We should make him go through a straight conversion camp so he can experience just a small part of the pain he puts gay youth through on a daily basis.
We should make him go through a straight conversion camp so he can experience just a small part of the pain he puts gay...
Gays aren't people
Don't you put yourself in enough pain getting rammed in the asshole? Fags needs to be gassed, together with their parents.
I'm one of the gays who does the ramming, it's pretty comfy
>putting a straight man through gay therapy
>"Are you gay?"
>"No, I fuck my wife."
Just for you. Here is Vice President Pence getting ideas for his next gay camp.
Can you read? I said straight conversion camp. Not gay. Straight.
>posting this thread on the most right wing forum on the net
I present you absolute proof of mental illness
What pain does he put gay youth through on a daily basis?
I’m bi & I think you’re a delusional, brainwashed agenda-driven twat.
This meme isn’t even true.
Here’s the entire argument “ a pence campaign website from 20 ago had a section about moving funding from a program designed to help people with aids to a program designed to help prevent the spread of aids in the first place”
And people take this to mean he wants gay conversion camps. People are complete morons
kikes and masons arent people. youre a son of the devil. you support pedos and commies. your flag is a faggot
Faggots kill themselves at a much higher rate than other demographics. Question is how can we expand on that
aids is a hetero problem. you frog whores and grabbems made the memes to cover up epstein shit. he talks about gays all the time. with his 50 cats and cuckery to his woman. republigoyim have upside down molech stars on their logo and theyre falsely righteous. that is all. all this stupid freudian garbage and all seeing vagina eye bullshit
OMG you guise, I just read on plebbit that VP Pence tortures gays to death, and instead of doing any kind of basic, normie-level research, I just grabbed a pitchfork and started screaming! Thinking for yourself is hard and scary, I prefer for the (((MSM))) to tell me how to think and feel! REEEEEE!
Haha says guy who has shit on his dick
Every bottom ive ever known, claimed to be a top...
read the bible you pentagram leaf mother fucker. women make men kill themselves lots now. lover of the world. i could repeat back to you ORIGINAL SINNERS what you just said. but youre warlocks and empty husks. talk to yourselves nobody cares. ALWAYS about wangs and gays on here. always. the most kiked pathetic place on the internet. go suck mommy's boobs and lick her tampons. you tampon dick fuck nose
44% of you have anal. you eat piss. you know nothing about anything
Why are you making gays look like shit all the fucking time. Why are you faggots parading in the street even after the gay marriage thing. Why can't you flamboyant fucks stop ruining everything for the rest of us.
rainbow boy is off his meds again
you stink like queefs and the fall of man
>gay irishman
>bible stuff hates kikes is off his freud again
nice ID faggot
the irish kicked out kikes. youre their fucking "great" land. jews are everywhere and they need to go down the vaginas and we need another Hadrian
Cure is in the works.
Sage all bait threads
>gene editing
we wont be allowed to make it that far. we outbreed you though. so enjoy the diseases and all sorts of problems women give
Oh cool I actively support overpopulation too
Uh, I doubt that but okay
>Laughing at other countries being gay
Take a look in the mirror after achmed & jamals balls are done smacking your eyes, cunt.
Don't gays put each other through a lot of pain on a daily basis by traumatizing each others anuses? Considering this and all the creepy diseases they give each other, Mike Pence should be the least of their worries.
Ever heard of google? Use it.
Mike is a fucking cuck. Conversion? In Germany we have Auschwitz for those cases
>Fails to provide proof
>G.. go search it out yourself!
Even being Bi does not stop me from thinking dumb, lefty tool faggots like you should be hung from lamposts.
Good idea. Start with the child molesters trying to brainwash kids into homosexuality. Media, education etc
Molestation is literally sexual vampirism.
Either fix both the abuser & the child (before the cycle continues & he becomes an abuser too) or mercy kill them both so they can’t spread.
Why are you taking my blatant bait
Because I’m bored.
* had
stfu health pack
Electricity is not that expensive.
A straight conversion camp. To make him gay ? Isnt this what burgers call a college ?
Spoiler alert: if something can "make" you gay you're fucking gay.
Now stop suffering and go suck dick. It's Okay.
We have it already. It come in nice little cases and is administered 55 grains at a time at roughly 3000 feet per second.
Then if something can make you straight, then you are straight ? But you were gay at first. Is it schroendinger sexuality ? gay, straight, both, neither, all at the same time ? What is something tries to make you gay, but you are already gay, then does it makes you straight ? But still gay at the same time ?
that post was gay as fuck