This is why we need to ban violent media of all kinds at the federal level...

This is why we need to ban violent media of all kinds at the federal level. His sister would still be alive today if he wasn't exposed to this kind of stuff.

Think how much better we would be as a society if we didn't have such violence everywhere

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Other urls found in this thread:

>letting your 9/13 year old play a game meant for 18+ year olds

This is the parents fault and they need to go to prison for letting a 9 year old be able to get his hands on a gun and use it.

Piss poor parenting. Not the video games fault.

>implying we don't need nigger control

It's not the parents fault that the kid killed his sister, it's because he was filled with the terrible thoughts from the video game in the first place. It corrupted his mind.

Fox is slipping using that picture of white hands.

Huh...could it have been an edgelord 9-year old having easy access to a gun! It must be the video games!

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It's their parents' fault.

t. sources familiar with 9 year old boy's thinking

It’s the culture emu sting from Hollywood and Pentagon funded video games that are messing with kids’ minds. I unironically hope Trump bans violent vidya.

I blame rap music.

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It was the "live in boyfriend's" gun.

Single motherhood strikes again folks

>The absolute state of Republitards and the lengths they'll got to to find a scapegoat for their guns.

Its non European culture effecting everyone and this is why it should be banned.

Video games are degenerate. If you're over the age of 15 and still play video games and take them serious in any way, please, PLEASE kill yourself.

Jewropean culture doesn't work in a world filled with subversive kikes.

>His sister would still be alive today if he wasn't black

next means next, bitch

I played all the gory games as a kid, manhunt, gta, mortal kombat, turok with the gun that threw a ball that ate the brain of the enemy from within. My mind was fine until I went to college and had to deal with SJW teachers who like you talk without knowing shit

Yeah, cause rapegangs and explosions are so much better. Oh and trucks of peace.
Are the Islamic terrorists just huge fans of GTA and that's why they enjoy running your people over?

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Just because a game is rated 18 doesn’t mean shit
It’s still played in the living room
Just because a kid isn’t playing it he could stilll be watching someone play it
At that point it’s just a child watching a snuff film
What do you expect
Ban these games there’s no proper way to bring them into a home with children

ban assault mustard

And now you’re on Sup Forums Sup Forums calling people niggers and laughing and hoping a race war starts so you can kill people
Video games have already ruined you

They were black. I would blame it more on black people being naturally violent than videogames. Also nice parenting keeping your gun put so your nine year old can get it. Niggers

Should have ended here

Why was the 9 year old able to get a gun? that's as stupid as leaving your kitchen knives on the floor or power tools or whatever when you have a young child.

His surname is ''White'' though. No way he was black

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Give it up Jack, you didn't win with Mortal Kombat, and ya didn't win with Grand Theft Auto, think about your legacy for fucksakes Mr.Thompson.

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This sums up Tamir Rice.

GUns are not the problem
2nd amendment
If the sister had a gun she’d be ok
This is about video game violence teaching kids to kill as a response to having to share with their family

Being capable of doing evil things have very little to the intentions behind them.
I was the biggest relativist at some point, literally had bitches trying to hook with me from lefty comments on the net. Until I started questioning the obvious PC culture in college and its origins.
Nah, college made me believe in ethnocentrism. Too many obvious cunts with Marxist tenancies and an unhealthy self hatred.

You're here too fag

>Being capable of doing evil things have very little to the intentions behind them.

Wise Leaf is Wise.

Tell me 'o enlightened one, what is the meaning of catharsis?

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I'm no leaf, I'm a fleur

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Cheeseburgers and Bullets

Giving a shit over what a person does with their spare time is the sign of being a major faggor.

>dualshock 3
Not even a good controller.



Would be alive if there wasn't a gun in the house. Or having parents who know how to lock up a firearm.

Close, but jewgle gives the definition:
the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions

would you not agree that video games provide this, in place of acting it out in real life?

And ruin the money scheme? Fuck off faggot.

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I knew this was a black kid who shot his sister just off picture used

You mean that 9 year old was playing games that weren't E?

Wow, how did he go buy those?

checked; pot calling kettle faggot confirmed

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This is why gun laws have to be less strict.
If the girl had a gun herself she would be able to shoot the boy before he went on a killing spree.
Please support NRA and ban video games.

You cannot correlate violent video games to this killing just because the whole scenario involves vidya.


Fucking console fags.

and the cover photo has white hands. definitely not a black kid that did this. his parents are clearly very diverse people, this is reflected in their children's names.

>nigger kills another nigger
In other news today is Monday.

Possibly but, more likely, just an idiot.

> be amerishart
> get stabbed


What kind of videogames were people playing during WW2? Or WW1? Or the thousands of years of violent murderous wars throughout human history?

I guess you waited until you hit 18 to play those games, huh user?

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>white hands in the story

>nigger name


What it should say is mentally ill boy allowed access to gun by gross negligent parents and shoots sister

>mentally ill
no, just not very smart
since it takes till age 6 for black children to recognize their reflection (18 months for white children) its safe to say this 9 year old child had the mental capacity of a normal 5 year old or something. He literally did not understand what guns were, what killing was, or what dead even means.

He should have have had access to a gun, this is the same as the stories you see of some 3 year old accidentally shooting someone.

Yes it is, keep your guns locked up and away from your kids and this wouldn’t happen.Also don’t let them play violent video games, it’s rated M for a reason fucktard.

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you need to enforce the law and stop 9 y/o faggots from playing M rated games
bitch ass nigger faggot

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