What made normies turn on Obongo? Everywhere I go people are hating on 44 calling him a traitor etc. I know the "muh zero scandals" is just a meme, but seriously, what gives? No one hated on him like this while he was in office.....
What made normies turn on Obongo? Everywhere I go people are hating on 44 calling him a traitor etc...
Nobody knew what was going on because Ben Rhodes, Obama's National Security aide, has a brother whose President of CBS news.
Because he is the first president not to leave Washington fuck that traitores faggot
Where the fuck do you live that everywhere you go people are hating on Obama? Rural Alabama?
Hispanics hate this fuck
Because they lived 8 years under his awful policies. They knew about shit shows like how he sold the cartels weapons which were used to kill US agents.
I was with him till the whole gay marriage transsexual acceptance movement.
Benghazi,Libya take your pick training Isis weakening our borders pandering to celebrity on and on
Name an accomplishment of his. Everything he did failed. Obamacare was a colossal fuckup, he kept the US involved in shitty wars in the MidEast, the economy is shaky while debt has skyrocketed. Perhaps more importantly to the average American he left the States with racial tensions at the highest they've been since the civil rights movement. People don't like any of that shit, especially not from Mr. Hope and Change Yes We Can.
He campaigned in 2008 on "change"
He ended his presidency as a shill for neoliberal globalist status quo. He let the bankers who robbed you of your future get off scot free. No progressive legacy, just a soulless Goldman Sachs Clintonista suit.
His slush fund finding out he spying on everyone new about Russia meddling
20 minutes outside a medium sized Midwestern city. Its just assume everybody except people on foodstamps hate him. Been that way since the beginning although it took a year for people to get vocal. Lived in the city one year before moving back (2012), and niggers were drunk, dancing, and campaigning down the road from the polling place. A short distance, a big change.
Obama ran as a centrist Democrat
The Media supported this claim, without reservation
Then it turns out
>far leftist appointees
>allows banks to fund lefty activism instead of paying huge fines for their malfeasance.
>serious allegations of 4th amendment abuse
>self inserted into racial issues, always taking sides for the blacks, no matter the facts
>bungled middle east tensions so badly, one has to wonder if the outcomes were his actual goal.
>always pushing garbage policy like "Promise Act" that bribes authority figures to ignore violent children
>gives huge honors to celebrity supporters and politicians, not heroes and people that made the world better
>thought he could bribe radical Islamists
I never voted for Obama, but I thought he might be better than I thought at the beggining. After watching him give the auto-industry to the unions (who were the ones who wrecked it in the first place), and the nonsense of TARP, I knew we were in for a bumpy road.
>bailed out Wall Street and ensured no bankers were sent to jail
>american perpetrators of torture not held accountable
>expanded wars to Syria, Lybia, Africa, Ukraine etc...
>called rioters in Baltimore "criminals and thugs" and issued a pro-police statement in the wake of "police brutality"
>when Israelis killed over 2,000 Palestinians he gave them an additional $225 million in funding and kept quiet over the incident
> top 1% got nearly two-thirds of the income growth in eight years even as child poverty, especially black child poverty, remained astronomical
>closed hundreds of public schools in favour of charter schools
>"In 2009, Obama called New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg an “outstanding mayor”. Yet he overlooked the fact that more than 4 million people were stopped-and-frisked under Bloomberg’s watch."
>obamacare was a market-based solution pioneered by Romney the the Conservative Heritage Foundaiton
>"nearly 2.5 million immigrants were deported under his watch"
>couldn't be criticised because he was black
>At war every day and started new conflicts
>Total debt (including medicare/social security) in excess of 68 trillion
>Factually empowered ISIS, and didn't like Assad so he funded rebels (Literally AL-queda)
>Worsened our individual rights to the extend that the government can murder US Citizens on American soil without consequence if there was any link of "terrorism", and then deemed anyone patriotic to be a "domestic terrorist"
>Freedom of speech and right to defend yourself severely diminished, while putting us in a police state
>Constant surveillance of every call, text, email you make and presumably more. The person responsible for releasing this is heralded as a terrorist traitor
>Colluded with Hillary Clinton to rig the DNC primary against Bernie Sanders, and when this was leaked he tried to blame it on Russians and is actively worsening relations
>promise no nation building in middle east
>intentionally ignore all intelligence warnings
>the jihadists happens as a result of intended incompetence
>promises to avenge and attack jihadists (not the saudis, but secular iraq)
>rise in patriotistm and islamophobia
>attack iraq and engage in nation building you promised against
>setup more hate laws
>setup surveillance police state against everyone (both mustlims and antimuslims)
>punish islamophobic/racist/patriotic americans with anti-hate laws
>promote tolerance and import more muslims
>promote war against muslims
>enact more police state laws eroding further rights and effectively criminalizing patriotism
>everyone now under surveillance and considered a threat
Damn it really was /thatbad/ huh
Yes, and the effects of his policies will still be appearing in the coming years. The MSM will of course flip it around and blame it on President Trump.
Most people today are "repeaters." If exposed to the same message over and over, it creeps into their minds.
The chans' memes may have helped a lot. My friends and family have been watching politics much closer than before. They're keeping track of who in DC is leaving on both sides. They're angry about the media constantly bashing Trump. They're angry seeing Obie collecting hundreds of millions of dollars from big corps which deserved to be prosecuted or broken up.
Everything that occurred was swept under the rug and would have been if Hillary had won
It's all coming out now, so it feels like an utter betrayal, especially with their bullshit most transparent admin claim
I mean hes actually gunna be one of the worst presidents of all time once we are out of this backwards era.
When you admit he hates America, everything he did makes sense.
Since when have the normies turned on Obama? I still get plenty of Obama memes and "this is a real president" type shit on social media
>What made normies turn on Obongo?
Fun fact. Nobody really liked him outside a few diehard democrats. Now that his computer bot money is ran out and facebook has been revealed to have acted as a PAC in 2012, they have been shrinking their internet presence and controls in an effort to have plausible deniability.
Presidents' approval ratings typically increase after they leave office. He is still revered by the (((media))) and over half the country.
Social media reflects Democratically run cites thats why also all the censorship they have bin doing so just like the fake man polls they don't mean shit
Then why did he win re-election?
had a white president pulled the shit that this nigger pulled then there would have been an assassination
I was naive enough to not hate him 1st term. I still disagreed with a lot of his decisions, but I didn’t start to see the depth of it until into his second term when he didn’t really care about hiding a lot of his agenda anymore. I knew then that it was the tip of the iceberg.
he let terrorists sell drugs in the united states so that they could raise money for terror stuff.
he needs to have a trial and, after he's convicted by a jury, hang by the neck until dead.
drones, taxes, obamacare, blm
Because, historically, it is quite rare for a US president to not get re-elected. Running against an incumbent president pretty much guarantees defeat because of the whole "devil you don't know" argument.
This. He blantantly lied to the American people, the filthy Muslim. He got away with it because he had the full support of the MSM. People who shill for the media and say they are not Communist propagandists should be shot.
add to that list
>pardoned heroin dealers
>exchanged 5 high level terrorists for a deserter
>>exchanged 5 high level terrorists for a deserter
This is probably one of the most triggering things, DESU
He said he was managing the decline, but now they can see he was orchestrating it.
Yeah 2015-16 were such epicly shitty years for everything that wasnt Trump related
He promised "Hope and Change" and all we got was a well spoken dancing monkey.
t. former liberal
I decided he was a snake when he told the world that George Martin was guilty before his trial even started.
The commander in chief, the physical representation of American law and order, attempted to influence the jury trial of an innocent man because he thought he could wip up enough emotional frenzy to get gun laws passed.
He is a slimy scumbag snake
If his goal were to weaken and divide the country, he a was wildly successful president.
Orchestrated NATO bombardment Of Libya, thus, game over.
based Goddofi
Where do you live? You surely haven't met any hispanics ever
That was when the public including the homophobic blacks turned on him.
Liberals still love Obama. Why? Because he's black. It's really that simple.
I remember watching that rant live and laughing at the absurdity of it.
There is no longer anything to laugh about.