There are still people who support Trump

>There are still people who support Trump

Why? I don't even think he's particularly evil but by now its abundantly obvious his stupidity during the election wasn't just "le 4D chess" and that he's genuinely incompetent.

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HAHAHAHA, didn't your prime minister become a cuck, paid millions to a terrorist, and then apologized to him?

You clearly have the best judgement about incompetence.

Jeb ? WTF you doing man ?

>implying I support the primeminister

Wrong. Actually I'd rather have Trump as prime minister rather than someone with nuclear weapons at his disposal and a crucial role in world diplomacy and I'd rather have him as rime minister than Trudeau for that matter.

holy fuck op that looks hilariously similar to my sister i am dieing

Oh look a leaf otherwise known as a paid shill kys shill sage

nice deflection. i can see you inherited your girlishness from your dad, since you both must be effeminate little queers. SAD!

OP: "X is wrong!"
Retard argument: "HAHAHAHA (insert ad hominem). Didn't your side do Y and Z? (No mention of X). Check mate, I win!!"

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>nice deflections
>ad hominem

Quality debate skills m7.

The fool is arguing about incompetence without stating a single thing that qualifies the trait on Trump. Meanwhile, I can explain why his own leader is actually incompetent, while simultaneously bringing up the fact that hardly anyone cared when he did that because he's not Trump.

The whole "I I hate Trump" is a meme and should be treated as such. If you disagree, expand on OP's point.

Summoning Jeb!

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just untie it you retard

By stop being a pathetic gentile online. fuck you and your shitty country

kek yourself, Jeb

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Buy my bowls faggot

>please fap

He's better than the other candidates... Sadly...

Yes but the election has been over for over a year now. At no point does he transition from being the best of a bunch of shitty retarded candidates to the best president ever.

All presidents leave with a lower rating than they came in, it's just the nature of politics. What's your point? Yeah, he's doing some shitty things, but he's also doing some great things. Every president has, even Obama. What's your point?

there hasn't been a good president since Nixon

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