Will JIDF ever stop using this ''strategy''?
Will JIDF ever stop using this ''strategy''?
thanks user
“Checked.” I thought that I would like Trump being president but I find myself disagreeing with him more and more everyday, as do my peers that voted for him. Nobody takes him seriously anymore, and ousting yourself as a trump supporter has become a serious social faux pas around my neck of the woods. If he runs again you can bet dollars to donuts that the Dems get my vote in 2020
damn, OP, you even got cuckbait in this threat already, great work
Old pasta. Now kys phonie faggot
It’s true. When they told me about Sup Forums, politics in particular, I got the idea that this place was going to be a cesspool. Not that it isn’t, mind you, as you can tell by the incessant drivel in this very thread, but a cesspool as in a place where virulent racists and sexists would congregate and have discussion on whatever it is that they... discuss. Discussion is the key word; I figured I would be having some modicum of actual debate with these people. So far I’ve found the complete opposite; the average user seems to shy as far away from legitimate debate as possible, resorting to ad hominums and the same tired old “memes,” from what’s binging on a decade ago at this point. At the end of the day you realize that there’s no political discussion here at all!! It’s actually surprisingly easy to reprogram and to get them to turn on one another. A lot of the people here aren’t necessarily “alt-right,” they’re just angry and need some sort of outlet. When you take the time to listen to their problems you can actually break through and you can help them work through the root of their issues, in the hopes that one day they leave this place for good.
We the JIDF will never give up.
You will suck the kike dick like good little Goyim.
Never, if you have read the Scripture, you would know.
"And they marveled at her beauty, and admired the Israelites, judging them by her, and every one said to his neighbor, “Who can despise these people, who have women like this among them? Surely not a man of them had better be left alive, for if we let them go they will be able to ensnare the whole world!”"
Judith 10,19
She decapitated their leader, when he got drunk beyond measure, because of his boner for Judith. And that was before Jewish people lost all redeeming qualities.
Women and alcohol. Not even once. And NEVER combine the two, bad things will happen.