My hero academia is probably the best in its genre

My hero academia is probably the best in its genre.

Redpill me, cause goddamn it's excellent.

blocks your path

Best shonen coming through

the easiest way to redpill you is for you to watch like 20 anime.

yeah, how many capeshit manga are there anyway


>enjoys what he's reading
>asks people to tell him why this shouldn't be so

What did OP mean by this?

Boring, and inferior to YYH
Hideous art, senseless plot


>hideous art
Yet you like anonymous, shitty art of boku no pico academy
>senseless plot
You are just too dumb, it explains why you like the "I WANNA BE AN HERO" shit

Banning self moderation spam was a mistake.

The mc wants to be a hero, doesnt wear his fucking mask.


>Ribbit-ribbit Girl

Just fucking fuck my shit uo, niggerstream.



Nice argument

I want her to wrap that frog mouth around my dick.

>Redpill me
capeshit naruto, if you unironically think it's a decent work of fiction you should throw yourself into the nearest blast furnace

I watched up to episode 13 and lost interest, does it get better?

>redpill me
What the fuck does that even mean in this context? Is this the type of person BnHA attracts to this board?

Depends on what do you expect.

The manga hasn't reached the height of the kamino arc so I think its fine to watch it to season 3 and then drop it.
Its generic shonen but it does everything well.

Even though my Hero Academia has a very nice art style you cannot call JoJo's art shitty unless you have downs syndrome.

A good show


Truth doesn't require an argument; it's not a matter of debate.

>the absolute state of Boku no Pico academia fags

Why tho

It's stereotypical shounen to the fullest.

Well then don't bother because this shit ain't getting any better.

>How to make an entire fanbase look like edgy 12 year olds in one post

Not part of this silly argument but out of all fans I don't think JoJo fans are the ones who want to make the argument that you should judge stuff based on the fanbases.
Just a heads up

Shounen is inherently garbage, so being the best in it isn't saying much, plus BnHA is fucking TRASH even by shounen standards

> My hero academia is probably the best in its genre.

if you exclude EVERY single other series that is present in that genre,

than yeah, its the best

JoJo fans who have read all the eight parts up to the last chapter are good guys.
Animeonly-fags and part-skippers are cancer though, but they are not JoJo fans.

Boring and inferior to YYH? HxH is a more refined YYH. It's probably too hard for you to understand the themes and plots.

Fights are shit, characters are bland, and it's somewhat pretentious.

>To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand Hunter x Hunter

>My hero academia is probably the best in its genre.
You're wrong.
Here's the redpill.


As a fan of Hunter x Hunter, I wish less of you would be pretentious about it. Stop implying that people are dumb for not liking it. Some people just prefer the more straight forward narrative of YYH.

Lol I knew someone was going to reply to me with that. No, I don't think you need a high IQ. But to state it's boring and preferring a more straight forward action anime like YYH leads me to believe that you didn't take the time to understand the characters or plot. The writing in HxH is the best I ever seen (in typical shonens). However I never watched Jojo yet.

I never read YuYu, and I prefer JoJo over HxH.
Better plot, characters and fights.
Is definitely not straightforward action.
Also read it, don't watch the anime.

I am not implying people are dumb for not liking it. I do think that when people make statements (not opinions) like HxH is ''inferior'' to YYH. It leads me to believe the person hasn't really taken the time to understand the plot. I am not being pretentious.

>redeading the arc
>see this


Only part 2&7 (and the ending of 3) , rest is garbage

Back to you go

Fuck off

Comes off that way. And yes, superiority is a matter of opinion. "Objectively good" isn't an actual thing, as much as I also want to be able to convince people to stop buying things I don't like.

Hey, it got used.

Yeah, I have heard great things about Jojo. I'm definitely going to see what the hype is all about.

I and O are so damn close to eachother on the keyboard.

Fatgum really is the best thing to come out of this arc.
Didn't expect that.

>Better plot
Which part?
JoJo has ×10 the amount of HxH characters so yes and no, a good junk of the characters are garbage-tier and some are top-tier, and not to mention that most of the characters are shallow as fuck.
>and fights

How can somebody have this opinion unironically?

You're either 13, have watched 1 shounen or you're fucking retarded.

>not Rappa

>Le Reddit boogeyman
The absolute state of JoJofags and their monster of the week series

Best JoJo plot, Stone Ocean, is better than the best HxH arc, Chimera Ants.
HxH too has lot of garbage tier characters, yet no top tier characters like Pucci, Jolyne, Johnny, Gyro, Bruno, Kira and so on.
JoJo fights are better, no one should disagree on this: highly praised hxh fights like Netero vs Meruem or Chrollo vs Hisoka aren't worth a shit against Grateful Dead/Beach Boy, C-moon or Mandom for example.

It's litterally the kids bop version of naruto.

It's just one of those cases of right time right place, it's a pretty sub par shounen and worse then bleach at it's worst.

>implying Monster of the week is bad
Yet the only monster of the week parts are 3,4 and 5 which have lots of god tier fights.

Although I like that my generic academia isn't part of this argument I have to say that Jolyne is a pretty weak main character.

Jojo and HxH are both good shounen, let us patricians not fight amonst ourselves and just make fun of the BnHA fags with their 4/10 manga.

I am convinced that the war arc of Bleach is still better than generic academia just for its rule of cool art and story along with some great ideas.

And the war arc is fucking garbage.

>is better than the best HxH arc, Chimera Ants.
Explain more on how it's better
>yet no top tier characters like Pucci, Jolyne, Johnny, Gyro, Bruno, Kira and so on.
The king , netero , killua, kurapika , hisoka & chrollo and most of the spiders, all these characters even tho JoJo has the advantage of focusing on the characters you mentioned for the whole part, while HxH only have a couple or just one arc and it still managed to produce those
>highly praised hxh fights like Netero vs Meruem or Chrollo vs Hisoka aren't worth a shit against Grateful Dead/Beach Boy, C-moon or Mandom for example.
Explain more on how they are better

>Great developement, goes from whiney daddy issues girl to badass hero through a long path of sufference and fights
>She's smart, pulls out some crazy Joseph-tier stuff like the Mobius strip
>Yet she also punches hard like her father
>Great interactions with her crew
You can't call yourself patrician if you don't think Jolyne is best jojo

>and 5 which have lots of god tier fights.
Between a pail of garbage-tier fights

Here here. We shouldn't drag down all of the best shonen has to offer to BnH's level because of weak bait posts.
I was pissed off by this until the last sentence.

To it's confirmed.

Horikoshi changed Eri's quirk.

>I hate my father to death
>No lol, I'm just kidding and while at it I'm just gonna risk my life to retrieve the desk
Wow the best jojo

I would be really surprised if this ''stone Ocean'' is better than the Chimera Ant arc (my fave arc in all of anime manga atm)

Chimera ants has a disappointing ending and bad pacing, it drags for too pong without anything interesting happening.
Yet Stone Ocean has god tier climax which leads to Made in Heaven.
Kurapika is edgy character who seeks revenge, killua is edgy killer kid who wants not to be a killer anymore, netero is old badass man, meruem strong being who have yet to understand human feelings and finally he does when he dies, hisoka is the standard "I want great fights" character and Chrollo has barely any characterization at all.
Netero vs Meruem is "i'll throw you anything I havd at you but I can't harm you because power level bullshit, so I might as well kill you off with a nuke".
Hisoka vs chrollo is just "maybe If I put a wall text for every character action, people will think it is smart"
God tier part 5 fights: black sabbath, kraftwerk, little feet, metallica, white album, oasis, grateful dead, man in the mirror, talking heads
Meh tier: giorno vs bruno, soft machine, ending, baby face, notorius big
>Being this retarded

its alright

shit artstyle though

>I would be really surprised if this ''stone Ocean'' is better than the Chimera Ant arc
It's really not, the amount of world building and the amount of amazing characters that CA interduced is on a whole new level than jojo part 6.
I mean the guy also called the shittest JoJo the "best" jojo so I'm not expecting much from him

Yuyu hakusho and saint seiya were a lot better

>stone oceans hater
Really, just fuck off.
I bet part 3 is your favorite part, too.

>Chimera ants has a disappointing ending
Because? I don't know why you keep your explanation shallow as fuck.
>and bad pacing
Really? a jojofag talking about bad pacing? REALLY?
You can skip 4/5 of part 3 and nothing will be missed.
Same goes for every part after that aside from part 1&2 but the pacing gets better with each arc but there will always be some skipable shit a head of you.
>Kurapika is edgy character who seeks revenge
Edgy=/=bad (shocking huh?)
>Kurapika is edgy character who seeks revenge, killua is edgy killer kid who wants not to be a killer anymore, netero is old badass man, meruem strong being who have yet to understand human feelings and finally he does when he dies, hisoka is the standard "I want great fights" character and Chrollo has barely any characterization at all.
Literally can do the same about every character in JoJo and make it lame as fuck like you did
Kira:EDGY SERIAL KILLER (it's funny you say that about killua but not Kira)
>Netero vs Meruem is "i'll throw you anything I havd at you but I can't harm you because power level bullshit, so I might as well kill you off with a nuke".
Yeah lets ignore all their talk about humanity and other kind of shit and what does it mean to be pretty much being certain that you'll die but just want to have that last enjoyable fight in your life ,and being so determant to kill your opponent even if you had to plant a nuke in your chest.
And let me do what you just did but for JoJo:
Almost every fight the characters drop gallons of blood, flesh being torn off, fucking limps being cut but they still FIGHT like fucking nothing, and not to mention the healer is always by your side to heal you which remove the fucking tension.
>Hisoka vs chrollo is just "maybe If I put a wall text for every character action, people will think it is smart"
You mean like every JoJo's fight except "let me explain to you how I used this asspull"

People often complain about the slow pacing but honestly it didn't bother me. Netero's purpose vs Meruem was to sacrifice himself from the start. He only fought Meruem because he wanted a challenge. That whole fight was flipped on its head when you compare it to other typical shonens. Meruem was supposed to be that guy who wants the challenge of facing the strongest human while Netero was supposed to be the man who fights for peace. What we get instead is a scope of the magnitude of how this arc isn't black and white. This is shown in other encounters throughout the arc. It's a masterpiece.

Does anyone have this picture with the edited text?

He's just your average JoJofag that will shit on everything to glorify his manga

What is up with the HxH fanbase on Sup Forums?
Someone explain to me why they are this rabid.

anime opened the flood gates and now we're full of reddit

Half of these are unironically garbage, are you trying to say that people shouldn't post on Sup Forums?

I want to smell Toga's bear panties

Are you serious? I am just defending Hunter x Hunter. Jojo fanbase does the same thing.

Not that guy and not really defending Jojo overall but I don't think part 6 had bad pacing. It did what it wanted to do, and the fact that the villain was active in the story from early on was refreshing after 3 parts of Dracula waiting in his castle.

Also, Kira is too quirky to be edgy.

It's true, but shonen is usually bad, does not have much competition

JoJo fanbase isn't in every thread at least one horrible shitposter.
I have no horse in this race so let me make clear I don't really care which is better. Just purely going by threads on Sup Forums I noticed that the HxH fanbase is especially cancerous and rabid.

Sorry dude, I'm not gay.

>JoJo fanbase isn't in every thread at least one horrible shitposter
That last time I checked we were anonymous users so you don't know which fags belong to which series.
But if you think someone is a hxhfag just because he "O" posting then you are wrong, everyone do this

Because nobody can falseflag in an anonymous board. I know I do it.

Obviously I am only counting people who are clearly defending or championing HxH.
So why are there this many more false flaggers for HxH than any other fanbase combined?

Well, I said that the pacing do indeed get better with each because arakai keep getting better at handling the fights and make it as much related to the main plot line as possible.
Look, JoJo is one of my favorite manga but I have the dignity to at least point out the shitty things as well as hxh., But that guy just keep fanboying

>who are clearly defending or championing HxH.
What's wrong with that?

>So why are there this many more false flaggers for HxH than any other fanbase combined?
Selective perception. Every single thread related to hxh has asspull spam so you're clearly exaggerating.

Why are they so rabid and shitpost so much?

Well I can't speak for other HxH fans on this thread but I was just simply defending HxH without attacking Jojo.

Because retards like you think that this garbage is on the same level as HxH or Jojo.

a literal discussion is going, where's the shitposting?
Why is it "shitposting" when someone defend [x] series?

look up "selective perception" and "confirmation bias" you are exhibiting both

Yeah this is true. There are more HxH haters on these threads than lovers. It's also annoying to see people trash HxH without really getting it.

But I don't have a horse in this race. As someone who really doesn't care if HxH is better or worse than JoJo or whatever shonen you wanna mention I am purely saying I noticed HxHfags shitting up a bigger amount of threads than other people.