Would you have white aryan children with a former coalburner? You do want to save the white race, user, right?
Would you have white aryan children with a former coalburner? You do want to save the white race, user, right?
>You do want to save the white race, user, right?
Are you man enough, user?
>Humans are the same as fruit flies
Delete your account.
>implying a coalburner can be a good mother
Epic ass. Still wouldn't fuck her and would saw her head off with a steak knife. White sharia now.
bad shoop
Killing off coalburners would do much more for the white race than sticking your dick in their AIDS-holes.
Stop posting this image and the questions fag
this, fk off op
I'll trust aristotle and his autism over your kike scientists from the 40 right before feminism kicked in.
if she looks like that girl then yes
Ask any farmer or breeder animal husbandry. A female pure bread animal is considered spoiled if it is bred by an undesirable male first as it's offspring will always inherit traits of the lesser male.
> Yes, goyim. This isn't real
White girls with nigger ass’ are fucking disgusting.
Petite, norm, Apple, bubble and donk are the only acceptable white girl ass’
>former coalburner
nah they'll go back given the chance
this only happens if the woman becomes pregnant iicr. still, coalburners are disgusting.
The media has fucked with our brains.
Everytime we see a girl with a phat ass we immediately assume she's a nigger worshipper.
faggot. blancnoir has an incredible ass.
>Ask any farmer or breeder animal husbandry from the 1890s
if you wouldn't stick it into even one of these you're a certified faggot and need to hang
fpbp and le masonic numerals, well done user
What the hell happened to her face
I wonder who could be behind this post
Sure. I judge people based on who they are now. Their past is unimportant.
The sins of the past can't be washed away.
this is just as bad as coal burner
I would reproduce with them (then pay child support) but I wouldnt marry them
I dont want AIDS or herpes.
It's cucks like you that allowed Vince Li to roam free
why not just use them as breeding machines then kill them, you could give the offspring to white families who are willing to adopt
whats the scaling on child support like? i remember a degenerate 1/8th abo aussie that was posting here about how he had like 12 tinder babies but his child support capped after the 4th kid or something.
No i would not. It's not even the physical taint a nigger would leave on her or any superstitious shit like that. It's literally all about how disgusting the type of person white girls who go for black guys are. They have zero redeemable qualities and are usually robotic, passive products of the oversexed culture the media, feminists, and advertising want women to think they have to be.
Note to women reading this: guys don't want cumdumpsters and whores so dont fall for that meme. That's some shit that Twitter, and celebrities, and TV and movies seed into you (and men) by having good stories and fun dialogue. It's all fake though. Be feminine and take pride in yourself. You want to be treated like a "dirty slut" sometimes and I get that. But that's just a kink and you can find normal, well adjusted guys with jobs who will want to do that to you in the bedroom too. Protip: if the guy is treating you like a slut before you get to the bedroom, it's not a kink it's a red flag. The difference is that if they accidentally knock you up, theyre not gonna leave you to raise the kid alone. Literally every race other than niggers has a general strand of that kind of decency.
How do you not get blackpilled by this?
No they can bleach mestizos and hapas
Isn't that only a problem if the nog gets her pregnant though? Or have I misunderstood the concept?
You're a disgrace
Use it as a whitepill. You won't have to deal with that shit if you know what to look for. Use it to your advantage.
It's her whole body man. That's the physical toll that misery takes on you. Don't hate her, pity her...
He might be an autistic slide thread shill but he has a point there until we see actual le 100% proof I'm going to stay "skeptical".
Now I am obviously not encouraging fucking a coalburning whore, don't be silly.
Doesn't the DNA of former sex partners, fuse into that of your child?
In fruit flies maybe
Now stop bumping this thread