Stupid sexy skeletons

Stupid sexy skeletons.

Erika a best.

I lose every time. I cannot even look at this without twitching. No fap november won't go well at this rate.

Send shiver down your spine?


Erika or Yui?

Send semen up your cock.

is 17.0 ever getting translated?

Both, but if I had to pick it would be Erika

I know, right?

BONEr status: muh

no because it's bad

What's the plot

Can someone post the skeleton bending over saying "ara ara you want to get spooky?" ?


Yui cute

Yui of course.

She had sexual intercourse on multiple occasions. How can you say that?

Does the series have good plot? I've only fapped to a few chapters without reading it.

Sasaki best Shoujo!

Clearly there's a reason people want a piece of this.

"It's like they're wearing nothing at all..."

"... nothing at all...."

Erika. For some reason, I only like the mahou shoujos with the big tits.

>draw skeleton
>apply meat
How does he do it



Do we have more of this?

The Best.


t.mad fujoshit

MC gets dream raped by some new girls, and Misa has to become a loli to stop them.

Damn, she ascended from only being annoying irl into the Freddy Kruger of cock blocks.

t. raita pro

this. i fucking hate cowtits, its disgusting. big is fine

absolutely disgusting. its time to fix this shit

Obesity is disgusting.

Enjoy your ban you pervert.

Body aching all the time.

pls no buli the elves

The sexiest skele.

My nigga.

how can there be only one facial in the whole thing?

You'd waste sperm like that?

She's alright but I hate her friend on principle.

I mean, you got the girls. Use them in every possible way. It gets boring if it's always the same creampie.

Itou life knows what I'm talking about.

You just don't understand the beauty of Raita's x-ray internal cumshots complete with sperm dialogue.

I wish Raita would quit fooling around and finally have one of the girls actually get knocked up. It's obvious that he wants it to happen, but is more concerned with milking the series as long as possible.

Send shivers down your dick

>but is more concerned with milking the series as long as possible.
I also want to keep milking myself to the series as long as possible.

Raita is a shitty memeartist.

I wanna hotglue that ass so much.

Will we get an uncensored version?

The nipples look weird.