If the holocaust isn't real then where did all these shoes come from?

If the holocaust isn't real then where did all these shoes come from?

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the shoe factory?

Dead nigger storage

img related
checked and blessed

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Your ass

Shoe stores and cobblers I would assume.

>If the holocaust isn't real, where did these five hundred shoes come from?
A bowling alley went out of business

NOS irregular fit depot

Thanks Kek, gave me a good laugh.

Ignore shill threads

(I hope it happened)

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I believe the Jews were treated on the same level as the japs were in murica I don't believe the intention was to genocide them that being said they weren't treated as well as a normal German citizen but they were supplied for but by the end of the war the bombing of supply lines meant that supplies were running out and many Jews ended up dying from starvation and disease due to the ally bombings also just because they had material taken from them doesn't mean that they were gassed

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De lousing. All shoes clothes and hair had to be left behind from lice.

Your ass


Your ass

Even as a kid I thought killing the Jews in gas chambers was ineffective when they could be making stuff for you.

>I don't believe the intention was to genocide them
you're right, there wasn't a specific plan by NSDAP to exterminate anyone who was of the jewish cult, but there was a plan to exterminate the population of the world by the people who control the governments.

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Thanks to Earnst Zundel we learned no one was gassed to death in any labor camp

Yup deportation camps. but the Nazi propaganda was a two edged sword and no country would accept the Jew for deportation. Then they where victims of the circumstances of war like everyone else.

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Someone should count them, just to check that there are in fact 6 gorrilion pairs.

Why didn't the shoes burn up in the crematoriums again?

Primark January sales.


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Captain Fritzsch, on his own initiative, employed a gas for the killing of Russian Pows. He crammed the Russians Into the individual cells in the basement [of Block II] and while using gasmasks he threw the Cyclon B gas into the cells, thereby causing their immediate death8. The gas called Cyclon B was supplied by the firm of Tesch and Stabenow and was used constantly for insect and rodent control. We always had a large supply of gas canisters available. At first only the employees of the firm of Tesch and Stabenow handled this poison gas, a prussic acid preparation, under the strictest safety measures. Later on some members of the Medical Corps9 were trained at the firm to carry out disinfection procedures, and it was these medics who then carried out disinfection and pest control. During Eichmann's next visit I reported all this to him, about how the Cyclon B was used, and we decided that for the future mass annihilations we would use this gas.

The killing of the above-mentioned Russian POWs using Cyclon B was continued, but no longer in Block II because it took at least two days to air out the building.

We therefore used the morgue of the crematory as the gassing facility.10 The doors were made airtight and we knocked some holes in the ceiling through which we could throw in the gas crystals.

But I remember only one transport of nine hundred Russian POWs who were gassed there. It took several days to burn their bodies.

Hoess camp commandant explained why the morgue in the crematorium 1 was only used for a few experimental gassings (although of course they had a gas tight door fitted)

they then moved on to using two small farmhouses - referred to as the Little red House and the Little White House, or as Bunker 1 and 2 depending on who is talking about them.

afterwards they built the large crematoria and gas chamber complex at Birkenau.

so your infogram is simply not very informative and does not "debunk" anything

Cuz they where not meant to be death camps but deportation camps. The incinerations where to cut down on flys smell and other factors from all the rotten jews the died of starvation slave work and disease. The Nazi's never wanted to keep They wanted to give them the boot get it. Give them the boot?

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Shoe store

Your moms boyfriends

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but they did not kill them all - they just killed the ones not fit for work. that is why Anne frank was not gassed

- she was 15 and useful for labour
The passenger list from the train that took her to Auschwitz had 1,019 people listed; 498 men, 442 women, and 79 children . Of those, 425 were selected for labor and registered at Auschwitz, and 594 were not processed into the camp and were gassed. The 594 included all of the children on the train who were under 15 years old. None of the 425 people who were registered were under 15.

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no we didn't.

he produced no reasonable support to justify that claim

nikes 3lab division

How many are there you think?

You must be this tall to kill the Jews. Oh Hitler your to silly.

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considering that hollywood has careers that specialize in prop manufacturing, and is owned by jews, I wouldn't put it beyond kikes to lie


so where did they go from Treblinka? Or where did they stay at Treblinka?

where did the 3 million Polish jews and the half million from Hungary and Germany go? to where were they deported?

Imagine, if you will, that a nearby show factory was raided and all the shoes dumped to make people feel things.


All of the Jew's property were seized, including their clothing.

They were forced to wear camp inmate uniforms, which included shoes.

yeah, you just have to prove point #3, Scottie.

C'est l'accusation d'apporter des preuves à charge, le candaule.

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but they did just kill everyone in the east when they could - men women and children, listed

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Lol he had tons of evidence.

OP's gaping faggot asshole

they undressed before going into the gas chamber, then their naked bodies were taken to be burned.

you wouldn't waste good shoes would you?

as Hoss says

The jewelry was usually of great value, especially when its Jewish owners came from the West. Among these items could be found precious stones worth thousands of dollars; priceless gold and platinum watches set with diamonds; rings, earrings, and necklaces which were quite rare. Money from all countries amounted in the thousands of dollars. Often tens of thousands of dollars, mostly in thousand-dollar bills, were found on individuals. They used every possible hiding place: their clothing, their luggage, and even their bodies.

When the sorting process that followed each major operation had been completed, the valuables and money were packed into trucks and taken to the Economic Administration Headquarters office in Berlin and then finally to the Reichsbank, where a special department dealt exclusively with items taken during the actions against the Jews. On one occasion Eichmann told me that the jewelry and currency were sold in Switzerland, and that the entire Swiss jewelry market was dominated by these sales.

The gold taken from the teeth was melted into bars by the dentists in the SS hospital and sent monthly to the Sanitary Office Headquarters.

Precious stones of great value were also found hidden in the teeth that had fillings.

The hair cut from the women prisoners was sent to a firm in Bavaria to be used for the war effort.

Unusable clothing was sent for salvage; likewise shoes and boots were taken apart and reused as much as possible. What was left over was made into leather dust.

Inmates got prison clothes including shoes with wooden soles. Their own shoes were collected and sent to German families who lost their belongings due to bombings. All clothes were deloused beforehand.

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such as?

please do not mention the utterly debunked Leucheter...


They went out of fashion. If you where anybody that was cool you got these.

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where did all these shoes come from?
> the shoe came from all the niggers who left their air jordan at the doorstep after they done fucking your mom.

Dude, why do you even bother reasoning about this topic with those morons. It's one of the most obvious things in the world that Holocaust happened, stop wasting time on this

You do know the main thing people here claim and I can see as a possibility is the Russians forged those documents to make the Nazis seem more evil. I don't see why they wouldn't and the fact many places around the world will outright jail you for questioning the narrative is enough reason for me to believe something is not right. If people were allowed to question it I wouldn't have this mind set.


god fucking damnit

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Imagine the smell

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Can I become a jew if I marry a jewish woman?
Let's be honest, they won and when they seize power I want in

naa, Most of the shit your told was propanda ment to shame pepole into guilt to accept the jews in their country after the war. No one would take the for hitter to deport them fuck.

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the Auschwitz camp held 200,000 slave labourers. towards the end of the war they had manpower shortages because so many died - as Hoess notes
"Originally, all the Jews transported to Auschwitz by the authority of Eichmann's office were to be destroyed without exception, according to Himmler's orders. This also applied to the Jews from Upper Silesia.20 But during the arrival of the first transports of German Jews, the order was given that all able-bodied men and women were to be separated and put to work in the arms factories.... the need for a women's camp in Auschwitz only arose as a result of this order.

Because of the steadily growing arms industry, which was developing extensively in the camps, and also because of the recent use of prisoners in the arms factories outside the camps, a serious shortage of prisoners suddenly made its impact on us. This was something new because before this Kommandants had to think of ways to keep their prisoners occupied.

The Jews, however, were only to be employed in the Auschwitz camp. Auschwitz-Birkenau was to become a Jewish camp exclusively. Prisoners of all other nationalities were to be transferred to other camps. This order was never completely carried out, and later Jews even worked in the arms factories outside the camp because of a shortage of workers.

The selection of the able-bodied Jews was supposed to be made by SS doctors, but it often happened that officers of the protective custody camp and of the Labor Department themselves selected the prisoners without my knowledge or even my approval. This was the cause of constant friction between the SS doctors and the officers in the Labor Department. Differing opinions developed among the officers in Auschwitz and were further inflamed by the contradictory interpretations of Himmler's orders by the headquarters in Berlin. For security reasons the Gestapo headquarters had the greatest interest in the destruction of as many Jews as possible.

>getting escorted at gun point by the military
>let me grab my heels lol
women have always been trash

It all makes sense now. The holocaust was shoes, not Jews

typhus deaths

>It's one of the most obvious things in the world that Holocaust never happened


damn, shareblue has been using poland proxies all day today.

sorry I am not french, but I think I understand.

ok what happened to the Belgian Jews who were sent to Auschwitz?

take your time...

>Shoes are proof of a holocaust
>1 post by this ID
Imagine that...

This. Hitler gassed the poor shoes not jews

Obviously we don't know if all these shoes came from inmates, but it's possibleInmates. These shoes mostly seem to be womens shoes or thin leather shoes that are unsuitable for work. The inmates got new shoes. In this pic you can see all the women seem to have the same shoes. They probably worked in a factory, so they got slippers instead of boots. There is pictures of working man where they all seem to wear the same boots as well. You never see any shoes with the inmate-uniform. They only show pants and shirt. Wonder why?

Forgot to attach picture.

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>from the shoe factory

They were made on the cheap by Jewish laborers who consider any physical exertion to be slavery.

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What could it mean?

Oy Vey if I was in that holocaust museum and saw all those shoess i'd be bawling like a meshugannah bubala. It's such a powerful evotative image. I think of all those shoes and I imagine my grandparents who died in ashwitz. As a jew I am more sensitive to this horrible event. I think they need to add more shoes so it resonates more strongly with the goyem. It will help them to understand. I have a cousen Schmeuli who works at a shoe warehouse who can hook you up. For a small fee of course.

And thats the problem. Most historical information is propaganda to a certain point and seeing as Germany got fucked by Russia the Russians can rewrite anything they wanted and those commies were slimy as fuckdoing whatever they wanted. That information is now forever lost.

If you want my views it more aligns with what said as it seems the most believable.

who cares. All holocaust denial does is make me angry that the Germans were such cucks they didn't exterminate them all. Everywhere the Jew goes he is hated and look at their disgusting actions, beliefs and faces and you know why. It's honestly incredible that they haven't been exterminated yet. White people have too much empathy that's our problem.

>What could it mean?
That Sup Forums is being shilled to death and the mods are fine with Sup Forums being shilled to dearth because then they can justify the deletion of Sup Forums.

The first gassing was in the basement of Block 11 not Block II (or Block 2). Just a heads up if you perhaps made a typo.

>what do we do with all these bodies?
>burn them, mass graves, ya know whatever
>and the shoes?

however none of the revisionist historians - Irving, Mattogno, Cole, none of them who have seen teh archives have ever raised that idea. Not one.

the archives are real - and not all in Soviet hands - a lot of these documents were captured by the Americans and the Brits.

also much was supplied to the Nuremberg trials - literally by the tonne - for them to sort - there is no way this could have been forged.

I appreciate your skepticism, but it is based on ignorance - not having seen them, not having the expertise - rather than genuine grounds for doubt.

also, it won't get you jailed. You can ask away. the thing you cannot do it lie about it.

all the deniers who have been prosecuted have been shown to lie - Irving most egregiously - but all of them have been shown to be deceitful.

and all of them have gradually come to realise they were wrong as they see more evidence against their assumed position.


during a time of rationing, do you really think they would let shoes go to waste?

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Seriously though...why does people not believing the holocaust happened on Sup Forums trigger you so much?

Why do you care?

ok tell us what happened to the 3 million jews of Poland then

This kind of boot can be found too.

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Prisoners (which no one disputes) turning in their belongings upon arrival. Congratulations, friend, you've just proved that Germans operate their prisons the same as everyone else on the planet.

I'm not a shill. This was my first post. Lurked a long time thought Pol would like pic related, not serious.

>If the holocaust isn't real then where did all these shoes come from?

I'm not sure; but I can guarantee you they were marked down significantly.

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Which, ironically, only developed into a verirable epidemic after the Allies BTFO of Germany's supply lines lel. Greatest Generation my ass.

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>sir! we can't gas all the Jews! What do we do?
>I know just the thing...

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How am I triggered? I'm being historically accurate and that goes for everything. If a commie starts twisting history for his political agenda I'll also react.

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>I'm not a shill.
Yes, you are.

>This was my first post.
No, it wasn't.

>Lurked a long time
No, you haven't.

>thought Pol would like pic related, not serious.
You mean a shitpost?


Hello, Friends.
For the ones who don't know, there is a Sup Forums Whatsapp chat. We're currently looking for new members. Anyone who wants to join, just join through



Whatsapp has been made secure for quite a long time now, given there's p2p encryption


They probably already have all your data


the group is made of people from all around the world, i'm just the one making the thread


I don't think telegram is appropriate for Sup Forumschat

If you don't know what a whatsapp is, it's just a message app for phones. Just get it on your phone, and click on the link to be added to the chat

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>Historically accurate
>Get caught last thread on altering records and passing it off as the holocaust.

but how do you account for the disappearance of the millions of jews in 1942-44 - before the allied campaign stopped supplies (and it was never actually that effective - the people who lived beside the camps were not emaciated) ?

when half a million jews were shipped out of Hungary and France and Belgium, what happened to them? they arrived at the camps - but then....

they were not taken in as slaves (for the very most part) there was no accommodation at Treblinka II.

the guards say they killed them.

why do you doubt it?

the jews

>we wuz lampshade shoes
yeah, ok kike.

And we have a winner!

Yes, you are the first person in this thread to refer to a book published in 2004 by a non jew who had never been to Europe (Australian) who lied and said he was a jewish camp survivor (probably for the money)

You have tried to suggest that an historical event did not happen because of a story told fifty years later in a book that also tells of how he escaped from Auschwitz with two other children and how they were fed by wolves, who threw up food for them to eat - which was better than the food they got in the camp. (I am not making this shit up – look it up)

As a reward you get the Shiny Medal of Shit Tier Argument

Wear it with pride, and always remember how Trump has a basement full of boys he feeds pizza to as he masturbates them to death with his robot hair, so he can collect the semen for Hillary to make into her special potion that she uses to melt steel beams and sells as “fluoride” to the water industry

>How am I triggered?
You show up in every, single holocaust thread screaming about how those evil gnatzies killed 6 gazillion of the Apple of God's Eye.

>I'm being historically accurate and that goes for everything.
No, you're not.

Again...why do you care that people on Sup Forums deny the Holocaust?

>If a commie starts twisting history for his political agenda I'll also react.
No, you won't because Communism is Jewish and the Jews support Communism.

I've never seen your flag or your tactics in any commie thread attacking them.

Also, why are you hiding behind the meme flag? Is it because your national flag has a big, blue star on it?