Serious question: how can anyone watch this guy struggling to read off a TelePrompTer and see anything other than an obese 4th grader who doesn’t even know what he’s saying?
Serious question: how can anyone watch this guy struggling to read off a TelePrompTer and see anything other than an...
Serious question....Why do you shill here?
Ah blow it out your ass. Of all the unimportant and petty shit to worry about, seriously.
>Stop doing it your way and do it how I'd like it done!
>Repeat ad nauseum until all faggots are satisfied. (Never. Faggots will never stop bitching about stupid shit.)
In all fields
Serious answer: every day/all day long with this shit. You can't think of anything new. Can you say boring?
Anyone that believes a politician deserves death.
Holy shit, he just suggested fucking commercials, calling it the cheapest option. This guy is literally stuck in the 80’s when people actually cared about him.
>just say no
Fucking kek.
Has anyone here even watched a trump speech? The guy is a complete idiot.
Never forget.
part deux
>cherry picking this desperately
Obama was one of the best orators of the modern era. Now cherry pick an example of trump not being a blumburing idiot. I’ll wait.
>doesnt like truth so calls it cherry picking
Have another
If it if if if okie doke choose hope choose hope choose hope
Thanks asshole. Now I have fucking Alex Jones on my recommended list. Plus, when Obama slipped up he thought about was he actually wanted say rather just blurting out BS and pretending like nobody would notice, because he actually cared about the message and not just about looking awkward.
Are you lost? Leddit is that way.
Better than a stuttering commie who wanted to dismantle our economy for muh diversity. Gas your self kike
Kek. Half of Sup Forums is TD transplants at this point. You literally are Reddit.
No, but I see you crying about a billionaire ivy league graduate President of the United States. Must suck that someone you believe to be retarded has accomplished more in his life than you ever will lol.
The fact you don’t get to own your own 747 by being a fucking moron
>when obama did it it was okay because he a gud boi, trust me!
You're really bad a hiding your bias and hypocrisy.
>Ivy League graduate
Keep drinking the kool aid.
The fact people here actually think Trump is some genius should tell you all you need to know: the vast majority of Americans are even dumber than we give them credit for.
Trumpkins are so butthurt
a 4th grader that beat the shit out of a loser ass hillary clinton despite all the shills being for her
suck a fucking loser - what kind of an idiot supports a POS like that - YOU