I legitimately can't understand Sup Forums's obsession with the incest pairing. I love some good brother/sister shit...

I legitimately can't understand Sup Forums's obsession with the incest pairing. I love some good brother/sister shit, but I can't see Taichi and Hikari as anything other than siblings.

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Oh, and DIgimon thread I guess.
There's only one movie left for Tri, how much of a trainwreck will it be with all the half-assed plot points they have to wrap up?

In this case it's less Sup Forums and more due to interviews that came out recently.

One of the few incest otps I'll push. Hard to not see man.

Tri has been a disappointment so far so I don't think it will be any different with the last movie.

>hyped as well when the first trailer came out
>mfw it just kept getting worse
Feels like being a Pokemon fan from gen 5 on all over again.

They explan it guys right right?

Feels good to be canon.

incest is the only thing which can save digimo from oblivion



>I legitimately can't understand Sup Forums's obsession with the incest pairing.
>Official merchandise

Incest is the purest form of love


>deep breaths, it's going to be ok.

someone post that webm where she looks at him with deadeyes

My otp is Daisuke X Hikari. I fucking hate T.K X Hikari

t. Cuckeru



I wish i could insert myself into Hikari.

They're so perfect together, no?

Taichi is for Meiko and Hikari is for Daisuke. Takeru is a faggot.

Daisuke a shit and cuck.
Even his digimon partner and fusion partner are Ryo's sloppy second.
I am neutral about the Taichi vs Takeru thing but Daisuke is too shitty to deserve Hikari.


Imouto love is the purest form of love.

HAHAHAHA Daisuke is actually a cuck even in his own season.

Hikari loves her onii-chan's dick

Would be funny if Hikari from season 2 went back in time and messed around with Young Taichi from season 1

Doesn't change that both Takeru and his Digimon are faggots

Meiko is trash.

This would make for a top tier doujin.

>I legitimately can't understand the purest form of love


Tai marries Meiko.

Dat ass though

Anyone else excited for Hacker's Memory?

Is this Cyber Sluts sequel? looks like one.

interquel, it is a different story that takes place during cyber sleuth.

Do you think they were satisfied with the two children they had together by the epilogue of S2, or will they have more?

Confirmed. Based incest.

whatever helps you sleep at night

That's not funny user, that's brilliant. I'd prefer if Tri Hikari went back tho.

Toei should just adapt Cyber Sleuth. It's the best Digimon product in years.

Who's Jo's girlfriend?


Daisuke's sister

Why did the artist hide her ass? What's going on down there that he doesn't want us to see?

Jogress Shinka


It's the same reason they hate a great girl like Akiko from OniAi but just because they're blood related they like a total bitch like Kirino or Sora.

Please don't bully Daisuke. He's a good boy.

>but I can't see Taichi and Hikari as anything other than siblings.
Hikari can

Homo incest is even better.
I hope he would get Yamato's bowl


Am I the only one who shipped Daisuke and Hikkari? It seems everyone wanted faggot TK or incest route...

I used to as a kid before I realized the wonders of a good brother/sister pairing.

>his face when he has to choose between fucking his sister or his digimin
Being Taichi is suffering

Please don't make my waifu say such filthy things, thank you.

Is Daisuke our guy

Takeru was the one to get that good punch on him...

Onii-chans belong to their imoutos

Did anything happen between in these new movies or whatever they are? Or does this go way back to that one episode?



>expect some nostalgia wanking
>Get a shitty OC and her lame Digimon
Fuck Meiko.

>More Muh Friends
>More of Muh Emotions
>More of Meishit
>More of forced shipping of Taichi and Mei-trash

I literally watched tri to listen to the opening. Everything else is shit desu.

Daisuke would never punch his wife


There never was obsession. Some are into to it, some are not and some don't care altogether.

Shippers are minority in the first place.

I'm afraid you'll have to live with it. Just like Sneed's Feed and Seed it's something the internet latched on to, ruining Digimon threads forever.

I bet they'll have two "episodes" of the OVA be about finding Taichi and some Meiko shilling
Third ep will be about defusing the NGEmon from last time, then preparing the guys for the final fight, then the next ep will the be the fight with maybe a cameo from the 02 kids just to get everyone off Toei's back. Then final ep will be "oh the digimon can stay forever now" and they'll try to link to the 02 ending a bit i think

the latter

>tfw it was a TaichixHikari doujin that kickstarted my incest fetish

>The fuck you saying nigga?

I remember before reading one as a kid I never even thought of the incest pairing as a possibility, shit blew my fucking mind I could barely even understand why that existed.

This but for real

Was it this one?

What interviews?


Holy shit I actually remember that, I'll probably go back for a nostalgia fap

...why is the director of a childrens cartoon saying stuff like this about his childrens cartoon.

On the bright side, Sora getting with Yamato makes a million times more sense now.

Yet Daisuke befriended the Digimon Kaiser and gained a tight bromance while Takeru got no girl and no best bud.


>Takeru got no girl and no best bud.
He DP'd a French slut with Taichi

Hory shiet
Is this legit?


How did the production team let all of this slide? Somebody had to have told him he was getting out of line for a kids show?

This will never stop being hilarious.

There isn't a single thing wrong about it

Kakudou had his own shipping agenda as well, so he would let this slide.

Kek, I remember Hikari's original VA being on it too and embracing it.

Said French slut ended up shagging Takeru's grandpa, though.


There are enough holes for the three


Wow, his ass is outlined very nicely here.

Hosoda pls

I can never figure out as to why he never won the hikari bowl... Jesus man...

Mimi is his mistress.


guess I'm deleting tri off my backlog haven't really heard one positive review on Sup Forums.