ITT: show the ass of your waifu

ITT: show the ass of your waifu








For what purpose, if I may ask?





Not on Sup Forums you piece of shit. Brap posting is the most unfunny, obnoxious, and gross posting there is.



OP is fapping to everyone's waifus. I urge no more people to post their waifus' bums.

Jokes on OP then as there are two traps posted already

Her ass is amazing.


This is Sup Forums.

It's "BUUUUU" not brap.




I love my wife's tiny butt!


I still am having trouble distinguishing if Kino is really a female.

when did this show turn into ultraman?

In season 4. Spoilers!


It's only okay if it's in dbs threads because they are shit anyway.

be honest: do you like it when other people fap to you're waifu?



People can fap to my waifu, I aint gonna get mad.

Keep your hands away from my waifu good taste



I don't really mind it, as long as they aren't in my face about or talk to me as if she isn't mine.

An anime girl is a concept. The idea I have is mai waifu. Other people can't fap to mai waifu because they have their own ideas of the concept.


I doubt they do, there no good lewds