Only redheads should rule

The udmurt tribe is 100% redheads. Undisturbed based race that no one notices.
>Redheads are the rarest in the world, making up less than 1% of the worlds population. Black hair being the most common.
>Redheads dont have grey hair, most redheads either keep their hair color into old age, or get dazzling white hair.
>Redheads require 20% more anesthesia to be put down before surgeries, and are not knocked out as easily
>Redheads are more sensitive to thermal pain, but can adjust and adapt quicker to hot and cold, making them more versatile to environments.
>Redheaded slaves were thought to be stronger and more noble in Rome, and so Redheaded slaves were the most expensive in Rome of all others.
>Hitler banned gingers from marrying because they are "defiant" and was afraid of their strength. Hitlers father, Alois Hitler, used to beat the shit out of him and his jewish mother, alois was a ginger
>Redheads generate our own vitamin D and so can survive during winter easier than blondes or brunettes, and are more immune to diseases

The envy has caused outrage among common-haired rats, AKA brunettes and blondies. Their jealous anger burned against the fiery noblemen of old (gingers).
In medieval Europe off and on, the common-haired devils accused the fire haired nobles of being witches, and so tried to genocide them. They failed.
>egyptians tried to genocide gingers, and failed
>Germans, Brits, French, And greeks tried to genocide gingers, and failed

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Other urls found in this thread:

a) gingers are less, not more sensitive to hot temperatures
b) Hitler certainly didn't ban shit regarding gingers
c) vitamin D difference is negligible

>supposed attempted genocides

Gingers are literally part of the Keltic races, and those races don't self-genocide you dimwit.

Despite being the worlds smallest minority, we made up a huge portion of historic achievements and relevance.
Judas iscariot was a ginger, since he was possessed by satan himself, the church convened to decide whether or not gingers have souls. It was concluded that we do, but some envious sucks pretended otherwise, this is also the reason for calling them witches later on.
>judas iscariot
>alexander the great
>thomas aquinas
>martin luther
>william wallace
>Richard the Lionheart
>Chridstopher Columbus
>Henry VIII
>Elizabeth I
>Oliver Cromwell
>George Washington
>Thomas Jefferson
>Emily Dickinson
>Mark Twain
>Vincent Van Gogh
>Winston Churchill
>Elizabeth Bathory
>Mary Queen of Scots
To name a few
According to legend, the first redhead was Prince Idon of Mu who, upon discovering Atlantis, was imprinted with the island’s stunning red sunset and leaves in the form of red hair and freckles so future generations would be reminded of Atlantis’ first sunset.

Some scholars speculate that because Adam was from “red earth” and the Hebrew word for “red” is adom, that Adam was a redhead.

Scholars note that redheads have influenced history out of proportion to their numbers. Famous redheads include Roman emperor Nero, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, the ancient god of love Aphrodite, Queen Elizabeth I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Oliver Cromwell, Antonio Vivaldi, Thomas Jefferson, Vincent Van Gogh, Mark Twain, James Joyce, Winston Churchill, Malcolm X, Galileo, and King David.

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I have ginger beard
what does it mean?

Gingers have no soul.

It means you can hurl boulders at the common haired with great velocity

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The common haired mongrel race of black eyed black haired mutts is as common as mosquitos or a den of sewer rats and must be erased.
You are the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard

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I have a ginger beard and mustache too, what the fuck

I have never seen a more beautiful woman in my entire life.

I want to breed a Celtic woman lads.

She doesn't want your mutt genes Manuelito

Vikings valued red hair so much, they used to dye their hair red for the males, but blonde for the women.
Viking society was made up of blonde women and redheaded males.

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Just remembered that during my childhood I heard about this pirate Barbarroja, now that I have a red beard myself I checked his Wikipedia page and it turns out he was a fucking turk. Can middle easterners be ginger?

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13 fokin seconds

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they have the least amount of colegen in their skin.
they turn into wrinked old bags very quickly.

I have a strand of ginger hair. Would kill 10 men to breed with an Udmurt girl, but I am forever destined to be gopnik shit underclass(despite having noble heritage)

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>only redheads should rule
agreed (provided they only drive a testarossa)

they can fuck like hell but impossible to deal with

ginger girls are best girls

Reminder that Wales has the highest percentage of redheads on Earth.

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You mad bro? You seem mad you redheaded subhuman

Yes. The whole ancient world was full of pure redheads. The middle east and north africa and most of west asia was inhabitaed by whites. Thats why ramses ii had red hair and hatshepsut.
The arab race is a mix between a semite and a nigger slave ishmael.
This filthy race eventually populated the middle east and was popularized by the ottoman turks.
Now whites exist in europe while half nigger arabs exist in the middle east. But it wasnt always so.

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>be redhead guy
>look for qt redhead gf
>look for conservative qt redhead gf
Why is it so hard to find them? Like a damn needle in a haystack.

You in the middle

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Gingers dont gray like the rest of us as we age either.
Atlanteans were redheads thus the west coasts of european coasts have the red haplo-types.

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ginger girls are notorious race mixers

Gingers don't have souls, OP

I bathe in milk and orange peels every week so my skin is like porcelain. Thats why jews tried to exterminate us. We are the epitome of whiteness

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I see you mutt

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I have read some stuff indicating that the nephilim were a bunch of redheaded giants. Interesting stuff to say the least

Nope. Ireland has highest %, followed by Scotland with a large cluster around Inverness

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These are nice benefits but I still would not want to like a redhead; They grow up to be so ugly.

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I'd help her propagate her genes in any way I could. Repeatedly.

Nope, joint place with Scotland.

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>Redheads dont have grey hair, most redheads either keep their hair color into old age, or get dazzling white hair.
grey hair doesn't exist you dumb fuck
it's just black and white hair mixed in

i want my cum all over that red hair

add to that mohammed's uncle and wife (one of his wives)

Thats true. The nephilim are what people worshipped as Gods on earth. They all had red hair and were "men of renown" (celebrities of their time). Goliath was a nephilim.
All paganism is just a worship of different nephilim given different names after the tower of babel fell.
"Sons of the Gods" is what sumerians called them.
But that doesnt mean redheads today are nephilim. We just share the phenotype of heavens host.

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We also burn like a motherfucker
Seriously, the sun has issues.

I'm a ginger. My two best friends are also gingers. We aren't related. Its funny when we enter bars or clubs. People notice when the ginger squad arrives

Connor McGregror is not a ginger. At all....

>>Hitler banned gingers from marrying because they are "defiant" and was afraid of their strength. Hitlers father, Alois Hitler, used to beat the shit out of him and his jewish mother, alois was a ginger

Why are you touching me, you stupid mick

Nice cherrypick

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Is canelo a ginger?

me too. Grew it out the biggest its ever been

Martin Luther wasn't a redhead you retard.
>Red hair and freckles are the devil's allies
- Martin Luther

Trying to get you some girls bro.

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It means we are fentic abnormalities. Glitches in the system that must be destroyed.


And this whole comment section isn't cherry picking?

Ehhh, He's a day-walker.

and like half of Ireland based on your map...
not so sure about Wales (it barely counts as a country anyway)

>Undisturbed based race that no one notices.
i knew it was a stupid american shitskin

Big difference between Faire
and ruddy complexion.
Ruddy redheads
Redheads are either smoking hot or 56%
The 56er are probably the viking rape babies...

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Imagine being insecure enough to makeup fake quotes

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Always thought the ginger hate was sad, but this LARPing is far worse.

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>barely counts as a country anyway
Say that here, cunt. Get your fucking teeth knocked out, why don't you?
As much a country as Scotland. At least we still have our language.

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How can we ever compete.

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Simple, you cant.
Blonde guys are really feminine

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amen to this, redheads guys are a cute.

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Check this out too

That's brown hair, you mongo.
German version of the quote:
>Rotes Haar und Sommersprossen sind des Teufels Bundgenossen
It's well-known in Germany.

Also, burning witches was a Lutheran thing.

redheads do experience the world in a much different way than anyone else.

we are more sensitive but also more brutal and smarter than just about everyone else.


>Legally a principality
>Not a real country

O I am laffin at you

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pls be in atlanta

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sorry I'm taken :(

Do you not understand what a principality is? How stupid are you? When Wales was independent, it was a principality. The native rulers called themselves princes. This is very common, e.g. Prince of Wallachia.
Your historical knowledge is extremely embarrassing. Shows that the British education system is so awful when it shits out brainlets like you.
Wales is officially a country like Scotland.

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>Hitlers father, Alois Hitler, used to beat the shit out of him and his jewish mother, alois was a ginger
Hitler was Jewish ay? Explains a lot. How else can you truly know someone is in need of holocausting unless you truly are one of them. Hitler-Schumley did nothing wrong.

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I'm a Celt-Anglo mutt so I have superior brown-blonde hair with a ginger beard, best of both worlds.


Except the current prince of your Principality is an Englishman you sad daffodil muncher

He's actually a Jerry.
Your elite has been foreign since 1066. So easily conquered in one battle too, while we kicked out the very same army.
And now you're being taken over by Muslims.
And now, somewhere in Angloland, an English girl is being raped repeatedly by 5+ guys.
And now, there is a police officer not doing anything about it.
And now, there is a father wondering where it all went wrong.
And now I'm laughing.

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Dropping an Udmurt qts
Daily reminder that udmurts are Finno-Ugric instead of Celtic

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>I am the 1%
Nice. But it sure sucked growing up.

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These guys are Scythians right?

He was half Greek(his mother coal burned with a Turk)

Jewish shill

Jews are disproportionately redheaded too.

>alois was a ginger
Alois Shekelgrubber was a ginger? Big surprise

No they are Finno-Ugric
Scythians turned into the Slavs
Cimmerians turned int Germans i think
Both were Iranic Tribes

Post tits or gtfo

unless you're gay in which case kys you ginger burning faggot

>not blonde

yeah fucking right

>triggered by some light hearted banter
definately a ginger taff
your map is still wrong

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i love me some redhead girls but i dont want a ginger son

When I was a babe I had red hair. Now I'm dark haired, but my beard is full and deep red.

Jesus and King David were redheads too. And Genghis Khan

some strong genes here

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Redheads are ugly

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Forgot to include te fact that malcolm x used to be called detroit red,
Because of his red hair he inherited from his white white grandfather, from his mother's side.

Oh you're right I just remembered how the slavic migrations in the Eastern Roman Empire have been described as hordes of red haired pastoralists and assumed it was meant to be Scythians and that pic is how I pictured them.

English share more in common with Welsh than you two do with the Irish.

The Anglos and the Welsh are more celtic than the Irish

Blue eyed ginger here. We are master race.

Just keep fucking walking Jose.

many Egyptian pharaohs had red hair as well one of them being Ramses the Great

>I want to breed a Celtic woman lads.

most true celtic women are in western England, Scotland,Wales and western Ireland.

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