Is there an equivalent of shabbos goy for whites? For example if someone is a le 56% mutt but is willing to help the whites in their endeavors? I myself suffer immensely when I see blonde women diluting their genes with other races and would never mix with one in order to preserve their essence.
I myself am white, but of southern european ancestry with black hair and brown eyes. I understand the superiority of the aryan man (The Golden One, Baked Alaska, etc) and want to help them achieve their goals. There are thousands of mutts, mestizos and creaturas that were born with the unfortunate burden of being genetically soiled but recognize who the rightful rules of the world should be. I for one would prefer pledging allegiance living as a secondary caste in a white ethnostate than go on with this kikish babylonian system. Even if being part of this secondary class entails not being able to reproduce with white women or having access to the territory itself, I would be content being a border security guard just so this precious race can flourish in peace.
>I myself am white, but of southern european ancestry with black hair and brown eyes
Don't bother. Pol is retarded.
>I understand the superiority of the aryan man (The Golden One, Baked Alaska, etc)
self hating cuck. you're a mediterranean, your ancestors built great empires, have some pride in your culture. probably a larp anyway
Most southern europeans have darker features because we're muslim rape babies from the middle ages. That's nothing to be proud of IMHO.
>Most southern europeans have darker features because we're muslim rape babies from the middle ages.
I have no problems helping whites, but you can't expect me not hating your self delusional posts.
Aryan men aren't superior we are all sons of Europa, divide and conquer is the last ditch attempt of the eternal Jew and it's failing beyond creating great banter. I'm Celtic/Anglo/Scandinavian Euromutt stop self hating you're a pathetic example of what they want all of us to be.
that's not true
bullshit you've just confirmed that you either don't know your own history or you're a bad larp. stop falling for nordicist lies and fetishization.
Daily reminder no matter how hard ameriniggers/self hating meds cry southern europeans always looked darker.
>b-but tarantino said th-
So you're saying someone who is black haired and dark eyed should breed with nords? What would come out of that? You do know blonde/blue eyed features are recessive genes and would only get lost in the mix, maybe not as grave as mixing with an abo or a nigger but still the aryan race should be preserved due to their susceptible genetics.
Blonde hair is weak and effeminate.
when did i ever say that? and genetics are a lot more complicated than dominant/recessive theres a shitton of genes that control eye/hair color in humans and we still don't know how they all interact with each other.
all i'm saying get some self confidence and stop asking "superior" people for validation. you're a cuck but you can change that.
Fuck off
I'm 100%
I married a 87%
I'm taking your Moorish rape baby queens for my own
stop using this flag
thats not entirely true, perhaps at some point yes mixing too much overtime would make recessive genes impossible to recover, but my grandmother and grandfather were both brown hair brown eyed and all three of their children are blonde hair blue eyed. You certainly wouldnt advocate for it, but it can be reversed.
"aryans" are a meme
>blocks your path
>walks alongside you
Doesn’t matter. Were you physically part of any of that? No. So blow it out your ass. Find a hobby or something.
>Baked Alaska,
top tier m8
Youre so starved for validation on something so stupid and trivial. Were you physically part of any of that shit? No. Stop wasting your life over that shit. If you wanna hate yourself like that then go ahead. You are somehow even more worthless than muh culture whiteys
Tbqh, that hut looks comfy af.
Would smash
>Baked Alaska
kill yourself my man
kys digusting nigger
You think the dindu hordes care you got brown eyes? No. You're white enough goy.
Only a unification of the white tribes can win this war.
The threshold of whiteness is getting blurrier, thats why it would be better if not-so-white mutts are accepted as allies. This thread got derailed on the subject if medis are white or not, the main issue is what about the genetically lost goblinos that wish to be shabbos goys for the whites.
If enough then babies were born to white nordic and germanic people then small numbers southers europeans could be introduced into white populations, and same way some nordics into southern Europe. But now blue eyed white woman and getting blacked every day and men are too cucked to do anything about it.
Holy fuck are you both stupid. Your ideas of "white" seems to not go beyond whether someone has pink nipples or not. Listening to brainlets like you, it's fine to dilute the race as long as people still end up having blonde hair.
You dumb fucks are more blackpilling than anything the jews have ever put out. Hang yourselves, literally.
yummy yummy gib me milkies mommy!