Love Live! Sunshine!!

>mfw Riko x Yohane crackshit
Discuss the new episode.

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First for my cute girl Hanamaru

Cute canon

Ruined by Chika and Riko. What's new?


Why is this show so bad?

It has a main character everyone hates

What's worse? Rikofags or Chikafags?

Why bother having any other character than Chika?

Chika is beautiful and I love her.

They're still doing the retarded need to save the school plot.

If any new idol shows do it I'm dropping it instantly.



>Why is this season so bad?


>t. rikofag
So Rikofags I guess.

>it's a shitposters complain about the new episode episode
Someone just nuke these threads already.

I miss them

What did they do wrong? I felt they were okay this season.

>They're still doing the plot.
Fixed, people don't want a plot in idol anime

It's probably a butthurt Rikofag. They really don't like Youfags for some reason.

Beyond compare.

She has no relevance, She has no fame, This girl has a cuckold face!

>She has no fame
she's still quite popular if I remember correctly

Is Chika someones self-insert or something holy shit

Why are you always so mad Rikofag?

>Riko: "Relax and just practice as usual"
>Chika: "Riko-chan..." *blush*

>You: "I know you can do it!" *smiles*
>Chika "......."

You can't make this shit up.

We are halfway through the season and I abandoned all hopes that Aqours would reach the same height as them.
They can always try their luck with S3 and give girls like Ruby, You, Kanan, Mari more screen time to try to change that though.

>last thread was full of Riko shitting
>Rikofag is convinced its the Youfag boogeyman
>they try shitting You up
Every single time.

Sunshine is a parallel to Aqours situation in reality. Look at the symbolism.

I want to like Riko but I can't.

Yoshiko didn't want to involve You last week as well it's hilarious

>this was killed in favour of YoshiRiko crackshitter

>You is totally ignored by Yoshiko and Chika alike

most popular, totally not a cuck, character everyone

>sunrise's idea of character development is Riko getting over her fear of dogs
Who writes this shit?

>Riko starts off giving Umi vibes
>ends up being comical relief
I hate Sunrise

>being reduced to shipping bait is a good thing

Same one who likes NTR

how can one girl be so cute?

>ends up being comical relief
Better than being "no fun allowed"

If not a shipping bait what other traits does this girl has at this point?

umi a shit

Umi was comic relief too though.


There's no need to be mad at You because people shitposted against Riko last time user. This is just damage control at this point.

>jumping into the ocean to catch some shitty notebook in slow motion with sad melodramatic music in the background
This show is so dramatic for no reason it's becoming cringeworthy.

Except ''no fun allowed'' works so much better as a comedic relief once she gets mad, while the other just brings everything horrible upon herself like some slapstick.

>rikoniggers shitting on based umi
I've never seen this level of assblastery.

wow, she's getting better

at least umi can sing unlike riko

sakurauchi riko is fot lots and lots

>and lots and lots

and lots and lots

and lots and lots (and lots and lots) of kissing cuddling and handholding

Mad at You? I'm not mad, I'm amused by her for all the wrong reasons which is hilarious.

You're forcing yourself to dislike sunshine at this point.

That is now a nitpick though.

You seem pretty mad user. Riko is bland as fuck, just like You. There's no need to get mad at a few shitposts.

>it's another Chika episode

Imagine being Mari in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Chika, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous mikan face. I would totally have sex with you, both my idol persona and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another childhood friend in her bedroom. Like seriously imagine having to be Mari and not only stand there while Chika flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just stand there, speech after speech, hour after hour, while she perfected that speech. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on school tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, CHIKA LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blue haired big titties and later alleged student council president for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Uchiura. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "muse (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with her friends in the previous months. And then she calls for another speech, and you know you could kill every single person in this school before the school security could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Mari. You're not going to lose your future idol career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

You don't have to be a Rikofag to know that Umi is shit.

Her is an example of someone being just as bad as an average Youfag.

Yet all the ones shitting on her were dogfuckerniggers... Really makes you think...

My sides.
Also, Kanan should make easier choreography instead. It'll hurt no one in the process.

Why do Rikofags bring up Youfags all the time for no reason? There's barely any Youpostings in these thread anyways.

They're convinced everyone that hates Riko is a Youfag


>chika grunting all episode
>anchan is gonna do that cartwheel live

My dick is not gonna survive

Wait how did Mari get injured if Kanan was the one that was supposed to do the cartwheel thing? I must have missed something please forgive me.

they want a scapegoat for all the riko hate going on

Who cares about all this Rikofag vs Youfag shitposting? The 2nd years are collectively the worst thing about Sunshine, they're all shit.


Kanan was the one that came up with the choreography and Mari was the one that was supposed to do it.

Pretty much. Trips confirm.


>riko is a bad sin-

That sounds really bad user.

Sounds like she's whining.

The true OTP of Sunshine is Chika x kagayaki

Is this supposed to be good?

thanks for proving that she can't sing retard

Whoops, for some reason I thought Kanan would be the one since she's seems to be more athletic and all.

I don't have that much high standards but this episode was mediocre. I've liked the past ones but this one was all about Chika trying to do the thing and Kanan drama

I'm pretty sure Kanan was the only one that had to do it, but Mari gave it a shot too in hopes of making their group way past cool but sprained her leg instead.

I hope that jump wasn't the thing so hard to do for them because even kids can do that shit.

Watch the episode again because it's clear what the move was.

i completely agree with you, forcing chika in the spotlight while they fucked up her design very bad is unforgivable. I don't know what You finds in her.

When did Chika become close enough friends with the Saint Snow bitch that they can just call each other and chat?

So far only Ruby and You haven't had any episode this season. You could say they condensed Riko and Yoshiko into the last one and the first years and third years on that episode 2 or 3 I don't remember

This is the worst show I'm watching this season and yet I can't bring myself to drop it

they just realized they fucked up when they didn't do an exact copy of a-rise because they had no other ideas for other characters.

another very cute pic of riko-chan feets

That fucking grin

>poorly drawn feet
You Rikoniggers eat up literal shit don't you?

I cried


Why does Chika keep repeating the same generic KAGAYAKITAI speech in every episode?

Are they trying to bring this ship back?

Frankly I quite like the OST, it's gotten better in S2 just like the original series

Respect the Ruby, or else!

cute horns

bully riri


>Chika you're so amazing
>wow incredible Chika-chan
>Chika you're the best ever
>greatest leader Chika
>Chika let me lick your pussy