Ex-Obama Campaign Director Drops Bombshell Claim on Facebook: 'They Were on Our Side'


>A former Obama campaign official is claiming that Facebook knowingly allowed them to mine massive amounts of Facebook data — more than they would’ve allowed someone else to do — because they were supportive of the campaign.

>In a Sunday tweet thread, Carol Davidson, former director of integration and media analytics for Obama for America, said the 2012 campaign led Facebook to “suck out the whole social graph” and target potential voters. They would then use that data to do things like append their email lists.


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Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,22&q=emotional contagion facebook&btnG=



Isn’t that an illegal political donation if they are providing services for free and the campaign is not claiming the approximate monetary value of services rendered as campaign donations?

Social media sites are acting like Super PACs they are so fucked.


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So they were registered as a PAC right?


The best part of this is that they can easily quantify the cost of the data since they sell it normally

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Think about what the marvels of the internet age and information could have been used for. The betterment of mankind.
But instead, every agency involved with its manipulation decided they had to do what they did in a clandestine fashion. They hid their actions, tried changing laws to retroactively make their actions not illegal. They intentionally stoked flames that got people killed when they looked into it too hard. They usurped our laws and freedoms to do what they did.

This should be all you need to know to form an opinion on these people: when given the chance to use information so distilled for the good of the whole, they instead used it selfishly and did so in the shadiest way imaginable.

Blame it on the Winklevoss boys, you heeb bastard.

user I'm fully convinced these people aren't human. As long as there's a legal loophole they'll exploit it, no morals to guide them. All about $$$, spawns of satan.

> Hello, fellow huemon

That is illegal according to FEC law.


Its hardly a bombshell if Goybook shilling for the left was common knowledge beforehand.

>Hire a kike programmer to help build your website
>He just steals the code instead
>Somehow this is allowed and he is a billionaire for it

This is all the proof you need that the jews are in control.

>legal loophole
That's not a legal loophole, that's 100% against election law in the US. If this is true, Facebook acted as a Political Action Committee without being registered, while using what is supposed to be private data of the millions of Americans on their site.
Anyone that was one Facebook in 2012 should have noticed the change in advertising and articles. It was part of why I deleted my account, it was clear they aren't a neutral third party.
Zuck is fucked.

Zucc is going to Guantanamo Bay too

Post yfw you realised fb hacked the election

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Israel hacked the election


>1 post by this id
Fake and gay


>blame trump for something
>be guilty of it yourself

Uhh... is this legit? If so, why isn't it all over the mainstream news, or is that a retarded question?

>tfw social media posts are undermining democracy but autocratic billionaires channeling hundreds of millions of dollars into certain candidates is okay

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Neither, shill:


>Hey, Trump paid Cambridge Analytica to mine social media...no fair, maybe illegal!
>Revealed Obama and the Dems did it for free, courtesy of FB

on how many levels of social graph are you my dude?

let me show you

Human experimentation is supposed to be banned as well (Geneva convention). Zuckerberg still gives high schoolers depression w/out their knowledge to sell pills.

scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,22&q=emotional contagion facebook&btnG=

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Obama is going to remembered as the last puppet president before the purge. Sad.

Not even. Obama was an illegitimate President who wasn't even eligible. The greatest hoax of all time. Obama will be remembered as that. A warning to the future about kike shenanigans.

Operation Tärgus?


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I understand how 100% crazy what you're saying sounds. I also understand how what you're saying is 100% correct.

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#1 topic to SL1D3 starting yesterday: THIS THREAD.

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I am so glad that so many people were able to see through the propaganda. During the champaign I saw endless hit pieces, fake news and propaganda against Trump on my fb feed. The 2016 election has spawned at least 30 small yet viral media outlets which pump out fake news like a mass production line. However, there are a LOT of people who a completely brainwashed by the fake news. Millennial are totally mind fucked. I fucking hate my generation, they can't form one single independent thought on their own. They won't believe anything, they won't do anything, they won't buy anything unless some MSM talking head tells them to. We must be careful, because they will learn to get more sophisticated with their methods of subversion through social media.

The meme war has only just begun.

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You are certainly fucked now.

Facebook helped both sides.

The duopoly will never let go.

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there is also the worrying attachment that "whale" is the term used in video games to refer to someone who upholds your business, being useful idiots to the fucking tee.

oy vey

Which came from being the casino term to describe wealthy, high-limit gamblers in Vegas, also useful idiots to your business.

Isn't Facebook tanking in the open market today?

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His show today was actually pretty good. Haven't tuned in for a few weeks but today's was pretty good.

Yikes! I know this form of manipulation as “D3cis1on Sc1ence.” Imagine if everything you did at work was monitored (your social media included) and I could play with your workflow inputting such data however I pleased. I’d be free to give commands like “make workflow harder for all with status = veteran; during their busiest work hour.” In this example veterans are put in my deplorables “bucket” or “basket” as data analysts would say.

The bs part of the Cambridge Analytica story is how small/new a thing it is. It’s been happening for decades, it’s on both sides of politics, and it extends to every part of your life.

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Anyone noticed that literally every host and reporter on MSM has become Alex Jones tier conspiracy theorists, except they're all lying instead of truth seeking.

Globalists ~ Russians
Soros ~ Trump
Bilderberg Group ~ Collusion in Trump Administration
Soros funded Antifa ~ Russian BLM organized protests
SJWs/cultural maxists ~ Altright Nazis
Pizza gate ~ Stormy Daniels

They are literally stealing the methods of the very man they disavowed for decades for evil.

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So this is really why $FB stock is tanking today

Thanks cuckerberg, i dont own any of your bullshit company but you sure did drag down my other shit

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scilicon valley must fall

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> when we do it, it's lawful opposition research
> when YOU do it, it's illegal invasion of privacy

kikebook is a liberal corp? nooooooo waaaaaaay

without any context this word lets me know that nothing important happened

Death to Amazon

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I've noticed that but none of them can pull it off like he does. Colbert even has an Alex Jones tier character he does but its just pure cringe.

no shit

The problem is huge.

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>So this is really why $FB stock is tanking today
He's dumping because there is a lot more than CA that has done that. And they've taken a whole lot more than 50 million user's data.

Down with Facebook. Down with Reddit.

They attempted to collude with the DNC to sway the election and failed.

you know what they say about absolute power...
and Hillary was going to maintain status quo and all of this would've never come to light at all

i can't wait to be desu

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Worse. Conservatives were going to be segmented out of society. The algorithms that rate your job application? Bottom of pile.

I hope Spez gets indicted and executed for treason

Fuckin unicorns 'n' shieet, kek

Is this the death knell for Faceberg?

Are normies finally waking up to the fact that social media is used to spy on and manipulate them by politicians on both sides of the aisle?

All roads lead back to israel and they will be wiped off the map.

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under rated.

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Fuck that cannibal, all they have to do is raid is ice chest.

>b-b-but cambridge analyt-
>muh spoopy web-scraping
what was it Sheryl Sandberg said in that email?

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I new it I knew it I knew It!!!!!

Facefuk was never helping Trumps election, so i just sat back and waited, knowing something has to come out refuting these claims.
Now the Department of Justice needs open this deal up and ultimately cut all these peoples balls off!

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(((they))) dont want you to see this bread

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Please make this gitmo trip happen!

The largest RICO case in world history is currently being worked on behind the scenes. RICO has no statue of limitations so this is going all the way back to 1913 at least.

you need to understand that we don't live in "technology" era, we live in propaganda era, the whole world revolves around mental manipulation not about going to the moon

the biggest invention of the last centhury wasnt the computer or the nuclear bomb, it was Cinema, it forever changed things,everything that followed, culturally and politically, comes from the new ways of thinking that it gave us


Obviously. They gave a ton of money to obama/clinton. They drop and block user who say racist things. They literally remove altright users from being able to use their platform. They admitted to engaging in traffic shaping for the clinton.

Guy is probably coming out and saying this now, because fb is telling them they're not going to support them next election if this stuff keeps up.

Investment banks and Police are given total access. “Private messages” are considered public statements in US courts if it’s facebook.

You want a loan? Banker can get EVERYTHING on you from Facebook.

Red China gives you an example of where we’re headed.

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everything is fake, false and broken, a sham like a movie set, but everyone is forced to play his part and pretend that the buildings arent pieces of cardboard, or else the wrath of the director will fall upon you; you don't want it to happen, the director is the vision, the zeitgeist, the single focus point where all facts and falsities twist themselves into the reality tunnel in which the majority of people reside and which justifies the bizarre lives we fake

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>Red China gives you an example of where we’re headed.
Not just that, the way our system is set up, they have access to it too.

The biggest difference between Jones and the MSM is that he is funny without meaning to be - and they try to be funny but only make you cringe.

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It's called Authenticity.

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i dont get this pic lol

Correct, it was designed to sell your data from the get go. Little pop-up ads as their revenue source? Total lie!

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Down over 5 billion as of 7 hrs ago havent checked to see if it jumped back up or not.

The current outrage is over Cambridge Analyitica, the left will ignore this.


From the people I've talked to personally, you're absolutely right.

>Goybook working with the secret police to manipulate society

So were they not paying attention when social media was being used by the CIA to disrupt and attack countries? When Noseberg pledged to collaborate with chairman Merkel's literally Stasi agency to police thoughtcrime and send the gestapo around to blackbag germans for wrongthink? No SHIT that jew worked with Obama. Or, to be more accurate, Obama works for the jew.

Nice meme

This. So, uhh, what happens now? Oh, nothing, you say?





Maybe something like this would help? An amendment protecting your data rights/right not to be manipulated by social media psychologists would be a good idea.

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If the future is female, the future is a Beksinski painting.

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fuckin wrong thread, I'll show myself out

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