post the biggest cringe on this dead board
>using V as U while writing "Europa"
>calling Europe "Europa" while using english
>all the """trad""" movements
>lmaoooo just kill everyone I don't like XD
>based israel bombing the shitskins!!!!!
>calling anyone you disagree with a shill
>echo chamber mentality while at the same time calling other places echo chambers
Post the biggest cringe on this dead board
Endless Polish bitching
>its de joos
>blacks are inferior
>hitler dindu nuffin
>based poland
>Sup Forums
I cringe
The entire internet was better when it was mostly white.
Do Like me. Get a 12TB harddrive, download everything you need on it. And never go online ever again. Everything online is shit now anyways
Based Pole
>Happening threads with nothing happening but LARPers LARPing
>Boomers linking to truepundit or gateway pundit
>Boomers talking about Q
>People believing in God and acting like praying will solve their problems while the left does activism and gets shit done. How if you don't believe in the mystical bearded man in the sky you can't be right-wing
Go to /bant/ you slimy polish kike. You can go love on jews, and niggers, and various other shit skins there, with all the other drooling infantile freaks.
>the biggest cringe on this dead board
your thread, your life, your memes. everything is cringe
What is the point of bringing children into a pointless godless system? What would be the point of any of this without god? You want to stand on a platform of bringing children into a pointless existence?
people bumping useless shit threads like this one
Silly pole didn't type it into google
Europa isn't just /our word you cringe lord
You just shamed yourself.
Europa means pan Europe and is the name of the football league, all kinds of official offices of the EU, used all the time in books by people of varied political and cultural persuasions.
Gotta be MGTOW
>traditional families are falling apart, this is the cause of the West’s decline
>fuck traditional families, let’s bang hookers
Every thread is by lefty pol, Slavs posting under your flag or Mexicans/poles
to build, conquer, craft, and explore
get off AOL old man, your wife’s waiting for a fax
But nigga u here now
stop taking this dead board seriously. just cuckpost and shill asian girls all day like i do. if you get called a shill youre doing it correctly.
Polish “””people””” whinging about germany
Reddit tier since gamergate, fappening, and election.
You go ahead and build conquer and explore, but why you bring others into the world to do so? You want to tell your kids that they are no better than a pig simply fulfilling a genetic compulsion?
but I don't, I made this thread so I can watch Sup Forumscucks get butthurt and they are already sperging out
ain't even gonna give them (You)s
>to build, conquer, craft, and explore
So to tickle your reward system basically. Not something to build a philosophy on. That's only vanity.
ever since Poland based israel out of the water I never trust any anti white pro jewish comments from polish IP's, immediately assume it's a proxy
>in all fields
he's talking about "Evropa" retard
fashwave is terrible
hmmm where was that?
>calling anyone you disagree with a shill
>based poland
here it is!
I won't even bother with trying to prove anything
Poles denying history. #polishholocaust
jews larping as poles on Sup Forums
Based Poland
Good posts I agree with all of these, but you will make many people mad.
>trump supporters
>shareblue shills
>divide and conquer cia niggers
>the nu-Sup Forums faggots posting in their threads
>newfags that unironically believe "its da joos" is just a meme
Day of the Rope posting is the worst. I've seen Sup Forums and trust me, when the day of the rope comes, if ever, 90% of this board will be the first to go up against the wall or hang from a tree, and you all know this. Makes the whole prospective venture seem disingenuous as fuck when you know its just a bunch of minorities LARPing as edgy Nazi boogeymen
It's pretty hilarious if you ask me, especially when you realise these people are dead serious and it's not just shitposting how it used to be
or all the underage cunts and NEETs calling people leeches and advocating for genocide when they are the biggest leeches out there
Sup Forums is like 50% of traffic on the site and has always had cringe sub groups.
You faggots keep coming back though kek.
this also the fags unironically posting here all the time and talking how they like 10 cocks in their ass but they are based conservative magapede fashist nazis, and rest is supporting them saying how you shouldnt hide your sexual preferences over politics etc its just a normal choice haha fuck the roasties what matters is that you are fashbro xDDD , the board is dead, i wish i got money from soros to shitpost here cuz i want to crash this board with no survivors.
always remember Sup Forums harbour m8.
Filtering works well too if you can't handle certain threads.
It had a good run but it definitely feels like the whole subculture is fizzling out. It's going to get even worse as some of these e-celebs try to keep it on life support because it's either their sole source of income or they gave up their irl friends for the alt right.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was a large amount of user crossover between Sup Forums and Sup Forums. And you wanna know the saddest thing about Sup Forums? Sup Forums has no representative in any kind of government, local or national. Despite always going on and on about the decay of Western civilization, I've yet to see evidence that Sup Forums's actually willing to do anything tangible to stop it, beyond trolling Shia and rigging online polls. Go on, prove me wrong. Getting Trump elected was fun, but lets be honest, he's a little too deep in Jewish pockets to be really called a representative of this board, beyong his interests just so happening to align with some of ours.
Every place on the fucking Internet is an echo chamber. If you don't like this one go back to /lgbt/ faggot.
don't shart urself mutt
Randos in Austin getting bombed instead of Shareblue shills.
biggest cringe are by far the braindead "asians girls are so sexy but i dont want to racemix, doshioooou?" threads
Yeah its pretty the change you want to see in the world and all that. That and realizing Sup Forums will never get involved in real world politics (have a user of this board actually win elections and impliment policy) is why I stopped taking this board seriously. Its all talk and no real action. Helping get Trump elected was the high point, everythings just been downhill from there
How the fuck is it an echo chamber? It is literally the only place you can speak these views without getting banned.
That implies that these views are discussed anywhere else. They are outright censored and shut down.
>pierogi niggers who think they're not the niggers of the White race
t. mutt
>express opinion slightly different from 14/88 FUCK THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW HITLER DINDU NUFFIN HURR DURR
>every underage Sup Forumscuck and their mothers start sperging out and spamming the thread, effectively preventing any form of civilised discussion from happening
>somehow this place isn't an echo chamber
you don't need mods to ban people when community itself refuses to listen
Sup Forums got its heart in the right place, but is just not very smart. even in a liberatarian fascist ethnostate there would be lots of plebs and retards, and you see a lot of them here.
sit like this is why there'll never be any real white solidarity even amongst like minded whites...just endless shitposting
I'd say it's the crippling inability of people to recognize irony. I've been here for a few years, and the same bait threads that were getting posted back then survive today with minimal changes in tactics, content and propagation. If you don't explicitly state that you're ironic that disagrees with Sup Forums consensus, expect to have the thread derailed with tens of angry retards 'proving' you wrong.
The cringe immediately following that is that much of Sup Forums believes that 'shills' are trained agents that derive their state-of-the-art shilling tactics from top secret manuals, while the reality is that with so much serious reaction to low-effort posts around here, 'shills' don't need to change their tactics to more advanced ones because they can tap on this weakness ad infinitum.
We're not here to fucking run for a
Office, were here to genocide the Kikes.
duyrrr fppfbb durrrrrrrrrrr
uh huh...and how d'you suppose you're going to have a large enough impact on culture and political climate to do that? Barring a large scale deterioration of society (from which the kikes would probably escape from long before it happens) theres no real way to do that without getting involved
>D&C threads like this one
what is wrong with evropa, pal?
Found the pierogi nigger living in the US. No need to express your inferiority complex over the fact the apex of your culture is a potato and cheese stuffed shell.
Soros thread
>If you don't explicitly state that you're ironic that disagrees with Sup Forums consensus
If you don't explicitly state that you're ironic expressing an opinion that disagrees with Sup Forums consensus*
>expect to have the thread derailed*
expect to have the thread you're posting in derailed*
I'm still here so seems like you're doing a pretty shit job ;^)
Only D&C I see going on right now is faggots trying to start fucking stupid "lemmie tell you whose REALLY white" games again. Its mostly constructive criticism
God, uplify my post
Guess my european homeland