How do I immigrate to Russia?
How do I immigrate to Russia?
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Grow more chest hair so you can survive the cold
You just need to be famous so you can be used for good publicity
Become HIV positive
Who does that? Appart from ex-USSR.
book a plane ticket to ukraine, walk across the border, if anyone tries to stop you throw some rubbing alcohol or rancid herring at their feet and keep walking
marry a Russian girl and immigrate
Takes around 3 years to complete the immigration process.
i am married to a nice russian girl and completed the naturalization process recently.
Interfere in foreign election campaigns to apply as Russian troll farmer.
Why would you do that? Canada is the Russia of North America.
The only reason one should move to Russia is if you want to live the comfy offgrid 10000 KM to nearest neighbor life and you can do that in Canada with the added benefit of better gun laws and shieeet.
canadian women are ugly and even subpar russian babes blow anything you find in the west out of the water
People in the West who have no idea how good they already have it.
Time to post a random commie concrete block and label it s comfy yet?
I live in one. It's not comfy.
We are historically an anglo country so yeah, they're ugly.
looks like a building in a major american city infested with niggers desu
Just go there and suck putin's dick. And send non-cucked sane Russians here so we can take over leafland.
I once lived in a block in Europe and the main problem was heating in the winter. What isn't comfy about yours?
How fucking retarded do you have to be to want to immigrate to Russia?
I mean, fucking NORTH KOREA has a higher life expectancy average.
You'd literally be better served immigrating to a place like Libya than that shithole.
Our niggers(gypos) live in brazil style slums.
1,2 storie little houses glued to eachother.
This is the kind of a block where most normal people live.
Russian shills everywhere
This board is compromised
This. It worked for Gérard Depardieu.
Be a cuck
Be politically useful to Putin.
Fuck off we don't leaf to vote another cuckdeau here
>be canadian
>be interested in a life changing decision that will impact future progeny
>have computer that is interconnected to literally millions of other computers
>of all the places on the internet to gain information OP goes to 4 chan
>then OP goes to Sup Forums
i suppose it could be worse - you couldve asked Sup Forums
But I live in one too and it's maximum comfy.
as a gay you shouldn't
>immigrate to Russia
You are so fucking retarded
the right one is a girl too?
>immigrate to Russia
Be a Muslim or a Jew.
>immigrate to Russia
>immigrate to Russia
At least most of them don't have AIDS.
Don't worry, Rusbro. Most of Washington DC looks exactly the same.
>remove the slavrunes and its half of Detroit
Whats your point? You cherrypicking devil
Except that Detroit is not the norm while is a lot closer to it, meme flag.
Are Russians somehow incapable of performing basic maintenance on property?
east bloc states are countries where literally nobody gives a fuck
the governments only cares about a few districts in their capitals that they can show off to journalists
all other officials in other cities just pocket the funds they receive that were supposed to go towards building new things or repairing old ones
> governments
> officials
Hans, what happened to private ownership and initiative?
First you need to stop being gay.
You will never be Russian citizen, but you can come work here until we decide to kick you out.
I am so glad I renewed my dual citizenship. America is subverted nation of mongrels. If Trump does not turn things around, I am out of this shithole.
>who wants to be a pleb living under a dictatorship?
Maybe not, but shitholes like that can be found anywhere. That russia got more of these places than 1st world countries hardly makes it the worst place on earth. And immediately posting these the moment someone starts talking about moving there just shows what a brainwashed dolt you are. Not that moving to russia is the brightest idea though. Also i wouldnt be talking off the high horse like this if i were you - germany might be nicer than russia to look at, but not for long at this rate. And dont you talk shit about my memeflag
My parents defected from USSR. Now their kids have to live in a country full of fake two-faced assholes. Now they have to struggle to find love in a dating pool full of obese, degenerate, adulterous, short, ugly, black, hispanic, Le 56% face mongrels. Going back to Russia felt like a dream world. Family values, the people looked like us, everyone was white, capitalism is booming, the people love their president, the architecture is breathtaking, beautiful churches everywhere, beautiful feminine women, masculine men, no minorities in sight.
Coming back to America is depressing. 9/10 people I see are blacks, TV full of propaganda, no sense of community, university is brainwashing camp, Women all fat, everything super expensive, security treats you like a terrorist, I can feel the weight of the white guilt everywhere I go even though I did nothing to deserve it.
A lot of the people living in those blocs are babushkas that got the apartment for free back in USSR era. Outside looks like shit, but inside many people renovate it to look very fancy or modern.
What a retard
You must live in shithole area. My family in Russia are all educated surgeons, economists and small business owners. You must be loser that sneaks outside of babushka's apartment to drink Vodka in the bushes with your loser friends. What do you drive? Rusted Lada? Do you even have a car?
>the architecture is breathtaking
>architecture is breathtaking
you must not get out much. Nice government housing
>is breathtaking
>How do I immigrate to Russia?
First, be sure your a very good liar. It's an important job skill over there,
>is breathtaking
Next, make sure your a very good thief.
nvm. I should've read the thread
>Nice government housing
if only, lel.
fuck i want to look him all over
Same tell me
If you don't believe my comments about how important it s to be a thief and liar in Russia, just look at Putin.
>it's a self-hating slav thread
Infrastructure is breathtaking as well.
Yes, the commie blocks are fugly. Idk why you keep building more. The government buildings are beautiful though and there are so many everywhere. The Moscow airport makes JFK in New York look like a 3rd world shithole. The Kremlin and the rest of the Moscow looks like a metropolitan utopia. Vogagrad (formerly Stalingrad) has the incredible Mamaev Kurgan statue and Stalin era architecture.
In America, "nice" is used sarcastically. Just fyi
Fuck off, pribaltic rusophobic scum. latvia (small letter "l" because no respect for pribaltics) didn't exist until 1918. Latvia is not a country, it has no past and no future. Enjoy seeing young men fleeing to Europe while latvia is dying out.
communism is so bad that Russians think their """architecture""" even takes something from them.
This is called rasputia. When the snow melts after the winter. All is mud
looks like holland or half the midwest. Sans niggers
better question, how do I get him to immigrate his cum into my asshole?
My friends brother has worked in Moscow for 7 years as an English teacher, he gets citizenship this year.
They always need English teachers.
Jesus Christ just build some underground parking garages, this looks horrible.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to want to immigrate to Russia?
Over the past decade I have visited nearly every major city in Europe.
I kept putting Moscow off because I assumed that it would be a filthy hellhole.
I finally went last year and to my surprise it was the best city that I have been to in Europe. The public transport and subway were great and cleaner than any other city in Europe or the US. Not to mention I felt safer and more relaxed there than anywhere else I visited.
It is sad that most whites will never know the feel of a homogeneous place where you do not have to share your space with blacks and browns.
Med master race here. My torso literally looks like that, yet oddly, my back is hairless below my shoulders.
Am I white, lads?
yeah yeah comrade come tu us xexe
no seriously can we exchange like countries?
How can we disguise uneven inconsistent craftsmanship?
Annoying accents too. While female Russian accents are HOT!
> homogeneous place
Someone should shoop in the 'just' hairstyle onto these shit buildings
>pocket the funds they receive that were supposed to go towards building new things or repairing old ones
>funds they receive that were supposed to go towards building new things or repairing old ones
>funds they receive
by boat
>place where you do not have to share your space with blacks and browns.
Didn't you see any churkas on the streets?
Russia for only Russians
fucking discuting anglo girl are are all qts in quebec