this
This triggers the ancient natural survival instincts in them, where women have always submitted to foreign conquerors in order to secure their genes. This is no different. The women subconsciously expect either their own men to repeal the invaders or the invaders to just take them. When their own men do nothing, they rather ally with the stronger foreigners against their own culture that let them in.
its a shoop of a sign telling blacks NOT to rape
Why do the snow niggers all have their own language. It’s retarded. Just learn fucking English.
>All men are rapist
Mostly pedos and minoraties, im tired of getting distrust from women because of nigger rape outbreaks
Back when Denmark ruled the nords we made our language the de facto main language. After the demise of the danish kingdom, they wanted to be snowflakes and made silly changes to their languages. Now danish is literally irrelevant with only 5 million people speaking it.
the language in which you think shapes your thoughts in a big way. maybe we shouldn't be encouraging the extinction of white languages?
Send her this and call her a Oberhure
it's called a "glory suit". get one.
even if she had been raped she would still defend them, fucking women are worse then children
It's very sad to be honest. I really like our people, but this is fucking insane.
There actually is an Italian woman Lisa Biancucci living in Finland (pic related) who is hugely into #refugeeswelcome and #stopdeportations activism. Last summer she got stabbed by a Moroccoan asylum seeker (who was about to be deported) in a stabbing spree while walking outside with her little daughter. She almost died, several people got wounded and two other women were killed.
Mainstream media interviewed her later on, and she stated that this all has only strenghtened her conviction and zeal in helping migrants, aiding asylum seekers and resisting racism. She woved to return to activism after recovery.
If almost getting literally murdered in front of your own child by people you defend doesn't snap you out of it, nothing does. These women will never change their ways and will never admit their error. They will always be on the side of those poor illegal migrants, no matter what.
How do niggers show up in small, remote towns? Thought they generally stick to large cities where they can live off state welfare. Were they Somalis?
Norway is lost, our current government may be removed tomorrow because of a facebook post
>Mums boyfriend
>This means her parents are divorced
what did they say after your "ding ding ding"?
But what cancer are foreigners who believe they have the right to have an opinion about a country of which they are not native.
people still use skype?
What a crazy bitch.
That's just one dumb hole. Why are you even trying to reason with a hole?
>Ah yes, of course
INSTANT FUCKING DIAMONDS. That's a woman that knows what the fuck is going on.